DJ Whoo Kid Interviews G-Unit

Do The Rich Nigga.

The Unit’s in New York for All-Star weekend and visited Whoo Kid’s Whoolywood Shuffle at Shade 45 yesterday. During their lengthy chat, they discussed their upcoming traveling, The Beast Is G-Unit EP, Banks’ Cold Corner 3, Kanye’s fashion, Bobby Shmurda’s situation, Fat Joe and more.

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  1. MJ ANONYMOUS says:

    Lloyd Banks and Tony Yayo.. cannot pay for better loyalty.

  2. ZoomZoomDad-Otis says:

    It’s the UNIT !!! Great interview as always.

    1. Expired Milk & The Crying Dude says:

      Every milk has an expiry date
      G-Unit is like milk
      So, G Unit is expired milk.

      1. Mylo says:

        Not powdered or condensed milk my stan… Once again if you’re gonna Stan be an accurate stan…

        1. Expired Milk & The Crying Dude says:

          Not powdered or condensed milk? Lol. You’re one funny gangbanger!
          You and I know G-Unit and 50 are done musically. Curtis had phenomenal success. Emphasis on HAD.

          1. Mylo says:

            Aww so same shit different accounts lmao these stans should be awake… I wish I could say MMG had that same success lmao they didn’t…

  3. BKs Finest @ KTT says:

    This gonna be good

  4. Datduderay says:

    My nigga Fif was either drunk or high in that interview. Nigga was dancing nd everything.

  5. Hussle says:

    They need to drop more music for real. They taking forever to drop a 5-song EP

    1. Bacarde R. says:

      So you can illegally download it for free right?

    2. Andrew says:

      buck just dropped a 7 song mixtape

  6. Davide Leroy says:

    50 told Whoo Kid to do the Interview.

  7. FREE MAX B says:

    kidd kidd said he cant wait to shoot somebody

  8. bcro31 says:

    Looking at 50 cent’s mixtape catalogue as i listen to this interview, good lord. His mixtapes are better than 90% of these rappers albums.

  9. the Unit LOL says:

    don’t you mean THE UNIT? Because INTERSCOPE “OWN” the name G-UNIT! None of YOU STANS notice that? LOL 5-0 taken Ls left and right! And Jimmy I will NEVER sign off on a 5-0 and EM record! So 5-0 better leak that OLD ASS EM record he got in the stash LOL

    1. If you really think 50 left the rights to his brand names & monikers with Interscope during his departure then you are a complete fucking idiot & you need to one ya self immediately. To even think so would be an insult to the business portfolio he has built over the years. Case & point the “G-UNIT The Beauty of Independence” project which was released on itunes with brand names & logos intact. If what you said were true, the project would have been taken down as soon as it went up, Start thinking before you talk stupid.

      1. Bacarde R. says:

        You ETHER’d that clown nigga lmaooo

        1. I ain’t even a G unit Stan like that but that shit he was talkin was too ignorant to let slide lol

          1. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

            Your a Stan fk boi stop fronting….fk yo feelings bama!!!!

          2. Bama, Bama, Bama, Bama, Bama, Bama, Bama, Bama, Bama, Bama, Bama…

          3. 50 winning says:

            “g unit” is 100% owned by 50 he NEVER gave the rights to interscope even back when they was popping…. How I know? Bloomberg was suppose to buy GUNIT the brand for 300 million in 2007 but 50 turned it down…. So it still is 50’s… 50 is too smart

    2. Mylo says:

      Jimmy iovine stepped down and works for Apple… If your going to Stan be an Accurate stan…

    3. 50 owns the brand says:

      Your retarded “g unit” is 100% owned by 50 he NEVER gave the rights to interscope even back when they was popping…. How I know? Bloomberg was suppose to buy GUNIT the brand for 300 million in 2007 but 50 turned it down…. So it still is 50’s… Nice try 50 is too smart for you haha

  10. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

    Bamas is washed…fkn finger guns is played smh fk yo feelings!!!

    1. el jim chapo guzman says:

      You are a stone cold faggot.

      1. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

        Truth hurts

        1. el jim chapo guzman says:

          what truth bama. by the way you not coming to the garden tonight?

          1. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

            I’m sick drank like 10 yager Bombs last night lol I’m done bama

          2. Mylo says:

            Cuzz turning down fades… Yager Bombs …. White boys are funny

          3. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

            Hop off bama…if I catch u in NY I’d knock your melon off fk boi!!!

          4. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

            Sorry I’m not on the block with a dollar store rag hanging out my pocket drinking a forty bama…I party with the bruhs and fine woman fk boi…fk yo feelings!!!

          5. Mylo says:

            We seen yo pic bitch you looked foolish don’t try to front like yo stay fresh boy you look like one of them white niggas on the wire season 2.

          6. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

            You’ve been ethered bama…try again next week lol fkn clown gangbanging in 2015 smh. Fk yo feelings!!!

          7. Mylo says:

            gangbanging is that you’re inner white curiosity taking over… Lmao ol detective ass nigga… Stop fishing for info, you a wannabe in 2015. I’d slap the shit outta yo wanna be Greek ass…

          8. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

            Bama you already said you bang fool ass…stay off my comments fk boi why don’t you go bailing thru your enemies hood and get off my bozak…fk yo feelings!!!

          9. Mylo says:

            Bailing, step yo slang up loc… I’m rich Rollin… Enough said

          10. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

            Hahaaaa don’t be caught slippin loc ,the bigger the cap the bigger the peeling….stay safe bama

          11. Mylo says:

            im so terrified…

          12. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

            Think shit sweet up here come thru the bruhs up here get it in fk boi!!

          13. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

            They call you bamas hard baccs out here lmao…

          14. Mylo says:

            IDGAF about what nihgas from buffalo NY call us… Yall nigga dusty and wannabes fake ass niggas.

          15. Mylo Cyrus says:

            Mylo is even a funnier name. You must love twerking then!

          16. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Stop lying nigga you had some of that bull Shit Luc Belaire Rosé nigga stop frontin.

          17. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

            Lol tried that swill once it tasted like a watered down imperial nectar… Fk you bama!!!

          18. el jim chapo guzman says:

            haha did i hurt your feelings bama.

    2. Mylo says:

      Ha and just tapped your name and it went to Expired Milk… I see why you only have six friends… Lmao

      1. Expired Milk & The Crying Dude says:

        You’re not a good liar, boy. You’re so smart yet can’t notice we don’t even have similar speech or writing patterns. Nice try, though. Expired Milk & The Crying Dude has nothing to do with any other commenters here.

        1. Mylo says:

          I know you bitch boy… Don’t matter how you switch it up lmao…

          1. Expired Milk & The Crying Dude says:

            Sweetie, if you’re going to lie at least make up something plausible.
            I thought you were a certified gangster in california but you’re actually a behind the computer thug.
            Stop drinking expired milk, whether powdered or condensed or else you’ll end up like the crying dude.

          2. Mylo says:


            And nah im a gangstaK, it’s NH or nothing… But then again stay in yo lane…

    3. Mylo says:

      You got in a denim hat holding a Dildo lmao brush them hummus covered teeth you broke special looking bitch

  11. brollya says:

    the unit!!!! what nigga what

  12. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Best interview I really appreciate every part of interview fif is a g.o.a.t. well respected in the industry and on the streets.



      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        ain’t nothing wrong with that when you talk like that on a mmg post right mr mogul?

        1. MR. UNDI$PUTED THE MOGUL says:


          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            get the fuck outta here mogul you do that shit all the time so stop frontin nigga.

    2. Expired Milk & The Crying Dude says:

      Calling 50 the g.o.a.t is an oxymoron.

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Fif g unit run hip-hop nigga like it or night you must live with that. Name one rapper or group that’s better than fif and g unit?

        1. Expired Milk & The Crying Dude says:

          Well, that’s cute! They had success 13 years ago but currently they’re not. Haven’t been for many years.
          Every milk has an expiry date
          G-Unit is a milk
          So, G-Unit is expired.

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            nigga g unit is a Nestle Instant Milk Powder no expiration date. however they buzzing right now.

  13. Batman says:

    Mad random, but anyone know who the nigga behind 50 with the PC Friars hat on is?

    1. bcro31 says:

      That’s whoo kid.

  14. Expired Milk & The Crying Dude says:

    Every milk has an expiry date.

  15. PBGIsland. says:

    get that check, get that check, get that check!

  16. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:

    IT’S THE UNIT!!!!



    1. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      youre from florida tho

      1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:





  17. kudahfee says:

    Salute to the unit dope interview!!! Good luck to 50 and his vodka he is gonna need it that boo boo juice ain’t coming no where near ciroc sorry. And why was that nigga faking like he was drunk that nigga don’t drink dude is a great promoter.

    1. Mylo says:

      Nigga it’s its 11:41 on yo side of the nation and this what you doing?

      Real niggas drink Yac or patron fuck vodka…

  18. Get Moneynigga says:

    Classic G Unit interview with Whoo Kid…50 & Buck is 2 wild ass Niggas.The Best Rap Group of all time.Banks,Yay,Kidd Kidd,Buck and 50 is about to takeover the Game

  19. mrdolo73 says:

    Classic interview. RR hating again.

  20. hostage says:

    who does this ? Only G-Unit !!

  21. DINO says:

    This is what rap is about, niggas being niggas and sticking together no matter what. #realrap

  22. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

    How many did Gunit sell worldwide last year ?

    1. Get Moneynigga says:

      How many records did MMG sell.They never went Gold.They only have Gold singles.G Unit is Legendary.Lloyd Banks Platinum Album.Young Buck Platinum Album.Yayo Gold Album.50 Well lil Nigga you know what 50 did.Name a Rap Group that has 8 Platinum Albums?

      1. biglworld says:

        Yayo platinum too

        1. Get Moneynigga says:

          I think he sold 800k but he still sold more than Meek and he sold more than Rozay.

  23. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

    That count me out sound fucking hard – when they fuck they releasing this shit – need this shit

    1. Get Moneynigga says:

      It’s already out.Young Buck Before The Beast Mixtape

  24. majormar says:

    Nigga buck got hit with a bag of shit I’m done

  25. Extra Domus says:


  26. blackbeltbreeze says:

    this interview was more entertaining than alot of live shows and albums. you can only fake talent, history, and personality for so long. these dudes actually have all three. they are back on their shit and kidd kidd gets better by the bar.

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