Drake Disses Chris Brown In Australia?

Got Shots.

Drake’s still down under and last night at the Allphones Arena in Sydney, he changed his “Energy” lyric to, “I got R&B niggas that I gotta act like I like…” Although no names were mentioned, we can surmise that Drizzy caught wind of Breezy’s recent comments.


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  1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Drake picking on Chris Brown but Chris Brown got more money than drake.

    1. HAHAHAHA says:

      Funniest shit I’ve heard in a while. LMAO

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        For real though.

    2. Home Of Philly says:

      Nah… you might need to fact check that one.

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        I’ve already did …remember drake is under young money. Baby own 51 percent of young money. Drake boss Own 49 percent out of that. So clearly it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how many time drake checks being cut.

        1. FREE GUWOP says:

          Drake brought in 33 million last year, thats more than Chris Browns entire estimated networth

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            You over exaggerating now nigga.

          2. Young Fry King says:

            he made that.. but what did he take home??? Shit Uncle Sam got at least 15 million out of that..

          3. FREE GUWOP says:

            CB aint even make the list, and last place was 7 M so we gotta assume he earned less than that

          4. GetReal says:

            niggas decided when they wanna be on the forbes list

          5. Mylo says:

            But Chris brown shouldn’t be in a hiphop forbes list right.

          6. Tesla Ink says:

            Yeah i was thinking is Chris even eligible as an artist to be on that list?

          7. Accounts says:

            Lol baby owes Wayne 50+ mil you think he Finna give drake his money? Juve ain’t get his money currensy ain’t get paid bro tyga ain’t make a cent drake knows damn well his pockets are on getting raped status

        2. Home Of Philly says:

          I think you need to refer back to Drake’s contract and not lil Wayne’s… Drake’s deal (based on LA Times report) only gives away 25% to YMCMB as a “distribution fee” and he retains 100% of publishing, touring, and merchandise. That would mean that the ENTIRE $33 Million off of 2 arena tours goes straight to him and NONE to YMCMB… I’ll find the article and attach it for you.

          1. Mylo says:

            How that nigga retain 100% publishing. If thats the case man he set for life…

          2. el jim chapo guzman says:

            After taxes $25 million nigga….

          3. Home Of Philly says:

            LMAO… ok

          4. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Uncle Sam gotta eat home.

          5. FREE GUWOP says:

            thats still more than Chris brown made any year, ! you’re making a fool out of yourself

          6. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Whatever chicken little.

          7. #RG4 says:

            Let’s be real about his tax situation though. He’s a Canadian citizen and his businesses are Canadian based. US taxes don’t apply. 29% flat tax in Canada vs. 39.6% + State Taxes + other taxes applied in US. CB takes an L off the tax situation as well even if he tries to hide the $ in properties.

          8. el jim chapo guzman says:

            lower income Canadians pay less in tax for the services they receive and rich Americans are better off than rich Canadians.

        3. Home Of Philly says:

          Here’s the link for Drake’s contract info from 2009 on LA Times website:


          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Chris Brown still eating more home…Chris Brown net worth increases every year and while he will do his music his income will be bigger, because he has millions of fans all over the world.

    3. FREE GUWOP says:

      Drake a forbes list nigga like every year, Chris Brown not so much

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Don’t believe in that Forbes shit, it all a hype. It What’s in the bank that counts.

        1. FREE GUWOP says:

          yeah but if drake annually brings in 25+ million more than cb who you think has more in the bank?

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Chris Brown has a bigger fan base.

          2. uhhh says:

            Which is why his last album flopped? The fk are you smoking.. this must be that beige bitch Chris Brown commenting

          3. el jim chapo guzman says:

            That’s cause Chris is still recovering from that rihanna crisis.

          4. FREE GUWOP says:

            not according to album and concert ticket sales

          5. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Chris net worth 30 million.

          6. FREE GUWOP says:

            Drakes networth 55 mil

          7. el jim chapo guzman says:

            you goggled the shit outta of that didn’t you?

    4. Shock says:

      Dumb ass statement from a dumb ass nigga

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Stfu you bitch made nigga.

    5. Kid says:

      Counting other niggas money, how pitiful

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Shut up kid.

    1. Duane Mecca Johnson says:

      I mean at this point neither one of them can afford the L ..but I would be nice to see them just duke it out like men instead of acting like bitches about…

      And for yall who counting these NIGGAs money yall get an L for life cus ain’t one red cent invested in your life!

      1. I agree I hate when people compare money like Drake and Chris don’t have you on there payroll don’t count the money. I want them to fight.

    2. Jacob says:

      Drake is a bitch let’s keep it real . When DMX crackhead ass said some shit to him ..Drake said nothing. Diddy smacked him ..Drake did nothing . Now Chris Brown says something about him ..Drake wants to act all tough and rough . Plz drake is a pussy ass bitch who hides behind his bodyguards and friends .

    3. Dat Nigga Conker says:

      how so? last time i checked drake busted chris chin with a bottle and fucked both of his bitches what did chris brown do?

      1. Leon says:

        aubrey had someone in his camp do that. dem industry bitchez get passed around like it aint nuthin. aubrey is a lame

        1. Dat Nigga Conker says:

          you trying to hard just stopin the end of the day drake is in your ipod

  2. lol this beef if u can call it that is corny they both need to shut up tyga aint doin shit he not ready for grown shit he still on that young shit(pun intended) chris brown on probation and drake aint doin shit neither

    1. Savimbi says:

      Exeter type beef lol

  3. FREE GUWOP says:

    nothing gonna happen except these chumps might throw some bottles in a club and injure some innocent woman, again

  4. Hussle says:

    CB aint on Drake’s level man…….who the fuck is checkin for chris brown?

    1. Lord Splashchild says:

      Just the entire world.

        1. GetReal says:

          someone say my name

      1. gojwa_jol says:

        to see him fail… not many wanna see him succeed..
        that’s the life of a train wreck
        See Lindsay Lohan for further reference

    2. ss says:

      CB would whoop drake with a spin kick and a hadoken.

    3. Savimbi says:

      Michael Jackson, the biggest artist in the last 100 years passed the torch down to him. Drake will never be cb level you clown

      1. Shock says:

        I’m embarrassed for you. You do realize that CB and Trey can’t even fill venues with their tour? At this point in his career, CB simply doesn’t have the juice in the industry that Drake has, and its not even debatable

        1. Savimbi says:

          Drizzy this you?

          1. Shock says:

            No just someone with objectivity. Drake ain’t even my favorite….You just sound ridiculous

          2. Savimbi says:

            40 is this you?

          3. Shock says:

            No seriously, who is 40?

    4. realtalk82 says:

      You must be joking

  5. FemaleDrake says:

    #FUCKDRAKEALLDAY yeah its easy to diss from Australia nigga , come here in the hood fuck boy !

  6. Blood for Life! says:

    Drake is the Trick Trick of Canada!
    Chris Brown is a sissy ass studio gangster!

    1. Mylo says:

      Trick trick never got slapped bitch! Off brand ass mark!

    2. realtalk82 says:

      Huh? Trick Trick is way more of a G than Drake will ever be. I don’t get the comparison unless it was a joke!!

  7. Sean Power says:

    this beef is just so lame

  8. jussayin says:

    wait…but drake…you’re actually an R&B n*gga yourself though bruh…

  9. NYComicBookGuy says:

    These pale sissies need to sit down. SMH

  10. JetVet718 says:

    This happened before Chris was on Breakfast club…

  11. lostprodigy says:

    ELZHI…new album #Leadpoison coming soon.



  12. regal says:

    sends shots all the way from Australia…lame i wish he wold just come out and address his issues other than subliminals or corny shit like liking a niggas’s baby mother’s pics..this is why i rate chris, yall call him emotional but he comes out and talks the truth instead of dealing with it like a lil bitch…but i guess we’ve grown accustom to handling shit like drake in this new age…niggas stay ducking fades and avoid addressing shit like men…i miss the 90s lol

  13. Richard says:

    So we having debates about who has a higher networth between Drake and CB? Really? Are yall that bored?

  14. brollya says:

    hahaha nigga wait til he go overseas to talk shit cuz he know chris probabtion officer want let him…. drake a bitch for this

  15. Sina Mailer Daemon Djavadkhani says:

    I was at this gig last night !

  16. Pat says:

    Damn, Drake is crazy. He’s like the new Tupac.

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