‘Straight Outta Compton’ Film Trailer

City Of Compton.

While the Grammy’s went to a commercial breaj, Cube and Dr. Dre rode through the City of Compton and introduced the official trailer for their upcoming biopic, Straight Outta Compton. Movie hits theaters August 14.

UPDATE: Another trailer via MTV.

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  1. lottery tone says:

    Looks great can’t wait to see it

  2. The Ripper says:

    Wait!!!! In the beginning of the trailer, this dude Game got his nose pierced!!! Smh…Game over!!! Dude might as well just kept the butterfly tat as well!!! I am a dude from Watts and we just don’t dude shit like the nose pierced… Game over!!!

    1. Johnny Boy says:

      Pac had a nose ring.

      1. The Ripper says:

        @ Johnny Boy, wait, wait, wait, wait!!!! lol…. First of all, Pac, God bless the dead, is from New York. Remember that!!! Pac is not from Los Angeles. Pac had that nose pierce long before he started repping the Bay Area/Westcost. What I mentioned yesterday is that dudes who are from Los Angeles don’t do nose pierce thing. Remember this!!! Game is a follower and a name dropper.He is a biter dude that saw Chris Brown do the nose piercing and thought it was cool.

        Moreover, don’t ever mention Pac’s name along with Game!!! You mentioned Game the rapper and former stripper!!!! Dude stop!!! Pac is a worldwide icon and legend.

        1. Non Fiction Dixon says:

          Pac actually got the nose ring when he was in the bay. And your a fag for commenting on another man who has way more money than you and physically beat your ass piercing before you commented on anything else!

          1. The Ripper says:

            @ Non Fiction Dixon,

            Dude I know about Pac history in the Bay. I am from Los Angeles dude. Second, you comment on me being a homo. For what??? I saw the trailer of the movie and Game was on their trying to be another Chris Brown.

            Now let’s get one thing straight, even though I make well over 6 figures a year because of my career, Game have more money than me and you possibly combined; However, I’ll put money on it that he’ll beat your ass easily but he wouldn’t dare try and act that tough shit me. Personally, I actually know some of his buddies that hang around him daily. True shit!!! On the man up above, Game wouldn’t even approach me by himself. Next!!!

    2. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

      you prob got your nipples pierced fk boi stfu….fk yo feelings bama!!!

      1. The Ripper says:

        @ Almighty Mikey esco! die bamas,

        First of all, I am from Los Angeles, C so dude so don’t play that bama shit with me. Second, get your weight up and stay in your place. Next!!!

    3. the art of deception says:

      Game had his tongue pierced as well I believe. Thats super gay.

      1. The Ripper says:

        @ the art of deception,

        I know because I am from Los Angeles. I am shocked that dude is still following the trend. Chris Brown got his nose pierced now dude want to do the same thing. This dude Game is always in Los Angeles acting like his one of the hardest dudes out here.

  3. cannon says:

    looks dope! ima peep it

  4. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

    Yea this gonna be good…u fkn bamas don’t know nothing about this….fk yo feelings u filthy slime balls you fkn dirty dingle berries!!!

  5. Guest says:

    Yea this gonna be good…u fkn bamas don’t know nothing about this….fk yo feelings u filthy slime balls you fkn dirty dingle berries!!!

    1. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

      wtf bama

  6. Stanfield says:

    “This looks dope…can’t wait to download it illegally and watch” – Niggas

    1. mikey the greek! fk u bama's! says:


  7. Jay says:

    Can’t wait to see it

  8. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

    Looks fucking amazing and yeah Dr Dre will finally be dropping an album to it this summer …..

    1. lol nigga please lebron hairline will make a recovery before that happens

      1. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

        Lol – I reckon this summer and I didn’t say detox but i’m not going to hold my breath

        1. Dope says:

          The only thing we can ever hope to hear from Dre musically will be the soundtrack to this movie.

  9. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

    You know Bill Oreilly is going to ask cinemas to boycott this film or something or get Apple to drop Dre because of the fuck the police song and the message he thinks it’s sending… life keeps repeating itself …

    1. Kris Kompute says:

      That 30 years ago. And Bill don’t mess with Jimmy I.

      1. thirtyyearoldmillionaire says:

        lol nigga – white right wing media going to find something wrong any time a black person does something positive and successful and if they can,present it as what’s destroying america …..

  10. Johnny Boy says:

    This shit looks lit!!!

    1. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

      lit though how old are you lol…fk u bamas!!!

  11. el jim chapo guzman says:

    When I heard an NWA film was getting made last year I was intrigued but not so sure it could be pulled off. After seeing this, I am really excited now to see the film.

    1. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

      intrugued? who ghost wrote this comment for you jorge? you filthy bama!!

      1. the art of deception says:

        intruged? take your EL michael

        1. almighty mikey esco! die bamas says:

          Hey when u gonna get my fan page up and running bama…fk yo feelings!!

        2. mikey the greek! fk u bama's! says:

          Should i edit it for u fk boi?

      2. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Don’t be mad bama Your girl wrote it for me.

      3. Starpoint feat Renee Diggs says:


  12. @SkiYewNiverCity says:

    Cannot wait!

  13. The Almighty says:

    I was worried about this film but it really looks good, can’t wait to see it

  14. el jim chapo guzman says:

    This should be a friendly family film.

  15. Sean Power says:

    do they show dre beats his girls ass ? if that in the movie it not a true story. dre beat made chris look like a saint

  16. Da Business says:

    Hell yea…

  17. Jeff Hutch says:

    I don’t see DJ Yella on the cover. He was a full-fledged NWA member…

    In haters we distrust.

    1. Mylo says:

      He’s the spinderella of NWA.

  18. PREMERE says:

    Straight outta Compton, crazy motherfucker named Ice Cube
    From the gang called Niggaz With Attitudes
    When I’m called off, I got a sawed off
    Squeeze the trigger, and bodies are hauled off
    You too, boy, if ya fuck with me
    The police are gonna hafta come and get me
    Off yo ass, that’s how I’m goin out
    For the punk motherfuckers that’s showin out
    Niggaz start to mumble, they wanna rumble
    Mix em and cook em in a pot like gumbo…..

  19. mike h says:

    I’ll see yall there.

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