Kendrick Lamar Releases Album Early

good kid, bad rollout.

While you were sleeping, Kendrick Lamar’s sophomore album, To Pimp A Butterfly, was prematurely released on iTunes. For reasons beyond us, only the clean version is available. The explicit is reserved as a pre-order option. Shortly after its release, TDE founder Top Dawg lashed out at Interscope Records for the screw up.

UPDATE: Album has been removed from iTunes.


UPDATE 2: Hours later, the album is now available on iTunes.

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  1. sideshowRaheem says:

    Dirty version on Spotify right now.

  2. JamesTheNiggaHatingDolphin says:

    iTunes took it down I think. I had it pre-ordered and my phone downloaded the explicit version automatically. My friends are now trying to get it and it tells them “pre-order” only. Someone fucked up.

  3. Jojo says:

    The album has no hype so they use this as back up when the album sales are not high..c’mon top dawg the people are not stupid ..everything is perception

    1. Los says:

      Exactly I couldn’t said it better

    2. Greenbergs says:

      if only this post was connected to the other kendricks album posts, you would see my comment where i clearly predicted months ago that this would happen, they hyped up and sucked that gkmc album high and dry for everything it had, so much so that his second album wouldnt have a chance at all..btw i cant see any straight white people buying an entire album of black empowerment music…thats just my opinion.

      1. James says:

        Have you ever been to a Dead Presidents concert? Or remember Public Enemy or Rage Against the Machine? Or been to a random “conscious” rappers concert on a Friday night? Its all white people fam. Always. Black Empowerment music is the much more dangerous then any gangster rap record, rebellious white teens are attracted to it. Always have been, always will.

        1. Greenbergs says:


          1. James says:

            Could care less about the numbers. It’ll play out like its supposed to. But the white people dont buy black empowerment music is bs. I guess Bob Marley sold millions cause of his cool hair right?

          2. Greenbergs says:

            did u really really just compare bob fucking marley to kendrick lamar…ok this is finished.

          3. James says:

            Nope. I didn’t. Go back a re-read. Your crusade on rapradar’s comment section to let the entire world know you don’t enjoy black empowerment music is fucking up your reading comprehension.

          4. Greenbergs says:

            i read the comment, u clearly are trying to compare and contrast the two..

          5. James says:

            Ok, cause this could go on forever, I’ll just leave it at this. It is completely false that white people will not buy black empowerment music. Fin.

          6. GetReal says:

            why the fuck are you here if you don’t like black empowerment music you fuckin culture vulture get the fuck off the post and listen to some bullshit that you do like you insecure racist bitch

          7. Greenbergs says:

            Cuz its a shame loved gkmc

          8. Hugh Manatee says:

            Dude…. you’re trying to hard.

            To be a successful troll, you have to be more understated.

          9. Greenbergs says:

            ? not even trolling.. this how i feel. truly and deeply, and i know from experiences…its all hipsters that take lsd and shit

        2. Greenbergs says:


          1. Megamind says:

            What does that mean Dre won’t let Kendrick fail? Are you implicating buy backs? Interscope purchasing albums for KL to have the #1 album? He’ll do that anyway to the tune of about 450-500k with no radio, video or real rollout beside the internet (artwork/tracklisting).

            I work for a label, in order for them to even consider something like this…the margin has to be with in the hundreds to single digit thousands (100 to about 2-3k) because anything outside of that is a loss. So ask yourself, why would you spend $ to do this when it actually can hurt your bottom line? KL isn’t the kind of artist a label would actually pad a marketing budget for this maneuver. Those are more the Ariana’s, Iggy’s, mainly pop shit…rarely for urban bc unless it’s two titans (ie Drake, Kanye, Jay)…releasing the same week as a star actually helps a lesser artist while the consumer is in the “market” purchasing.

            Case in point Wayne’s Carter 2 dropped same day as Em. If I recall Em did like 800k to 1mil and Wayne did like 350-400 which is when he technically “arrived”.


          2. Greenbergs says:

            Implying * and u wouldnt be so quick to “implicate” that unless it were true

          3. Megamind says:

            I’m squashing it because it’s stupid. It really makes NO SENSE. So I laid out instances when it would be done. Kendrick has NO competition this week or next…Luda and Wale aside…Kendrick will STILL do 500k+ so why would the label buy back albums? That’s like paying yourself, there’s no rationale behind it.


          4. Greenbergs says:

            Yet you squashed something that wasnt even said..i said dre wont let kendrick fail..which he wont

          5. Megamind says:

            It’s disingenuous to say it like that because you’re implying that there’s some under-handedness behind “not letting him fail”…

            the tone of implications can be just as accusatory as finger pointing itself.


          6. Greenbergs says:

            I mean i agree if im speaking to u in real life, but im typing on a comment, honestly though itd always comments like yours that make me second guess the industry, jumping the gun n whst not, did that to me on multiple comments , he learned from his mistakes.

          7. Megamind says:

            Haha…that’s your way out huh? That “tone can’t be read via text or email?”
            But you see…your conversation is public record here on the blog. You comment/statement in regards to James stating that “white teens are enamored by Black power music”…i’m paraphrasing to which you rebutted “we’ll see when the number come out…Dre won’t let him fail”. So in addition to your implication you first showed doubt in his sales being authenticated via the purchasing of white teens.

            I know this is a lot…but these are YOUR words. So I’m jumping the gun…I’m reading what you wrote from an antagonist standpoint.

            You gotta do better than that when you fucking with me boi! LOL


          8. Greenbergs says:

            Meh, still skeptical, jumping the gun is always a bad sign, i couldve meant anything by dre helping the numbers..

      2. polopolo1 says:

        i cant tell you havent heard it yet. go listen and comeback and edit your post, its okay well forgive you, just go back and listen

        1. Shock says:

          Yeah don’t you hate when people formulate opinions without evidence?

          1. polopolo1 says:

            indeed. the album really is good, the first track is so dope

        2. Greenbergs says:


      3. black white shit says:

        oooh this is the “new” excuse for low sales?white people not buying black music?fuck off

        1. Greenbergs says:

          im just saying, i dont think white people are going to purchase an album with the song king kunta and the blacker the berry on it unless they wear a beanie and go to local cafe’s and work on their startups..aka hipsters

          1. VJay213 says:

            Yeah man. That’s what we’re all doing these days. Straight to consumer startups, word to Dame. The world is bigger than that little bubble you live in. I believe listening to this album properly should inform you of that.

          2. Dylan Ullman says:

            I bought Blacker the Berry the day it came out… You don’t have to be “down” to appreciate a song like that. That’s a visceral, angry, powerful, brilliantly-crafted song.

  4. ITS ME says:

    Crazy they fucked the release up. But it’s not that big of a deal – Kendrick will do numbers either way, and to be honest people seem to be LOVING the surprise releases these days so he’ll probably do more numbers this way than if it dropped when it was supposed to (if it’s still available for purchase)

  5. Fatal says:

    The explicit version is on Itunes in Norway

  6. mikey the greek! fk u bama's! says:


    1. Shock says:

      I honestly wouldn’t expect you to be able to relate to King Kunta….

      1. mikey the greek! fk u bama's! says:


  7. Schwagg132 says:

    Y’all support Kendrick? Drake did the same thing AND released it free and on iTunes lets see how much y’all love “King Kendrick” if it flop i don’t wanna hear shit else.

    1. GetReal says:

      he aint release shit for free shut the hell up and stop fuckin comparing drake and kdot you sound like a bitch

      1. Schwagg132 says:

        Please explain how i sound like a bitch? It was released for free and then released on iTunes facts are facts

  8. Epul says:

    I’m listening to it now, not feeling it. Is Kendrick trying to be the male Erykah Badu or something?

    1. Affro-hop says:

      it is, I streamed it last night

      1. Affro-hop says:

        or maybe they took it down today

    2. Davide Leroy says:

      Yes it is

    3. ChattyPatty says:

      What is wrong with that, the album has different influences, came correct on this album. On my first listen I was blown away in due time you will change your mind to like this album.

      1. Epul says:

        I listened to while I was in gym expecting to hear some shit like “Backsteat freestyle” lol. I’ll give it another try like when I’m riding home from work so can actually hear the message.

    4. Greenbergs says:


      1. VJay213 says:

        Yeah, cause all the white people would hate if the world became an actual fair, equal and peaceful place. We all love and strive for more segregation, classism, violence, warms and racism, it’s what keeps the world turning. Your boxed view of the world is blinding your vision and only feeds the system more.

        1. Nah bruh, there’s a great amount of anglo saxons who would be outraged, panicked & out of business if the world actually became an “actual fair, equal and peaceful place”. I’d love to see it as much as anybody but until those teachings rid themselves from the world, that “boxed view” will always exist & sadly be quite accurate.

          1. VJay213 says:

            I’m not denying that there’s an elite group sitting pretty due to current circumstances. But that doesn’t mean everyone feels that way. And yes you’re right, the world would be shaken up, as it should be. But if we accept and feed the existence of that boxed view, or system, or white supremacy, or whatever label you want to give it as an unchangeable fact, how is it going to change?

          2. Never said it was unchangeable but it looks bleek when I see a group of little white girls obviously avoid my 3yr old on the playground. Kids are brutally honest & the disgusting teachings start at home. You, my friend seem not to be influenced by racism & stereotypes. I just wish more people could see the world as you do.

      2. Chronic says:

        Coming from a white person, while I might not ever realize what it truly is to be black, that doesn’t take away from the fact I can’t respect the music. The production is incredible and fresh sounding, and at a time where most artists consist of either party/club songs or heavy violence, this is great to balance it out.

        I kinda get where you’re coming from though, I couldn’t get into nas when I was younger cause I just couldn’t relate at all.

        1. Greenbergs says:

          na i loved gkmc, you got it all wrong, this dude just tried something and imo its gonna backfire, thats my opinion, although dre has a lot of pull in the industry, his album i honestly didnt even listen to except for a few songs, i listened to mortal man the song that everyone is giving praise, and the production imo is just so wack to me i cant even understand why people overhype this dude so much, if lupe fiasco released this very same album it would go ignored and you cannot tell me different..

          1. Chronic says:

            If you like funk at all, it’s incredible. Just start on the first song and listen to it, the sound is awesome, it’s not just loops of the same shit the whole song.

            This is nothing like lupe has tried, kendrick just has that flow too, and he doesn’t try over complicating shit too much like lupe does a lot.

          2. Greenbergs says:

            yeah i dont care for funk…tbh i know these are beats that are actual instruments but none of the tracks i heard impressed me….i think kendrick is the most overrated artist of the decade..

          3. Chronic says:

            Yea well you’re kind of a fuckin troll

          4. Greenbergs says:

            sad that a person who doesnt like something nowadays is considered a troll, like people cant have their own opinions..foh

          5. Chronic says:

            It might be better than gkmc, mortal man is the worst song to listen to to get a feel for what the album is musically-wise. And if you can’t even respect this album in that regard you have zero idea of what real music is, plain and simple

          6. Greenbergs says:

            you have your opinion i have mine, i loved drakes album and can listen to almost every song with no issue, kendrick fans have a tough time defending him because he never really has hits, or anything thats worthy of dancing in the club too, he’s not my cup of tea…again i liked gkmc and everything before a lot but hes changed his style of music since then..

    5. DrakeAaWomaN says:

      naw its called hip hop sucker, but the fuck do you know about this you’ve been listening to RAP your whole life, the French Montanas, the fake ass Drake niggas, Wayne the Sucker, Minaj the actress cuz thats what she is LOL, this is early Snoop, 2 Pac, B.I.G, Wu Tang shit ma nigga….Fuck the weak ass rappers that cant fucking rap !!!

    6. MassConglom says:

      Guess you’ve never heard “Section 80” or “Overly Dedicated” before. This is the “Rigamortis” Kendrick that his core fans remember before the record label hype.

      1. Epul says:

        Man sit yo ass down, of course heard all of his old shit. You niggas always assuming shit.

        1. MassConglom says:

          Wouldn’t expect someone who thinks french montana’s album was a summer banger to like this album.

    7. Everybody says:

      Not going to lie, this album put me to sleep! Great message, great lyrics, great production, but got damn where’s the upbeat records? This shit is coffee shop hip hop.

      1. Chronic says:

        “i” is about as upbeat as you can get…but he wasn’t going for that anyways, the man found his message/theme and stuck to it

  9. dat dude says:

    album is really good

  10. Sina Mailer Daemon Djavadkhani says:

    Great album! Love the jazzy transients, disco grooves, and live guitars.

  11. ChattyPatty says:

    4.5/5 a potential classic.

    Mortal Man was a dope concept, King Kendrick didn’t disappoint.

    1. Shock says:

      After my first listen, I definitely think this is a seminal album in generation. I think that people are going to start debating now which is better, this or GKMC.

      1. ChattyPatty says:

        To me this was K .dot It Was Written

        1. Shock says:

          See, even though It was Written was great, Illmatic is undeniably better in my opinion. I don’t think that GKMC is undeniably better than this.

          1. ChattyPatty says:

            I agree what I should of said it is K.Dot Late Registration

          2. Shock says:

            I agree, good comparison.

          3. Megamind says:

            I actually like LR better than CD…more continuous…too many skits and filler on CD. You ever heard what Kanye said Bono from U2 told him. I’m paraphrasing “If you want to take it to the next level…arena level…drop the skits and filler bc you got what it takes…” again, I’m paraphrasing.
            And guess what…Ye hasn’t done it since.

            GKMC is a phenomenal album for what it is. Let this album live in its own space. Same with It Was Written. I’m old enough to know…ppl fronted on that album when it dropped. Hindsight is always 20/20…IWW is one of Nas best bodies of work…The Message, IIRTW, Street Dreams,
            I Gave You Power, Black Girl Lost, Take It In Blood!…that album is CRAZY!


          4. William Witherz says:

            I agree with everything you said… Late Reg was maad ill to me, especially when I deleted the skits – it played from front to back. It Was Written was such a dope album to me – minus the pink suit video lol (word to Kool Keith). Can’t wait to hear this.

          5. youngjedifresh says:

            everyone slept on IWR… easily his second best album in the catalog

          6. sway-z says:

            I think Graduation is highly slept on, anytime I think of Kanye, I think of songs off of there. Flashing Lights, Good Life, Can’t tell me nothing, Big Brother, Stronger, shit, that’s Kanye to me. Plus he didn’t overindulge himself on that album with 10 minute songs with 3 different outros and shit, just right to the point straight through…

          7. sway-z says:

            Nah, I can’t say that. Matter of taste I guess, but I can skip Halftime anytime I listen to Illmatic, I can’t skip shit on IWW

  12. ChattyPatty says:

    Taylor Swift out chea tweet K.Dot album, he better do a million first week with that promotion from Taylor.

  13. Shock says:

    I need to give this another listen….but after my initial listen, and this is no hyperbole, this may be one of the most well-crafted, original, and creative albums of my generation. I’m not even a big Kendrick fan, I mean I liked GKMC, but not as much as most people, and I personally prefer Drake and Cole. But this boy did his damn thing on this one.

  14. Hiphopistrashnow says:

    It was written… that’s all I have to say

    1. Jesus Ernesto Alejos says:

      doesnt sound like it was written at all if thats what youre tryin to say.

    2. realish says:

      hahah @ comparing kendricks albums to it was written.

  15. Ross says:

    If you like pure Hip-Hop you’ll like this album.. If your looking for a Drizzy album with a bunch of hit singles, this isn’t for you..

    1. Shock says:

      I love Drake. I love this album too. You can like both, that type of thinking is for the small-minded….smh

      1. Ross says:

        hey fuckboy, do me a favor and re-read my statement. I basically said, if your looking for a Hit Single album, this isn’t that type of album. This is a pure Hip-Hop album. I fuck with Drizzy also

        1. Shock says:

          No, you sounded like an idiot. Both make good music, period, and don’t have to be mentioned on the other one’s posts. They have different styles, but both make hit records, and are creative and introspective in their own rights.

          1. Ross says:

            Brah, its obvious reading is not fundamental to you. I like both artist, but its obvious both make different types of music. My statement was, this is a pure HipHop album, as in “not too many radio singles on this album.”

          2. Shock says:

            No your comment implied that only Kendrick is pure hip hop, and Drake is not. What I am saying is that comparisons are not necessary, both embody hip hop (just in different forms), and there was no need to mention one on the other’s post.

          3. Ross says:

            Nah brah.. First & foremost, I think Drizzy is the best all around rapper out PERIOD. I think Kendrick is a Good artist, but not at that great level yet.

  16. diggz says:

    so far on track #10 shit is aight, maybe I need a few times to listen

  17. The Almighty says:

    I got the explicit version from iTunes on my phone… Dope album

  18. polopolo1 says:

    the album is Hard AF, that U track is something Cold, Im still recovering from the shock

    1. Jesus Ernesto Alejos says:

      u and hood politics are the only tracks i liked. res of it is borin and repetitive IMO

  19. Greenbergs says:

    so if this album has the same marketing plan, they are going to nonstop play one of the songs that is catchy sounding over and over again on the radio until people actually think its a dope song…

  20. trelasounds says:

    whoever likes smooth, soulfoul, jazzy and funky music will love this album. has 80´s and 90´s vibe in it too.

    “These walls” kinda remind me of a Dwele joint.

    1. Greenbergs says:

      lol foh with that bullshit, exactly why im not purchasing this shit…glad i didnt

      1. Shock says:

        Tbh, based on some of the comments Ive seen you post, I wouldn’t expect you to be able to relate to this album. Its introspective, soulful, Afrocentric….some things you are obviously not.

        1. Greenbergs says:

          im def. not tryna listen to an entire piece of black empowerment music you are f’n correct my g..

          1. Shock says:

            You are not my g. We don’t stand for the same things, we don’t run in the same circles, we don’t care about the same issues…

          2. Greenbergs says:

            lol “you are not my g” stfu with your G, my nigga..was good now sit down

          3. Shock says:

            My nigga? You are confused. You are infatuated with the culture, but not respectful of the struggle associated with the culture. You use words that obviously make you feel like a “a part of the group”, but in all seriousness if shit hits the fan, you could give a damn about black people. You are a clown.

          4. Greenbergs says:

            you extra sensitive after listening to that album huh? its iite i understand bruh..

          5. Shock says:

            Naw, no album will ever make me compromise my morals. Neither will a confused wanna be on a hip hop blog. Smh.

          6. Greenbergs says:

            lol ouch that stings..

          7. trelasounds says:

            tde´s houseproducer sounwave said that´s the direction they wanted to go.

            i like how they do what they like, not what everyone else likes.

            how much a dollar cost… crazy joint.

          8. GetReal says:

            so shut your bitch ass up and get the fuck off the post faggot

      2. Ross says:

        My nigga I can’t lie, this album kind of put a nigga to sleep though.. To think the nigga has access to any producer in the world & these are the best beats they can come up with? A&R needs to get fired REAL QUICK!

        1. Greenbergs says:

          when the songs come out on youtube ill judge, aint buying it to listen to how shitty it is or wack it is that i could wait for..and if the beats are what this dude describing then i wouldnt like the album..

          1. marty mcfly says:

            You keep talking how you aint buying the album? Kendrick ant asking you to and neither is anybody else.

          2. Greenbergs says:

            I guess the goal of the album is to target black audiences, cuz we all know how they majorly purchase albums n not illegally download them

        2. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

          Completely agree … it felt like the album doesn’t have many beats … I would kill for a good dr dre beat and kendrick to spitting over it

  21. polopolo1 says:

    sounds like erykah badu meets doggystyle, this album is so fucking dope, i wonder if wale can top this shit

    1. Shock says:

      Hell no. This is once in a generation shit.

  22. BigBrudduh says:

    Gotta be real, Kendrick just dropped one of his worst projects yet.. highly disappointing after a few listens especially after the years it took for him to release another album.

    1. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

      You know what I hate to say it but i’m thinking this is a hot pretentious mess. He needs an album with actual beats on it. With actual body – stuff that knocks hard in clubs, car etc. This feels like that Radiohead kid a album … a bit of a mess if you ask me.

      1. Shock says:

        Bangs hard in the whip? There are different genres of hip hop for that. But don’t call this album a mess because it doesn’t fit into your small, provincial “box” of what you think hip hop is supposed to be. This album is lyrical, sonically creatively, socially conscious, and gives a message…basically what hip hop is supposed to be.

      2. Megamind says:

        Radiohead’s Kid A is arguably their best album. Why did you make that analogy? I’m curious. Was that to sound “in the know”? I’m asking not trying to “try you”.

        Also…with ALL the music out their for your car and clubs…what’s wrong with BALANCE? You want got Migos, Thug, Drake, and a myriad of other stuff. This music is NEEDED…to show that he can do ALL what they do…but none of the aforementioned artists could make this project. Not even…actually, especially not Drake. And I like Drake.

        All the greats step out of their comfort zone to create. There would be no alter egos without David Bowie, new school industrial without NIN, etc. Outkast are the best because they can jam in the clubs and still give you that real substance.

        Life is more than the club. Actually, the club is not even %5 of your life…so if you’re spending that music time in the club or partying, you got math to do.


        1. Kingly_Caracter says:

          They want desert for breakfast, lunch, and dinner… then wonder why they’re overweight and sick.

          1. Megamind says:

            HA! I love it! So true…like Masta Killa of Wu Tang said on “Triumph”…”the dumb are mostly intrigued by the drum….”

            People don’t even realize or know when their given something for their souls. I’ve only heard a couple songs…but I’m putting my full support behind it because it’s different and I will always champion THOUGHTFUL difference…no trying to be different for difference sake.


          2. Kingly_Caracter says:

            My brotha!!!… You and I will get along just fine. Great minds…

          3. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

            You haven’t even listened to the whole album Nigga and your calling it a classic ?????

          4. Megamind says:

            I didn’t say the word classic ONCE. I didn’t even critique the album yet…I said I will always champion THOUGHTFUL difference. And from the presentation, rollout and content I’ve heard thus far…that’s what KL is presenting.


        2. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

          My favourite Radiohead album was and is Ok computer because it was weird but still had semi traditional songs. I mentioned radio head because that’s the best comparison. Why did you ask did I mentioned that album because I wanted to sound in the know ? That’s weird to me. OK so it all comes down to perspective. The lens in which you view the world. You might be impressed by someone quoting radiohead or think there trying to make a statement. But i’m not.

          You might think a classic album means sparse rap over neo soul and spoken word is mind blowing. I don’t. I was brought up in the era of Nas Illmatic, 36 Chambers, The Chronic, Late Registration, MBDTF and GKMC these are all classics to me. Most of these albums have music that soothes the soul, one track might bang in the clubs, one might be introspective. But that’s my experience my lens in which I see the world. I like lyrics but I need an album that you can play all the way through and it’s jamming.Ideally to take me on a journey. Ideally sounds I haven’t heard before. You might not have the same criteria for an album.You might be impressed by this album but that’s due to your life experiences. You might be right but it doesn’t connect to me as it does you. Hope you learn something from this lil nigga..

          1. Megamind says:

            Ahhh a challenge…i love a challenge…challenge accepted.
            I’ll take it by the way you spelled “favourite” that you’re Canadian or European…you’re definitely not an African American/Black American….i could be wrong…but even with auto correct, that’s not the way American’s spell “favorite”. So I’ll play off that theory until I’m proven wrong.

            First off, i’m always open to learning and hearing everyone out who can articulate their POV…even when they’re wrong. All the aforementioned artists and albums I GREW up on…this wasn’t albums I heard YEARS after they came out. I can go back even further to PE, BDP. X-Clan etc. Lyricism is ALWAYS key and the projects you mentioned has lyrics on it. But sometime people can rap and still no be SAYING shit! It’s one thing to be anti the norm and it’s another thing to be that way and address real, social issues and what really matters.

            You’re talking about spoken word and neo soul, you mentioned them rather dismissively haha….that’s foolish. Don’t dismiss it because you can’t understand it or don’t get it. You’re idol, Kanye West comes from that platform, Mos Def, Kweli, Badu, D’Angelo, Dwele, etc. All those artists are make conscious material. Game, Ross, Meek, Big Sean…they can all rap but 8-10 times they aren’t really addressing anything of note.

            Two questions…are you American/Black and are you anti-conscious music?? Let me know and we can continue our lecture.


          2. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

            A bright one and semi observant. To be exact i’m Nigerian British. So you get a nod of approval for your attention to detail. Let me ask you a question before you presume to lecture ….

            1. Have you listened to the Kendrick Album yet ?
            2. If you hadn’t by your own admission listened to the Kendrick Album why are you arguing with fans that not only have purchased the album but have taken the time to listen to it multiple times and are not feeling it.
            3. I gave you point’s for the European thing but why did you presume I liked Kanye- where was your evidence ?
            4. ‘What’s your definition of ‘concious music’

            Hey critical thinking and being objective is the key. I enjoy music from an objective and critical standpoint. I don’t STAN on my favourite artist because everyone can brick. What’s your perspective ?

          3. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

            Lol ignore question three …. hahaha

          4. Megamind says:

            I enjoy critical thinking and articulate debate especially when it comes to music bc it’s my passion and it pays my bills. It’s all subjective TO A POINT…but good is good and bad is bad!

            Now as I resume my lecture, I didn’t call the project a “classic, etc” YET…it haven’t heard it in its entirety…that I’ll admit, I’m not going to lie or be facetious. But I did say is that I will ALWAYS champion “thoughtful difference” and from the presentation to the release of the singles and his live performance on Colbert Report, KL has INTENTIONALLY made a “conscious”HipHop album.

            KL is a HipHop superstar…Him, Drake are the new school pantheon, then you have Cole, Sean, Bino, Chance, Meek, Wale, etc. KL could have EASILY went the radio route and got, lets say a Rihanna to sing the hook over a “Producer A” beat and went full on radio/top 40 route. He PURPOSELY chose not to and I salute that, especially at this stage in the game. He’s choosing to be different from his peers and contemporaries and he’ll still sell records. That is what I’m applauding. That’s a tough decision to make when you have his trajectory of stardom and you consciously make the decision to make a “pro Black, conscious album”.

            Now that you have revealed your nationality and location…that plays an underlying factor in how you are receiving and perceiving the content. See this album is reflective of what Black men/Black people are experiencing here in America. Social Injustice, police brutality, blatant racism against our President and our people daily. And that doesn’t even include KL’s actual environment – Compton, California. The gangs culture is omnipresent in the lives of ALL inner city dwellers from Cali. I’m not saying they all bang…but i bet they ALL know someone who does or died as a result.

            These realities are reflective in this new album. You being European via the motherland can’t relate to that. I know you can’t. I’ve been to England a couple times London, Bristol, Leeds, Birmingham and Manchester…it’s a beautiful country…which i’m sure has it’s issues with race but nothing like America!

            I assumed you like Kanye from a previous statement, I could be wrong.

            What’s my definition of conscious music – Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions, Brand Nubian, Nas, Talib Kweli, Pharoahe Monch, Mos Def, Outkast, Goodie Mob, Wu-Tang, Poor Righteous Teachers, 2Pac, I could go on…now there are artist who can drop a message every now and then…and i’m not sitting here and saying that everything has to be “pro-Black explosion”…i’m just saying that i appreciate the balance that a superstar like Kendrick Lamar is bringing to the masses.

            See when an artist like the aforementioned makes conscious material, it kind goes over the heads of the masses because more aren’t in their “prime” anymore. KL is in his prime…he’s in LeBron, KD, Steph Curry status in the game…so this is a juxtapose of position for someone in his position.

            I understand you not STAN’ing for your “favourite” (LOL) artist…but as an OG in this game, I applaud the move because he’s going to alienate the causal listener with this project who expects “Swimming Pools” and “…Kill My Vibe”

            I appreciate your rebuttal, young sir!
            Nuff respect.


    2. polopolo1 says:

      is this a joke??? the album is phenominal!!

  23. KINGKUNTA says:

    So unfortunately to all surface level, nonintellectual receivers of crap music you are finna be sorely disappointed by’s new album. Not because the album is crap, bcoz the album is SUBSTANCE DRIVEN something that Lil Wayne, Drake, Nicki Minaj and all the other bullshit rappers know nothing about.

    Kendrick Lamar’s latest offering ‘To Pimp A Butterfly’ is such a thought provoking mind emancipating experience. This by no means is a conventional “Hip Hop” album, it bares no resemblance to the 808 driven Good Kid maad City. However, listening to the album in it’s totality you notice how much has grown and how much his learnt about his heritage and how conscious he is of modern day societal constructs that imprisons minorities. If you appreciate MUSIC you would appreciate how this album fuses neo soul sounds, with a 1970’s funk. The use of LIVE instrument recording on the tracks as apposed to dem pro tools loops and samples is so God damn refreshing to the ear. Most of all the message behind each song is so cleverly constructed and crafted, you can’t but marvel at Kendrick’s effortless lyrical abilities. Look out for track 16 ‘Mortal Man’ too dope!

    1. Shock says:

      I agree with everything you said, except…I love Drake. I love this album too. You can like both, that type of thinking is small minded

      1. KINGKUNTA says:

        To put it simply, Wayne, Drake and Nicki makes music that makes you put your middle finger up. Kendrick with this album, makes you wana put your fist up.

        1. Da Business says:

          U sir, take a bow.

    2. trelasounds says:

      thank you !!!!

      Complexion !!!

    3. Bryant Griner says:

      This age old BS… Make ALBUMS like Nas or else your music isn’t “real”..


    4. brza says:

      A conversation with Tupac on “Mortal Man” is ridiculous! So much to soak in

    5. b1g uncle snoop says:

      I was boutta comment n sprinkle some knowledge in this bih, but looks like u said everything there was to say bruh… substance driven

    6. Popintl8 says:

      To Pimp A Butterfly is definitely a dope album and thought provoking,
      but I wouldn’t call Wayne, Nicki or Drake’s music crap, they may not be
      as substance driven as Kendrick, but they all an audience they cater to
      on multiple levels. There’s no pleasing every single person when it
      comes to music, because I guarantee you if everyone would make music
      that sounded or reminded them of Kendrick, everyone would be b****ing
      about it and asking for something different.

    7. yorapper says:

      This is the same thing people said about Yeezus and Forest Hills Drive.

      1. yaaup says:

        No one talked shit about forest hill drive.. yeezus was and still is ass.

    8. Greenbergs says:

      You might as well do album reviews…

    9. Jesus Ernesto Alejos says:

      dude just because someone doesnt like the type of music u describe doesnt make them non intellectual. y is it wen someone doesnt like something they are automatically a hater? fuck outta here this album is a mess. terrible let down.

    10. That awkward moment when you can’t stop reading this comment because it’s so intriguing, and it’s already caught your interest so you have to keep going to find out what it’s going to say, only to realize you just wasted your time reading this.

  24. Smith says:

    GKMC established Kendrick as a MC and lyricist. This album establishes him as a songwriter and an artist interested in sounds and music outside of Hip Hop. I will say it isn’t as instantly enjoyable as GKMC, it’s allot less pop and less catchy. But, it does show an artist less concerned with what has been proven to work and more concerned with making music that he wants to. Some of it is dense, complicated and weird. But, it’s all dope.

    1. Jesus Ernesto Alejos says:

      u dont like it; quit lyin to us and urself

  25. yorapper says:

    While I appreciate the throwback production, this album is difficult to defend cause Kendrick’s lyrics and flow are very abstract. It’s almost what Lupe’s been doing lately, where everything is abstraction to absurdity. I guess since Kendrick can’t compete musically with people like Drake and Kanye, he like J. Cole had to create a new lane where something else is more valued (good to see they read 48 Laws). Unlike Cole though, this album doesn’t have anything that’s listenable. It’s weird that Kendrick makes a pro-black album that doesn’t have one danceble chune?

  26. J.O. Cool says:

    “You Ain’t Gotta Lie” might be my favorite…And that Pac skit is fuckin amazing…

  27. HELP!!!!! says:

    can SOMEONE HELP! where do i buy the explicit album in the US on itunes??? all i see is preorder??????

    1. Jax says:

      It looks like iTunes took it down.

  28. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Finally’ It’s been twenty years.

  29. Sean Power says:

    drake did it !!!

  30. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

    I cant make up my mind about it but i don’t think I’m fucking with it like these other guy’s are. His MC’ing skills have drastically improved ( not that he needed to improve ). But I’m finding the album very sparse abstract and neo soul like. I can’t really get in to it.There are some bangers though,(Hood Politicks being one even though it could have been mixed to snap a little harder)

    People are calling it seminal but it kind of reminds of me Common Electric circus or Jay-Z second album or It Was Written. The last two albums had bangers in them but the sequencing as wrong it didn’t flow easily etc. This album best points aren’t even when his rapping it’s when Nigga is TALKING.

    But maybe I need to listen to it more … kanye shrug

    1. Shock says:

      Vol. 1 was awful…not a cool comparison

      1. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

        Nah Volume one had bangers .Imaginary Player , where i’m from , who you wit , friend or foe , streets are watching …. good album shitty singles. What did you think of this Kendrick album … objectivley.

        1. Shock says:

          I need to give this another listen….but after my initial listen, and this is no hyperbole, this may be one of the most well-crafted, original, and creative albums of my generation. I’m not even a big Kendrick fan, I mean I liked GKMC, but not as much as most people, and I personally prefer Drake and Cole. But this boy did his damn thing on this one.

          1. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

            Really ?????? Wait you said your generation im a little older perhaps I saw the roots, erkah badu, Outcast, Common , Talib Kweli etc do this before probably slightly better. Maybe for your generation and i don’t say this in a condescending way … but maybe this sounds better to younger ears.

          2. Shock says:

            Im 30. Grew up on OUtkast, Roots, Dead Prez, 8 Ball, MJG, Hov, Pac, etc….

        2. Shock says:

          Vol. 1 is the weakest Jay album besides Kingdom Come

          1. Da Business says:

            U wildin bruh. Vol. 1 shits all over 2, and 3.

      2. Mr. white says:

        Vol 1 was not awful. Wtf are you talking bout?

        1. Shock says:

          According to Jay Z standards, Vol. 1 is the second weakest album, and is awful

          1. Mr. white says:

            You’re fucking crazy nigga! MCHG is def his weakest album next to kingdom come

          2. Jesus Ernesto Alejos says:

            even bp3 was weak IMO

  31. Kevin Banks says:

    This album is insane, especially Mortal Man. This is a classic!

    1. Mr. white says:

      Nigga it hasn’t even been out a full day yet smh lol

  32. Kevin Banks says:

    At first when you start listening it’s got a strange sound but 4 or 5 songs in you really start getting into the vibe of the album then once it gets to the 2nd half of the album every song is amazing and the ending is incredible. The message of the album is unparalleled in modern times.There was not 1 radio single on here but my GOD!!! This shit is amazing, this album is going to radically change the landscape of hip hop and bring it into balance finally. It’s the polar opposite of IYRTITL.

    Hail King Kendrick!

    1. Kevin Banks says:

      Hopefully this will ignite something in Nas

      1. realish says:

        Kendrick is nowere near nas. nas has like 13 albums in wow u new cats think drake cole n kendrick messiahs or something. none of them yet made s classic album like dmx jayz 50 jeezy ross nas luda ti

        1. Yup says:

          Since when was Nas 13 albums in lol.
          And im sure alot of people have considered GKMC a classic already.

    2. Mr. white says:

      Smh yous a dick rider 4real

      1. Kevin Banks says:

        I understand this kind of music is not for everyone, a lot of people don’t like to think when they are listening to music. This album is very lyric driven and less about energy.

        1. Mr. white says:

          Has NOTHING to do with that! I think Cyhi’s Black Histori project is a dope ass album and that is 100xs better than this album. That’s what this album wanted to be.

  33. Power says:

    I understand the movement and vibe is trying to get accross on this album… and I respect it no doubt its black empowerment art. I’m white I have no problem listening to that whatsoever and wouldnt stop me from buying the album. I just wish he had more KING KENDRICK on this album like some “I’m the illest MC in this game” Fuck all you other rapper type shit and just go hard. idk i’ll lissten again.

  34. Peekay says:

    Just listened to the whole album on Spotify and wish I could say I liked it but that wasn’t the case. A lot of songs just blended into each other.
    “If I don’t like it, I don’t like it. That don’t mean that I’m hating.”

  35. Kevin Banks says:

    This is what Hip Hop should be, my brain is hurting

    1. Jay says:

      Hip Hop should make your brain hurt?

      1. Kevin Banks says:

        Yes Hip Hop can and should be used as a tool for upliftment and mental stimulation of this dumbed down generation and who better than some one like Kendrick to deliver that message, he could have very easily went the ‘i dumbed down to double my dollars’ route and sold way more than whatever he’s gonna sell but he understands that in his position of power he is a role model and leader to a generation. No money cars hoes here, he is addressing a lot of social issues that are going on in the world and I respect him for that.

        1. Jay says:

          Just because it can doesn’t mean it should. I don’t recall Rappers Delight or even The Message making anybody’s “brain hurt”. You don’t have to try overly hard to make your lyrics difficult to decipher for your music to be uplifting. Tupac was one of the greatest of all time at making introspective music and he didn’t need to use a million metaphors to get his point across.

          1. Kevin Banks says:

            I think you misunderstood what I meant, I don’t think his lyrics were difficult to decipher if you’re into lyrical hip hop, I think Lupe’s album was more of a challenge to decipher. Lupe purposefully makes his music complicated, I don’t think this album is particularly difficult to understand.

            The actual message and topics he was discussing in the album are what got me thinking. The experiences he’s been through seeing the world, experiencing the dark side of fame alienating himself from his friends and family, depression, the facade of the rap game, being looked at as a target in his streets now, racism, his battles with sin, classism.etc and then taking all of these things and flipping them in a positive light by providing solutions to all the above and the way he decided to deliver his message. It actually made me think a lot after listening to the project, about his message and about what he’s been going through personally.

          2. Jay says:

            Got you, I definitely agree with that. I thought you were referencing the lyrics themselves but the actual concepts are definitely things that make you think, as they should.

  36. Jay says:

    “I don’t understand or enjoy any of this so it must be dope!” – Hip Hop fans in 2015

    1. Shock says:

      Speak for your own lack of intelligence.

      1. Jay says:

        oh look, a knock at my intelligence because I don’t like a K Dot album lmao how original.

        1. Shock says:

          I don’t have a problem with you not liking it, you are entitled to your own opinion. You implied that most people who like the album don’t understand it, and I simply replied back that just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean that no one else does. Speak for yourself.

          1. Jay says:

            when did I indicate I didn’t understand it though lol? I didn’t offer my opinion on it at all actually. I took a satirical approach to show what a lot of people are saying about this album.

          2. Shock says:

            Even you making the “satirical” assumption that most people don’t understand it, and only like it for this reason, was ridiculous in itself, and later on, you stated that I was knocking you because you didn’t like it, which confirmed that you didn’t like it, and now I have to put 2 and 2 together and assume you don’t like it because its new and “weird”, or “over your head.” Other than that, I dont even understand how a true hip hop head couldn’t like it.

          3. Jay says:

            And you’ve completed the cliche by using the term “true hip-hop head” lol enjoy your day man.

          4. Shock says:

            Cliches wouldn’t be repeated so much if they didn’t have some truth element in them.

          5. The Ghost Of Black Justice says:

            I know who you are dude, and your just a bitter ass old nigga from Brooklyn who’s mother and father were crack heads. Stop it IRA!!

    2. Mr. white says:

      THANK YOU!!!!

    3. MrSkeezyMak says:

      And y’all buy the shit, caught up in the hype

      Cause the nigga wear a kufi, it don’t mean that he bright

      Cause you don’t understand him, it don’t mean that he nice

      It just means you don’t understand all the bullshit that he write

      1. The Ghost Of Black Justice says:

        Ira stop hating!!

    4. GetReal says:

      speak for yourself champ this shit wasnt even hard to get you aint gotta be smart to get it you just couldn’t be a complete retard

    5. Greenbergs says:

      Lololol facts

  37. LēTeck says:

    They said it was too black for iTunes

  38. Jay says:

    Drake Stans: “If you don’t like Drake you probably don’t get pussy”
    Kendrick Stans: “If you don’t like K Dot you’re probably too stupid to get it”

  39. polopolo1 says:

    The OnLY thing i wish is the album had a banger or 2, i thought he was bouta fuck niggas life up when he said ” Obama Say what it do” on Hood Politics. But the album is fuckin amazing

  40. Thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

    To pimp a butterfly = electric circus

    1. Jay says:

      Now THAT is harsh lmao

      1. thirtyyearoldmilionaire says:

        Hahhahahahahha yeah little harsh but you get what i’m trying to say. He definitely fucked erkah badu when writing this album. His going to start wearing multicolour jeans like common did circa 2002 lol.

    2. Da Business says:

      I haven’t heard it yet but, if that’s the case, it’d be that hurt.

  41. mrdub 100 says:

    shit is wack

  42. Mr. white says:

    Yo this album is trash, but all the dick riders gonna act like this shit is fire!!! If I wanna hear an Afro centric album I’ll just listen to Cyhi Black Histori. That shit is waaaaaay better than this album. Lyrically and production!!!

    1. FREE SUGE says:

      bitch go listen to some rick ross ya fucking pussy

      1. Mr. white says:

        Shouldn’t you be paying attention in class right now learning how to add and subtract? How do you little kids get internet access in school?

        1. FREE SUGE says:

          its march break fool, and kids got smartphones its 2015 duh

    2. LookingAssNigga says:

      Sucka a dick fuck boy.

  43. T says:

    Caught chills when I listened to this shit…. Drake, who? and let these comments be a testament to whats wrong with music today and who was really a K Dot fan from early 2000’s… To soulful, bitch Kendrick and Jay Rock been rapping over soulful joints… “From The Hood Tales” was slept on and that shit soulful like a muthafucka… Classic is bars, this album ain;t lacking that. Classic is speaking and telling stories in a way you have never heard it before, this album ain’t lacking that… Classic is dope production, live instruments, and originality, this album ain’t lacking that… This ain’t no Migo and Drake stealing ATL flows for the club music… This that sit down turn up the volume in your headphones so you don’t miss the bars and live instruments type of shit. This that Lee Moses, Curtis Mayfield, 3 Stacks, Ronald Isley, Badu, Bilal soulful shit… This that Grown folks music, live music and serious topics

    1. KINGKUNTA says:

      Totally with you on this one homie….grown folk shit!

      1. T says:

        Life is good by Nas was soulful to but people slept on that too… The man ain’t even get a Grammy for that Amy Winehouse joint… Which let’s me know this Kendrick album will probably be slept on and under-appreciated too… Glad you agree my nigga, this let’s me know SOUL MUSIC ain’t dead

    2. Jay says:

      I like Drake and Kendrick equally….is that an issue or something?

      1. T says:

        If you talking Take Care, early Mixtape Drake then I fucks with your opinion

    3. Mr. white says:

      Yo you’re a fucking groupie!!! Smh shit hasn’t even been out for 24 hrs and you’re already calling it a classic? Smh grown men shouldn’t dick period let alone another man

      1. T says:

        Should I feel some type of way because you’re taking weak shots’ via. Internet… Last night it dropped I listened to “From Hood Tales”, then GKMC then to TPAB 3 times once in order on my PC iTunes and two times on shuffle on my touch via. Spotify… So suck my dick sucka. Them three times will probably be more then you listened to the album before writing me… While typing i’m listening to that CLASSIC album again… The way a album makes me and only me FEEL is what I consider a classic, so fuck you opinion, and enjoy the album

        1. Mr. white says:

          No you’re just being a dick rider nigga!!! If ANYBODY else made this same exact album you wouldn’t be calling it a classic and I listened to it two times already all the way thru n naw it’s trash

          1. T says:

            Learn to comprehend… I could hear Wale taking this route as Far as Soulful and Poetic… Once again I paid for my copy you didn’t pay for my copy I love the album and if you wasn’t a dick brain you would have peeped the references to the legendary soulful artist I listed, which let’s you know IF ANYONE ELSE MADE this type of body of work I would have loved it the same way… Just like when Ross made “Tears of Joy” are when Drake killed that Just Blaze soulful joint I love soulful music idiot from ANYONE… Get paid to troll, don’t do it for free homie

        2. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

          damn right – the way the album makes YOU feel is important

      2. Shock says:

        I only have to hear something once to know its good. I only had to watch LBJ play once to know he was a transcendent talent. The judges on American Idol hear someone sing for a few minutes and know if they have it or not. Don’t be a hater.

        1. Mr. white says:

          You’re exactly what’s wrong with hip hop! Smh not only are you’re analogies dumb as hell, but you’re nothing more than a dick rider. First of all you dumb fuck, the idol judges don’t make their opinions on just one performance. If that was the case the show would be over in the first week. That’s why it’s a continuous competition thru out weeks dumb ass. Second of all, you did not nor did anyone in the sports world think Lebron was gonna be great after ONE game. Hell some didn’t even think he was great till he won a ring so wtf are you even talking bout? Like I said you’re nothing more than a dick rider. Cyhi put out an project very similar, but 100xs better than this album and I don’t hear NOT ONE OF YOU talking bout how great that project is, but since this is Kendrick u wanna act like this album is so ground breaking and amazing

          1. Shock says:

            Not a dick rider at all, I like Drake and J Cole better, but I give due where credit is due. The judges at Idol don’t determine who will win after one judgment, but routinely say this person has star quality after a few seconds. Secondly, people thought LBJ would be good in HS….when he dropped damn near a triple double in his first performance as a teenager against grown ups, everyone with a mind (thats not a hater) knew he would be great. Only idiots thought he needed a ring to validate his greatness. I like Cyhi, he is very creative, but there is nothing like this in hip hop right now. I don’t know what your personal vendetta is against anything that people compliment, but therapy may fix it.

          2. Mr. white says:

            There’s nothing like this in hip hop right now!!!! Wtf??? Is your dumb ass even listening smh nigga Cyhi last TWO projects are exactly like this!!!! But better in every way.

          3. Shock says:

            Lol if it was exactly like this, Cyhi would have all the fanfare than this has. Cyhi is talented, and he has a major label backing him, he has all the ingredients to be successful, and he is. TPABF, however, is simply a masterpiece. I’m not really into comparing the two, I just wanna give the brother his credit, cuz I thought Kendrick was overrated, and he proved me wrong.

          4. Mr. white says:

            And that’s exactly what bothers me the most smh Cyhi can make the same exact album and get no love, but Kendrick does it and it’s a masterpiece? Smh you’re exactly what’s wrong with hip hop right now. Kendrick is all hype

          5. Shock says:

            If its the same….then why do you like Cyhi so much, but say that Kendrick doing it is awful? Thats ridiculous. I like Cyhi, he is good….Kendrick is just great. He is even more creative and more original than Cyhi. I’m whats wrong with hip hop? By giving some one who actually makes heartfelt, thoughtful, Afrocentric music his due? Sure. You sound like you have something personal against the guy, or like you are jealous.

          6. Mr. white says:

            Smh Damn you really are dumb as fuck aren’t you? I like Cyhi project better cause lyrically it was better. Production was better and the whole concept was executed way better than this album. Not to mention if you listen to both you can clearly hear Kendrick bite some topics from Cyhi project

          7. Shock says:

            Yea I’m dumb because we disagree. SMH I’m done. One of us is willing to give both artists credit but admit that one is better. The other is saying that both artists make the same music, but one is great and the other sucks. One of us is hating on a guy with transcendent talent and instead of just giving an opinion, is going into hater territory by just denying the guy’s talent period and claiming that he “stole” the other’s sound. Yeah Im the dumb one. Your argument will be given more credence when I hear Cyhi himself go as hard for him as you did, or say that Kendrick’s album was just like his. Other than that, I’m pretty sure you are a ridiculous person.

          8. Mr. white says:

            Your comprehension skills are very below average! No one said both artist make the same music. I said that Cyhi last two projects are Afro centric not that all his music is. If you actually listened to him you would know that. Secondly, not once did I say Kendrick sucked. This album sucks, but I don’t think he does. Your ass need to stay in school and learn how to comprehend what you read

          9. Shock says:

            I love Cyhi, I’ve been listening to him since Sideways. You said, “There’s nothing like this in hip hop right now!!!! Wtf??? Is your dumb ass even listening smh nigga Cyhi last TWO projects are exactly like this!!!! But better in every way.

          10. Shock says:

            So who needs reading comprehension?? Btw, I’m done with school. I have a bachelor’s and Master’s….thanks man.

          11. FREE MAX B says:

            you listen to RICK ROSS

          12. LookingAssNigga says:

            Why u so mad bro?

          13. LookingAssNigga says:

            Cyhi is dope as fuck. Histori and his latest mixtape is FIRE but he’s not Kendrick and those projects aint even close to this one. I’ve listened to it 5 times and I hear new stuff everytime. This album is not 16 singles, its a movie son.

          14. Mista says:

            Cyhi is a perpetrator that’s why nobody took his project serious

    4. marty mcfly says:

      Id say less the 1% of people who listen to Kendrick now were fans in the early 2000s. Nobody knew who Kendrick was in the early 2000s dude and if people don’t like this album they just don’t. I like four songs on this entire album and its nothing against Kendrick but I like the intention behind the album more then the actual sound of it.

    5. LookingAssNigga says:

      my nigga you spoke the gospel, SALUTE

  44. Daphex says:

    This album is tremendous.

    1. Daphex says:

      Listening to it is like, oh right, hiphop is WIDE OPEN. Light years ahead of his peers. This.

  45. Frank Kennedy says:

    “I don’t understand or enjoy any of this so it must be dope!” – Hip-Hop fans in 2015.

    1. Jay says:

      Nigga how you gonna copy and paste my post….the fuck?

      1. Shock says:

        Lmao thats what you get.

      2. TimeChange says:

        maybe he’s just paying homage because you summed it up perfectly. I dont really have the words myself to comment on this album, im still in a daze.
        i might just have to copy your shit too. lol

        “I don’t understand or enjoy any of this so it must be dope!” – Hip-Hop fans in 2015.

        1. Guest says:

          lmao true, it just caught me off guard.

  46. Rob Lo says:

    This album wont change anything cuz it has no mass appeal =no radio play = no change in hiphop…This album is good but its no different than Q-Tips The Renaissance Album with deeper lyrics…Thats It..As Long as Young Money and MMG still making songs for Strip Clubs and drug dealers aint shit gonna change in hiphop…Kendricks album just gonna stand out as that one good album that came out in 2015 and thats it.

    1. Life..Love...Music says:

      Just because you don’t have radio like singles doesn’t mean you won’t do numbers and definitely doesn’t mean it won’t have an impact at the end of the day real recognizes real.

      1. Rob Lo says:

        Never said it wont do numbers…it will sell definitely but it wont make an impact as far as other rappers changing their sound …niggas still gonna be making songs majority about drugs and strippers…that ine dimensional rap shit

    2. Life..Love...Music says:

      With all due respect to your opinion of the album…ijs

  47. Life..Love...Music says:

    Idk why mfers on here trippin bout how the album sounds. He always releases singles showing you how the album will sound and flow. If you took the time to listen to “I” and “The Blacker The Berry” the album sounds just like those two singles. If you want trap beats and a nigga rappin about money, hoes, cars, clothes then go listen to Migos…Gucci Mane or something. There is a difference in a Grammy award winners music and a nigga who will never have his music understood GLOBALLY.

  48. LookingAssNigga says:

    This album is a movie man, don’t even talk about singles, this is art nigga.

  49. LookingAssNigga says:

    Rest assured, this is another classic in the bag for Kendrick, in case you do NOT agree then you’re probably a lean sippin junkie.

  50. LookingAssNigga says:

    Kendrick could do an album like GKMC with his eyes closed, it way more effort to create something real like TPABF, this is real music, something some niggas have never experienced, only heard of, so of course its gonna be weird to you.

    You niggas grew up on computer beats.

    1. Michael Ib bett says:

      Butterfly is one word though

      1. Bruce Wayne says:


  51. wiNio says:

    I think this album is great, much more mature then first album. Great job Kendrick! Nobody expected this sound…. its just a matter of time, and all the 2015 rappers will try to copy this again… (< is that bad? i don't know…)

  52. tha OG says:

    This album is great!!

  53. Life..Love...Music says:

    Seems like the majority likes his new album and those who don’t bitch about the beats and the soulful sound the album has. I guess since you might not have a song you can play in the club it’s a massive failure???? Or cause he talks about real cultural shyt that it hurts you ears but when bull shyt like Young Thug is on the radio mfers snappin they fingers flexin n shyt gtfoh

    1. Jesus Ernesto Alejos says:

      wat is kendrick really even sayin that is so ground breakin to you? seems like u dick ride.

  54. Peekay says:

    still on Spotify

    1. Life..Love...Music says:

      Fa real? Cause iTunes took that shyt off this morning

  55. Just Mike says:

    Love the album. We need Biggie back. I miss that attitude of just getting on the mic to prove that your the nicest. Hard beats hard lyrics thats it.

    1. Young Givenchy says:

      We have Young Thug now. His attitude is special enough to replace old rappers.

      1. Shock says:

        Lmao Phd. level trolling

  56. FREE SUGE says:

    i guess this is what you gotta do to get some publicity for your album in 2015

  57. Adam Arsenal says:

    This is going to bugger his sale figures.

  58. Damone says:

    With all due respect this sounds like Nas the N album… I can’t get down with your so called King don’t get the hype but enjoy

  59. lostprodigy says:

    How can you give an award winning critique of an album that’s only been out 4 hrs live with this album a min its not meant to be listened to in one sitting its a five course meal kids not Mc Donald’s


  60. Kingly_Caracter says:

    Your average brother today CAN NOT even grasp the extraordinary message bleeding from this masterpiece… (Warning enlightenment ahead). Wow.

    1. Mr. white says:

      Masterpiece? Smh that’s a damn shame!

      1. Shock says:

        Brother, your insecurities are showing. Trying giving the album a listen, embracing the Afrocentric themes, the pro-black messages, the entendres, and the poetic story-telling before you bash it. The reason why so many people are saying its good, is because its good. Simple as that.

        1. Mr. white says:

          I listened 3xs already and it’s not good! Lol Cyhi black Histori is a million times better. Same message and everything but ain’t nobody praising him.

          1. FREE MAX B says:

            ya boy cyhi is never getting an album release date, he gonna be
            ghostwriting for kanye the rest of his life releasing mixtapes no one
            cares about a week after they come out

      2. FREE SUGE says:

        you listen to rick ross

        1. Shock says:

          I mean I like Ross too, at times. They are in different lanes though, and one has to appreciate each for what they are good at doing. Mr. White is just a contrarian, a hater who doesn’t like to give things its props, especially when he sees the masses doing it. It makes him feel smarter. He’ll come around lol.

      3. Kingly_Caracter says:

        I understand you don’t like it Mr.White. I read your other 20+ comments stating your distaste… You’re entitled to that opinion tho. We all get something different from it. This is refreshing to me…Is that ok with you sir? What should I like? I would hate to phuck up your monday.

        1. Mr. white says:

          I don’t give a fuck what you like, but to call something a masterpiece that haven’t even been out for a full 24 hrs yet is just being a dick rider simple and plain smh

          1. Shock says:

            Please enlighten us….what’s your official time limit before its ok to call something a masterpiece? How many times must we listen to it?

          2. Kingly_Caracter says:

            You realllllllllllllllllly enjoy saying “dick rider” bruh. Just saying… But in any event let you feelings out brother. We’re here for you. (I nominate this nigga for a free hug)

          3. Mr. white says:

            I’m sorry I can’t be a follower or a dick rider like you and the rest of the ppl on here smh you niggas can’t even think for yourselves nowadays smh

          4. Kingly_Caracter says:

            You can use the words “dick rider” as many times as you need to, to compensate for whatever’s lacking in your life. Doesn’t move me. But seriously…why are you so upset man??? You are literally throwing a tantrum because we don’t agree. C’mon man. You better than that bruh… The sad part is your attacking me. Yet it seems beyond this subject our musical taste might be similar. Breathe homie. Breathe. (Dat “thug hug” still on the table)

          5. Mr. white says:

            I’m not mad tho lol I just knew this was gonna happen tho. Ppl gonna dick ride this album just because it’s Kendrick. Has nothing to do with you personally and we prob do like some of the same music

          6. Kingly_Caracter says:

            Wurd. To me Cy and Kendirick’s projects have similar purposes and messages. Cy is a BEAST and never get his due. But this happens to be my superior personal flavor. And yes, honestly the excitement amplifies that feeling. As far as the crowd being the deciding point for me. Never. Trust me, I’m extremely critical about anyones music, regardless of their status. (if anything, I’m too “anti” some times too). I’m a producer. Sound, composition, topics, and delivery are everything to me… I can only speak for my self though…but this is not just a great album to me because of the music it self but for how contrasted it is to the rap environment today. Yes…there are alot of people who will love this based on status alone. But there are many of us who are critical and genuine about our view on this body of work. I am one of them. I respect your opinion, yet still disagree. No right or wrong in this. Peace bruh.

          7. Mr. white says:

            And I respect your opinion to the fullest. You’re actually the first person to tell me why you liked it other than it being Afrocentric. which is why I guess I was saying ppl were dick riding cuz if that was the case both of Cyhi projects were like that not to mention lupes and no one was praising those albums. Much respect to you and thank u for commenting positively.

          8. Megamind says:

            But the Afro-centricity is what makes it stellar! Do you see what brothers are going through right now?? This shit is like pre-civil rights era…mass incarceration, social inequality/police brutality and harassment, disrespect of the most powerful man in the world, Barack Obama. Daily and blatant disrespect of our people and culture (SAE, etc)….they’ll call us “niggers” and just go on TV and apologize bc they got caught not because they care.

            Bottomline…this is a TIMELY album from a superstar and that takes a lot of balls to do this in this time when his peers are making club/radio music and no one is tackling these issues except the established norm (Kweli’s, Monch’s, etc)…so for a new school superstar (bc he’s DEFINITELY a star)…he’s running the risk of alienating a lot of his fans, not his base…but the casual listener who previously bought GKMC.

            Very apropos album for the times!


          9. GetReal says:

            shut your bitch ass up and get the fuck off the post, we read your other 100 comments faggot, now get off dicks

  61. nana says:

    lol at people lining up to hate this lmaoo
    lol at it not having mass appeal despite songs off it trending for 12 hrs (dropped around 12 am last night mortal man still trending)
    lol at the sound of it throwing niggas off
    lol at folks buyin a mixtape then tryin to hate on this lmao

  62. thirtyyearldmillionaire says:

    Dickhead on this board haven’t even heard the album and are arguing with people who arent feeling the album but have supported and brought the album and listened to it multiple time…..SMH
    Critical thinking and being objective is the key …

  63. realroca says:

    It’s decent but stills #YeezySeason not this year K.

    1. the-Lebron-curse. says:

      You mean #yeezyseason+50otherartistswhoaregonnawritethatshit

      1. Mr. white says:

        Nigga you a lame and an idiot if you really think all those ppl actually wrote lyrics to all day

        1. the-Lebron-curse. says:

          Those are probably the credits to the whole album so get ready for a 20+ feature album or a album full of some of else’s lyrics.

          1. Mr. white says:

            Smh kanye gives writer credit if you tell him to change ONE word. Mr Hudson told him to change fucking evil to dr evil on heartless and he got a writers credit.

      2. realroca says:

        Who cares? You ? FOOH!!!

  64. EagleFly says:

    Is everyone afraid to admit that Kendricks album is boring as fuck?

    1. Mr. white says:

      YES!!!! Cause if you say that then you know NOTHING bout hip hop and you must only listen to chief keef migos and drake

      1. FREE C MURDER says:

        so you gonna be here all day? Ain’t you one of the guys thats always crying about people hating on Officer Ricky?

        1. Mr. white says:

          I’m sorry I don’t get in rap debates with ppl name free c murder! Have a good one

      2. Shock says:

        Naw, I like Migos, Drake, and Kendrick. Thats a dumb argument. Whats even dumber is you saying that he bit Cyhi, or even bringing Cyhi into the conversation period, as if their can only be one socially conscious rapper who makes afrocentric music.

        1. Mr. white says:

          No one said there could only be ONE! Get out your emotions for a second sir lol Lupe is a pro black rapper, but his sound and topics don’t sound anything like Cyhi’s last project. I wouldn’t even put Cyhi in that box tbh. But if you listen 2 this album and black Histori they talking bout the same shit and if you give me a choice between the two I much rather listen to Cyhi’s project.

          1. GAYDAR says:

            we get it, NOW GET OFF CYHIS DICK YOU DICK RIDER (your fav word)

          2. Shock says:

            Emotions? Youve been on two different blogs calling people dick riders and dumb just because they are complimenting the album. I think you are the one who needs a chill pill.

      3. EagleFly says:

        FrFrs you can appreciate somethin for bein different and for an artist thinkn outside of the box but literalli every song is some slow ass jazz shit *Michael Blackson voice* I can’t get jiggy with this shit!

  65. Guest says:

    The big question is: did Kendrick’s 2nd studio album adequately meet the expectations set by his 1st? Yes. Expectations exceeded fam. Kdot hits us w yet another dope, could-be-classic, soulful, meaningful album

    1. respect the artistry says:

      this is his 3rd album, 2nd major label

  66. diggz says:


  67. EastOakland510 says:

    Had to slap my girl for intrupting my listening session stupid ass’s ho

  68. Gaz says:

    while people are always questioning change in sound. this is why kendrick is making classics, you can hear this album is timeless, this music is important. that soul, that feeling that pac had is felt in this album, this is hip hop

  69. kdot says:

    people sleep on how good Section80 was

    1. brza says:

      So many great records on that album

  70. GetReal says:

    yooooo this album is better than GKMC, I’m so proud of dude for this album man, I’m not even bothering to argue about the greatness of this piece of work, ima just embrace it and if you don’t like it fuck it you missed out on a real piece of work

    1. Kingly_Caracter says:


    2. LookingAssNigga says:

      Real talk my dude, if you can’t find the beauty in this art piece then thats on you.


      Real music, not singles for birds in the club.

      1. hilroycahier says:

        So his last album that had singles was bad?

        I like this album but the one thing I recognize about it is that it’s truly best listened to in FULL. From bottom to top. The tracks really compliment one another. Individually I find they may not stand as strong however in all cases.

        My point is that one album is an orange and the other is an apple. It’s cool that he can make different things but there is no denying that this album may not be the one that you listen to for regular purposes. It’s like his last album was a tv series and this one is a movie. You need to sit down for this I feel.

  71. GetReal says:

    if you don’t like the music cool i understand we’re all entitled to our opinions but this greenburg nigga needs to get banned for life from this site this man really talking bout he doesnt wanna hear any black empowerment shit yet wants to be apart of OUR culture, he isn’t even critiquing the music, just the subject matter and it doesnt sit well with me, we really need to get this bitch ass nigga off the site, not even mac’s comments bother me like this clown’s

    1. THE guest says:

      cmon that sean album was trash

      1. yorapper says:

        yeah true. Just saw that and lol.

  72. The Rock says says:

    Album was tough, Tupac interview legendary

  73. chrisduece1 says:

    Gil Scott Heron would be proud. Wonder which one of those joints he’s gonna perform at the 2016 Grammy’s.

  74. LookingAssNigga says:




  75. Supreme says:

    Just thankful for the soul in this album , thank drake for giving us some new slang , and thank j Cole for vision in his music no comparisons just good music from 3 great artist.

  76. Michael Ib bett says:

    Sounds real good so far. Sounds like a conscience “the last meal” …the fuck up only made people buy It twice…censored and un.

  77. BCE says:

    You know this was an intentional hit from the industry. smh. But it’s out. Salute

  78. Baby of Stan says:

    Not going to pretend like this album made me bang my head at my office desk and then tell them I’m leaving for the rest of the day. To me it is in no way close to GKMC. The concepts are dope but the lyrical content could have been spit on a more modern base/type beats such as a few on GKMC. The album gives a melancholy vibe.

    Section80 trumps this album.

    My opinions. Respect mine and I respect yours…

    1. LookingAssNigga says:

      I had exactly the same opinion as you, but give it a couple more listens. Now I’m convinced its a classic, I got no doubt about it.

    2. but you say modern beats? whats a modern beat to you hes not just gonna go ahead and do pretty much same sound as good kid hes creative hes on a whole other soundwave with this album its pure music art if you can appreciate jazz and soul then u will appreciate this. but people who want tracks that can bang in the whip this album wont be for u

  79. M.A.T. says:

    People giving album reviews on the same day it came out make me laugh.

  80. Vins says:

    You know what I hate the most about this hiphop culture and all these so called ‘fans’ of this genre. The moment you call something great/classic, you are a dickrider. No, not somebody who loves music and understands it, but a dickrider.

    1. haha says:

      And then they dick ride all they bullshit in the industry smh

  81. JP says:

    Whether you like the album or not, you can’t deny that this wasn’t a great album. Personally, I enjoy listening to Section 80 over GKMC, GKMC over To Pimp a Butterfly. However, I think To Pimp a Butterfly is on a level much higher than both of his previous mixtape/album. It’s a piece of art that you must respect. To say this isn’t good is like saying Beethoven’s music isn’t good. Just because you don’t like listening to it doesn’t take away that it’s a great piece of work.

    1. Jesus Ernesto Alejos says:

      not a great piece of work if its not completely undeniable. the fact that a lot of people arent sonically enjoyin this means that its not great. stop dick riding and dont be afraid to admit the album kinda sucks

      1. Vins says:

        stop it with the fucking ‘dick riding’ man, he likes the the fucking record, doesn’t make him a dick rider.

      2. haha says:

        Is he dick riding or are you hating? People have different tastes homie. Just because a few weekend warriors think the album sucks doesn’t make it true. I love the production personally, not because I’m a dick rider but because the industry is over saturated by club bangers. Also i was raised on soulful music. But hating on some real is cool now so carry on.

        1. Jesus Ernesto Alejos says:

          im Hatin cuz i dont like it?

          1. haha says:

            No. What I’m saying is, if you feel the need to call someone a dick rider because they enjoy music you don’t like, then to me it seems like you’re hating. I don’t fuck with those random trap rappers on wshh. So guess what I do? Keep it moving. Me personally I don’t have time to argue about something I don’t like with someone who enjoys it.


    Kendrick bout to get TWO babies from Erykah for this.

  83. Davidthedood says:

    Shhhhh…..we gon’ be alright!

  84. Jesus Ernesto Alejos says:

    i waited damn near 3 years for this?! WTF. kendrick dropped the ball. its a mess of an album and wasnt executed well. lifeless “funky” repetitive beats w/ kendricks alvin the chipmunk voice. wat a let down!!!!!!!!!!

  85. Dat Nigga Conker says:

    this album is fucking boring it felt like a chore to get through it im not feeling the production at all either whats worse is that it was over hype and we had to wait nearly 3 years for it.Dick riders will say its a classic or its real hiphop stop being in denial this shit is boring and has no replay value i honestly prefer drakes mixtape over this . What good is substance if its executed poorly with boring production all i can say is views from the 6 will be album of the year

    1. Vins says:

      boring productions??? oh lord get yourself some knowledge about music. It’s full of soul and jazz and speaks on something nobody’s talking about.
      The fact that it has no ‘bangers’ is why you don’t like it and that’s exactly what the problem is with people like you that call themselves ‘fans’ of hip-hop.

      1. Dat Nigga Conker says:

        this is a 2015 ‘HIPHOP’album from a west coast rapper i expected better why change the formula of GKMC if it aint broken why try to fix it this definitely aint better. Im not into jazz or soul maybe my grandfather would like the album but this sonically wasnt pleasing to my ears

        1. Vins says:

          See, and that’s exactly where you fuck up. Why in the world would an artist with so much promise make his second major album sound like his first? You really think that would be good for this industry? Go home man, you’re drunk.

          1. Dat Nigga Conker says:

            dick rider alert, i dont know if i can even call this album hiphop when its more jazz and funk he pretty much switched genres i know to you the album is great cause of the concept and message but i judge by the music quality and this was all over the place and boring even his freestyle on big boy sucked kendricks fallen off but hey when shit hits the fan youll still be a fan

          2. Vins says:

            You mistake ‘dick rider’ for somebody who likes music. I keep wondering why people use this term. Is it because you feel awkward whenever a dude says he likes another dudes music? Second, I don’t just judge the album by the concept/message. I like this record because of the jazz vibe. You just think it’s boring because there’s no songs on it that could play on radio. You know what, give it some time man. Couple years from now you’ll see what everybody was talking about.

  86. B.Thot says:

    If your reading this it’s too late > To pimp a butterfly

    1. Vins says:


    2. haha says:

      Lol you are highly inaccurate

    3. drake creates memes kendrick creates messages and stories

  87. hostage says:

    not my cup of music .. a do feel a bit dissapointed. but i give it some more chances .. looks like an album that needs to grow on you .. but will it have time to? Let me get back to the Beats real quick .. that’s what I need .. not this mellow shit

  88. JEM says:

    @disqus_GLy3QKsjcO:disqus we get it, you don’t like Kendrick. Move along, and let the others enjoy the album…smh.

  89. PhilLee8 says:

    Plz don’t crucify me for this, but I listened to the album 3 times thus far, and I find myself skipping a lot of tracks, they just don’t do it for me, I get it, K DOT is one talented dude, he’s innovative, he’s pushing the envelope, but he goes way left field for me, I gave up on this thing we call hip hop a while back, but KDOT is def one of the guys I listen out for, so there is no bias in my statement.

  90. TrueNiggaYo says:

    This album for the bitches

  91. Tristan Bradley says:

    I can see why most people don’t like this album because thiers no “bangers” on it Kendrick focused more on the lyrics, every song has a story behind it and only true hip hop fans will a appreciate this album with that being said I still wish he put one “banger” on the album like 2 presidents or something like that

  92. Da Business says:

    Sonically, GKMC is the better lp. TPAB conceptually, is a great record. Like Lupe’s “Tetsuo & Youth”, Kendrick delivered a lp that has to be digested, which isn’t a bad thing. For whatever reason, n!99@$ hate the fact that sometimes they have to use their brain.

    I’d compare TPAB to Nas’ “Nigger” and Dead Prez’ “Let Get Free” both lps were critically acclaimed and contained the same subject matter. But, both were dismissed by the general public.

    Like the other records mentioned, “To Pimp…” is a record that is needed in r culture. Hopefully, n!99@$ get out of their feelings and LISTEN to the gems that K.Dot is dropping.

  93. Splashjordan says:

    This is album is ok. I would say 3-3.5 out of 5 at best. It’s not a classic but I will listen until something better comes out.

  94. Bryant Griner says:

    What I will never understand from the self appointed authorities on “real” hip-hop is ….How do you act or claim “real” hip-hop is only records like this when the roots of hip-hop are more reflected in the non-substantive flows over dance beats?

    Saying Drake makes bad music simply because it’s universally liked is some hipster shit…

    Drake was rapping like and with Little Brother before he realized he didn’t want to be as successful as Little Brother……

  95. B.Thot says:

    Listening to this album more than a couple times would be like reading the same book more than once. Its cool the first time but once you find out the homeless man is god or digest the other stories on the album there is nothing to make me want to hear the story again

  96. fig says:

    if kanye released this same exact album
    ya’ll would say it was garbage.
    people need to see albums based off of what it is instead of judging albums based on their perceptions of who the artist is.
    there are a few good songs on this album but overall kendrick missed the mark.
    the content is amazing and the idea of trying to bring funk and soul back to the hip hop mainstream is a GREAT idea but it just wasn’t executed well.

    drake may have made an album that is mentally inferior to this kendrick album but drake executed better than kendrick did. #FREEGUCCI lmao

    1. haha says:

      Drakes album was mentally and musically inferior.

      1. fig says:

        that is subjective
        and wasnt even the point i was making

  97. Knice says:

    This is a grown mans album.

  98. ygg says:

    Judging by the cover i expected the album to have a different sound. None of the niggas on the cover would fuck with this. This album for token black guys at Princeton and shit

  99. MikeyVvv says:

    I cant listen to lamar because of the voice he uses when he raps. I dont know why, but i just find it really annoying. To me, it doesnt matter what message hes trying to convey in his music or how lyrical it is if hes using that voice- i cant stand listening to it. Anyone else feel like this?
    And maybe its ironic, but i like yelawolfs music, and i know a lot of people ive talked to dont like yelawolfs stuff because of the voice he uses. Personal preferences i suppose…

  100. Bruce Wayne says:

    so they release it early on spotify too? smh publicity stunts, ima listen to this but that madd city whatever was wild trash

  101. Guest says:

    I didn’t think major labels still invested money like this to make albums like this. I almost forgot what this kind of music can sound like. I’m sure there are some people who have never heard this kind of hip-hop music sonically and intellectually. This album definitely makes the market of singles seem lackluster. It’s exciting to finally here Dr.Dre put some effort and money behind an artist the way he used to. This is a real treat because we actually get to hear hip-hop the way it was when the world was in a storm over the emerging greats of the mid 90’s and the millennium. You can tell there was a big team behind this the way it’s brought together, it leaves no un-needed spaces. It’s a tight ship and everything adds up. Rare in many genres. This album may not be properly understood by some for a while but I can already say that this is the type of work that the best will aspire too. This is a combination of being extremely talented at music as well as having courage to do what the heart says. This music is about being real to the self through and through, and hopefully after a couple listens you’ll realize that the reason this album is so different from most hip-hop you know is because it’s designed to be very personal. Like an album for yourself. If you can really hear out the words, you’ll realize he’s speaking of a struggle almost everyone understands. Unlike most hip-hop now that only tries to show a glammy or crazy lifestyle this tries to show how the prettiest and best parts of life can often make other parts of your life ugly, how when we think we know everything with true certainty that we know nothing, that we don’t realize that the cost of money is often happiness.

    I don’t know how many times I’ve heard this album already but it’s just unreal. This is probably going to be one of the most real and deep hip-hop albums you’ll get for a LONG time.


  102. Music says:

    the soul on this album is ridiculous.

    this album is great art.

    you have people who love it typing paragraphs.

    …and the people who hate it are typing paragraphs.

  103. Dylan Ullman says:

    We have to really absorb this album, but my relatively immediate reactions are: I hear Outkast (a lot), I hear Kanye, I hear Dilla, I hear Cole, I hear N.E.R.D, I hear Frank Ocean, most of all I hear Kendrick authentically. Meaning, I really can’t directly compare his delivery, flow, content to any one emcee that came before. This is the most important thing.

    He uses this to play different characters on almost every track, making the album play, as earlier comments have said, like a movie. That’s exactly what this is.

  104. Tyler Garrett says:

    Hey fam, founder of – just wanted to say Kendrick and his lyrics are a big inspiration to my life. Keep the music amazing. <3

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