Jay Z Addresses Tidal Criticism

Moment of Clarity.

Since the launch of Tidal, the streaming service has been met with mixed reviews from critics. Yesterday, the New York Post claimed there was a war brewing between the Tidal and Apple’s upcoming platform. Jay Z turned to his Twitter handle this afternoon to clear the air.

Stream of consciousness coming in 5, 4, 3, 2… #TidalFacts. Tidal is doing just fine. We have over 770,000 subs. We have been in business less than one month. The iTunes Store wasn’t built in a day. It took Spotify 9 years to be successful…We are here for the long haul. Please give us a chance to grow & get better. #TidalFacts.

There are many big companies that are spending millions on a smear campaign. We are not anti-anyone, we are pro-artist & fan. We made Tidal for fans. We have more than just music. We have video, exclusive concerts, tickets for events early, live sports!…

We made Tidal for fans. We have more than just music. We have video, exclusive concerts, tickets for events early, live sports!…Indie artists who want to work directly w/ us keep 100% of their music. “If you don’t want the CEOs all in the videos” haa #tidalfacts

Tidal pays 75% royalty rate to ALL artists, writers and producers – not just the founding members on stage. Rich getting richer? Equity values… YouTube $390 billion. Apple $760 billion. Spotify $8 billion. Tidal $60 million. #TidalFacts

My cousin just moved to Nigeria to discover new talent. Tidal is a global company. We have Tidal X – it supports artists by giving them a platform to connect with their most loyal fans. Tidal is for all. #Tidalfacts

Our actions will speak louder than words. We made Tidal to bring people the best experiences…and to help artists give that to their fans over and over again…We are human (even Daft Punk ha). We aren’t perfect – but we are determined. #TidalFacts

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  1. you jay stans are blind says:

    pro artist and fan? bullshit.it is a fucking flop.

  2. Oh so you post this smh PICK N CHOOSE

    I have never seen him tweet so much before, something must be wrong.

    Another Jay Z post heading to the number 1 spot on jayzradar

  3. Hussle says:

    this nigga on the defensive. we talkin about a man who tweets 5 words every 6 months lmao HA!

    1. Get Moneynigga says:

      So! Nigga you sound bitter.Tweeting don’t put money in his pocket.

  4. Adam Jones says:

    Jay could easily treble those 770,000 subscribers by dropping a new album. Expect Tidal to grow once some big albums are availible exclusively on Tidal.

    1. whats good says:

      Why would I go on Tidal to get his new album when I could rip it free from the internet just as easily?

      1. Rick Ross says:

        Not everyone is you b

  5. marty mcfly says:

    People pray to God that Jay somehow just loses in something. Like the hatred is ridiculous. Tidal been out for like 5 minutes and everybody got something to say and people got the nerve to look down on the business moves of Jayz and they have no business smh. My thing is this, make your judgments now but fast forward to the future when Tidal is worth a few hundred million dollars, and I hope the same people talking shit feel stupid as hell. Fools need to realize that investment business doesn’t turn over to wealth within 24 hours. Business is about the long haul not immediate success as soon as you step on the field.

    1. Eric Davis says:

      Is that you Hov?

      1. IcebergDaddy says:

        Hater is that you?

      2. GetReal says:

        you a broke ass nigga if you thought anything he just said was false

    2. Dame Damn says:

      The funny thing is that he spent $56 million on it and it’s already worth over $200 million. Yet these clown asshats still use the word flop when it’s been up and running a few weeks. Haters know no limits when it’s comes to justifying their hate. Fuck ’em. They’re probably in their cribs right now dying from obesity, but “that’s none of my business.”

    3. whats good says:

      It’s been like 4 years me seeing you comment on these blogs and you still are on Jay Zs nuts. You think you would have some sense of humility and hold back but you still have no shame in showing how much you love the guy

      1. marty mcfly says:

        You still on my nuts bitch. You been reading my comments for four years. My comments were about Tidal and people who think the shits gonna fail as soon as its starts… My comment was about how building a business takes time. YOU made it about Jayz, thats not what my comments were about.

        1. whats good says:

          That may not have been what your comments are about but the point is every time there is a Jay Z post you come on it defending him. you’re really gonna sit here and tell me you aren’t embarrassed about how often you comment on Jay Z posts? i remember in the 2DBZ days when you and Pauly D used to go at it for days in the comment section, it was very strange to witness your obsession

          1. marty mcfly says:

            No cause I know how many Jayz posts have no comment from me at all and its alot of them. I know I barely posted on any sections about Jayz for the entire years of 2014 and half of 2013. The point is this, when I do post in a Jayz section, there is context to it. You fools are so insecure about everything that you read the shit, completely leave out the context and just act as if I just commented saying Jayz over and over? No fool, read the comments again cause they involve context and subject matter that relate to the purpose of the post. Its strange to you because your probably a weirdo or something so when you see a comment you just see the names and miss the whole point of the comment. Thats your problem not mine. Whats strange and embarrassing is you’ve been reading my comments for years and you bringing up where my posts are and who I posted about etc… Get off my dick until you understand what context is. You call it obsession because you probably don’t read that well because if you did you would realize the points involved change even when the person being commented on is the same. You make comments about me because you can’t address the substance of the actual comment itself. You feel some type of way because you probably a bitchass nigga. My comments on Tidal were about business and long term investment. YOU made it about Jayz.

          2. whats good says:

            OK, so when you comment on a Jay Z post, it isnt always about Jay Z himself – fair enough. You still don’t find it strange how often you comment on his shit? Like if I continuously posted on rr AND 2dbz posts about Kanye, I would take a step back and think “maybe I should do something else with my time”. But even 4 years later you still get in long winded arguments on Jay Z posts. the fact that it’s happening on 2dbz and rr simultaneously right now is even stranger

          3. marty mcfly says:

            I find it strange that you so into my posts? You think my posts are often about Jayz? The majority of my posts have nothing to do with Jayz whatsoever. Now you paid attention to how many Jayz posts had comments from me but didn’t look at how many Jayz posts have no comment from me. What’s stranger is you been studying my comments for years and only saw what you wanted to see cause the other side of the coin is how many times I’m I not talking about Jayz? Far more times then when I am. Again go back to the year 2014, how many Jayz posts have no comments from me? The fact you keep using the word strange is strange. Again you probably a weirdo or a homo, both of which, I don’t relate to or agree with. So get off my dick. Pause

          4. whats good says:

            i’m not a ‘homo’ as you so eloquently put it but it’s nice to see a grown man still using that as an insult. it’s also great to see the kind of caliber of person i’m dealing with – a homophobe who, instead of countering my arguments, just hurls insults at me. enjoy your denial about how much you obsess over Jay Z

  6. Get Moneynigga says:

    Haters just wanna see Tidal fail.Why tho? Even tho it’s $20 to subscribe but provides more for the consumer and the Artist.I would rather support that and pay more,than subscribing for less.Jay Z knows what he’s doing,he taking the power from the Beast aka CEO’s of these Companies and given Artist the power with earning more money for their Music.Why wouldn’t you want to support that?

    1. IcebergDaddy says:

      Well people don’t want to help them get rich that is the logic. Which is a dumb one but that is a fact.

    2. Xc says:

      There is $10.00 option bro.

      1. Get Moneynigga says:

        I know that.Premium Subscription.

    3. Guest says:

      Tidal is fans?! No, Tidal is for the artist which is perfectly fine but to say that it’s for the fans makes no sense unless somehow they’re going to provide music and “exclusive content” for cheaper than it currently is!

      1. Dame Damn says:

        Tidal provides added value bonuses for the fans. Did you read the post?

        1. Guest says:

          This guy writes and I quote “added value bonus” WHAT IN THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN??? When you get it figured out let me know!

          1. Dame Damn says:

            LOOOOOL I was sleepy when I wrote that. I accept that it was a tautology.

      2. tututhebadboy says:

        Wait so you want your content more exclusive but you want to pay less??.. Where is the sense in that?..

    4. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      the mayweather effect. i guess after you’re on top for so long, people wanna see you fail.

  7. AthrazhuR says:

    I’m hoping for Tidal’s success. Tidal’s success means more money in the pockets of artists. I’m an artist. It’s a no brainer. You may argue that it’s not much more money, or you may not like the fact that Jay-Z looks like a camel or some other nonsense, but I don’t get your arguments. If you’re just screaming “they’re gonna’ lose”, or “Fuck Jay-Z”, then I know what level of idiot you are. He’s absolutely right that there is a huge anti-Tidal spin going on. I hope the product continues to improve and put pressure on other distribution outlets.

    1. Dame Damn says:

      “When the hate don’t work, they start telling lies”

    2. Abe6772 says:

      You do know that other streaming services pay the same amount to their artist. And I don’t see no anti-tidal spin or whatever. People just aren’t dumb and pay for something they can get for free somewhere else. A real artist doesn’t do it for the money, they do it because it’s their art. The money will come from touring or something, but don’t act like tidal is looking for your best interest because it’s not.

      1. Vurbz Fenomeno says:

        That’s actually not true..you just actually made a false statement ..spotify definitely does not pay up to 75% royalties to the artist..not even close..it’s more like 20% and that’s the standard for most streaming services…so please refrain from lying..I’m not a big fan of tidal simply because it doesn’t rally benefit me yet..but I don’t go around lying..and btw..every business is in it for profit..

      2. tututhebadboy says:

        A real artist wouldn’t let something so crazy ever cross their mind. Any artist doing it just because its “their art” is a child. No, you get paid because its yours & its good enough that I want it. You do it because you love it, true but “Real” art is to be shared & sharing isn’t free. If nobody else can even see or hear your art to like or dislike it, how could it be art?..Thats just some person doing some thing, thats not an artist. On the other note, the ‘New’ Tidal wouldn’t exist if the other streaming services paid the same amount.. it’s like literally their business motto. Tidal is the only one I would say is even considering your best interest.. maybe pandora I think. Evrything else isn’t even run by music people.

      3. GetReal says:

        true words of a broke nigga, “doesnt do it for the money” get the fuck outta here with that bullshit, everything is for the money, wake up

    3. Johnny England says:

      Kinda hard to feel sorry about these performers when you seen them on big Yachts doing expensive things on islands we never knew existed. Good for them but Spotify is the best streaming service and does anybody really care if taylor swift gets even more money?

      1. Bootney Lee Farnsworth says:

        You’re hating bro.

      2. bastion says:

        If someone takes what you work hard to make and give it away free to 60 million people for 15 million subscription, what would you say?

    4. Truth Or Die says:

      Have you joined up and use the service? And if so can you tell us about the great experience and why to you its the superior option to Spotify or Pandora or YouTube or Beats Music?

      1. bastion says:

        Yes I have and all the music, videos comes in strong and clear

    5. Inf says:

      True indeed. We as artist need to Support Tidal…..its basically makes us even with the distribution

  8. HUSTLE Westbrook says:

    You Tube changed the way people view videos. Apple changed the way people viewed mobile phones and computers. Spotify changed the way people listen to music. The people that own these companies are masters of the tech world which is why they are billionaires. Jay Z is a master musician which means he knows little to nothing about how to start a streaming business. He would have better of creating a platform in the music industry that would have change the game forever. Instead he looked at this as another hustle the same way he does most of his business ventures. Not to mention those companies he mentioned started off small and launched then became bigger overtime while Jay Z had a press conference full of big name artist then launched big which is why his slow start is being magnified. Him going on Twitter to address rumors only means his bosses who really own the company want him to kill all the noise they are losing big right now because Jay Z never to rarely does social media

    1. marty mcfly says:

      Jayz doesn’t have any “bosses”, their partners or other business owners… Jay doesn’t have to work for anybody else. If he makes a move its just cause he wanted to.

        1. marty mcfly says:

          Fuck your mother bitch

      1. whats good says:

        you’re harping on about people wanting to see Jay Z crumble every time he starts something new.. haters just want to see him fail etc. But you are just as bad wanting to see him succeed every time. there is something wrong with caring about how a man worth 500 milliion, who doesn’t know you exisit, is getting on with his business ventures.

        1. Guest says:

          LMAO!!! SO TRUE!!! #ETHER

          1. marty mcfly says:

            Read my comments again fool cause you obviously didn’t understand them.

        2. marty mcfly says:

          Read those comments again fool. I said talking as if a business is gonna fail right after it starts is stupid. THATS what my comments were about.

        3. bastion says:

          your ignorantt so compelling that the right brother and ford cars you forget aboutI’start up company that went
          against big companies ok oh tforI’ll go everybody who went e grain to see by the success Despite everybody desire for their demis

    2. yeah says:

      Dame is that you?…. 😉

      1. damedash says:


    3. Guest says:

      At least u see through the bs

    4. RightHook says:

      you make some valid points…..but you missed one major thing…ALL of the companies you listed have sold HIS product. from his music , movies or artists on his labels….you credit him for being a master musician , fair enough…i think with the right business partners , someone who has dedicated their life to selling music, has a right to fund a way for them to CHOOSE how its sold to its consumer. FYI i will never subscribe, thats just me. but its not for everyone.

    5. Dame Damn says:

      “his bosses who really own the company want him to kill all the noise they are losing big right now ”

      “When the hate don’t work, they start telling lies”

    6. GetReal says:

      explain to me now roc nation sports has been successful then, or any other business venture hes been you people need to stop acting like you know wtf yall talking about cuz yall dont, yall just talkin

      1. HUSTLE Westbrook says:

        Jay Z doesn’t own Roc Nation

  9. yeah says:

    I’m writing 3 papers over this in college right now. This whole “Tidal failed” thing goes all the way to Forbes jumping on the wave, and while all these journalists guys are supposed to be so educated, they seem to forget the one important thing, everybody’s still on their 1st month free trails, DUH nobody’s gonna jump the gun and start paying 25 dollars a month for an app they don’t even know if they like yet. So the best advice I, a little college kid from Tennessee, can give to to Jay, is that he keeps doing publicity things like this, along with the other artists on board. And the only thing I have a problem with tidal is just that, besides the first week April 1-7, there hasn’t been enough PR work, yeah the NYU Q&A was cool but, when you have this much star power behind it, you needta utilize every bit of it, consistently. Then I think tidal will be fine in about 3 months, with the roll out of bonus and exclusive content on the way.

    1. marty mcfly says:

      The thing about Tidal is this. Once its up an running smoothly the music will sell itself so Jay won’t have to say anything else.

  10. IcebergDaddy says:

    Rich getting richer logic is stupid, Walton family is networth $150 Billion dollars Yet no one is complaining about that lets not shop at walmart since they are rich arleady.LMAO Tidal is new give it time to grow.

  11. ShmIamRealTalk says:


  12. Mylo says:

    Damn nigga wrote a essay… It’s aight jigga everybody take a L every now and then one way or another.

    1. GetReal says:

      how he take a L and he literally just launched the campaign a month ago, you broke ass niggas always think yall know wtf yall talkin about

  13. how the nigga taken a L didn’t he just started

  14. Home Of Philly says:

    Jay will not be the first rapper to make it to a billion but definitely will be the first multi-billionaire

  15. choco prince says:

    Just downloaded a hacked version of Spotify premium. Ad-free
    No idea what the fuss is all about. Ppl pay for this? Lmao

    1. MR.ESCO YOUR IDOL!!! says:


    2. GetReal says:

      you dont even have to do that you could literally get a beats music app account and continuously use the 7 day free trial with fake made up emails

  16. The Almighty says:

    less than a month… That’s why I didn’t understand people saying its a failure so damn soon, they obviously just want to see this fail. Let’s see where Tidal is a year from now, then tell me if its a failure or a success.

    1. Dame Damn says:

      Some of the most successful companies in the world have taken several years to even begin to generate revenue. Amazon till this day isn’t profitable, but it’s one of the biggest companies, in the world. Twitter took several years to begin generating profits.

      Leave it up to n*ggers and racist crackers to not want to see a black man be successful beyond their wildest dreams. As they say, “When the hate don’t work, they start telling lies.”

      1. Abe6772 says:

        Are you being paid by tidal? I don’t understand your argument. JayZ is already successful beyond belief. He’s allowed to make a few mistakes. If tidal was a good product than I would understand, but it’s not. Why pay more for a service that I can get for free somewhere else? To support artist? I support them by buying their albums and watching them live. JayZ came Into this thinking that he was a God and just using his likeness would be enough, but he’s wrong. The tech world is not like the music world. Why get a flip phone when I can get an iPhone. You see what I’m saying?.

        1. Dame Damn says:

          You’re an idiot. If you’re not going to address the point of my subject, then shut up. The fact is people are slandering it in order to hate. To call it a flop 2 weeks in when the guy has already quadrupled the value of what he spent on the company is just dumb n*gger logic. But leave it up to dumb n*ggers to be dumb n*ggers and be so proudly, as if they know what the fuck they’re talking about.

  17. jaja420 says:

    “if you dont want ceos all in the videos” lmfao im just glad too here that tidal just isnt for big name artist that its helping the artist who are independent and starting out, it’ll be fine just give it time

  18. bumpy johnson says:

    the guy is goin to win just watch

    1. Abe6772 says:

      Jay z? He’s already a millionaire. You want him to became a billionaire by getting richer of your money?

      1. GetReal says:

        you sound fucking retarded, anytime you buy something you’re making someone richer idiot, you broke ass niggas and your stupid ass hater logic kill me

        1. Abe6772 says:

          Darn dude, you gotta relax. It must be tough defending people thst are better off than you. All I’m saying is, JayZ is trying to make this more than what it really is taking the VERY little money people like you have into his pockets. People are seeing it for what it is and aren’t falling for it. If you want to support it go right ahead it’s not money. I can get the same service on YouTube or iTunes. Now go flip that burger.

  19. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Jay-z is rich beyond belief, but you can’t by smarts, or fix stupid.

      1. T says:

        LOL nigga trying to drop knowledge but can’t tell the difference between by & buy LOL….

      2. el jim chapo guzman says:

        sorry typo

  20. Dan Karlin says:

    The problem with so many people today is that everything, bad or good, is expected to come some instantly – no album is a “classic” immediately after its release; it takes time. No business venture is an instant success or failure; it takes goddamn time.

    Nobody looking at the numbers is going to expect Tidal to skyrocket in a MONTH. Yes, it has dozens of high profile artists on the forefront because that’s what it takes for many potential listeners to pay attention, but the service really does cater to indie artists trying to make a living, and that’s what it’s actually about.

    I can’t stand Jay’s smug, arrogant personality, but there’s no denying that the guy knows how to run a business. For better or for worse, this shit is just getting started.

  21. Eric Davis says:

    the post is right. Streaming services will belong to spotify and apple. Hov didn’t mention most of the back lash is stemming from charging 20+ dollars to hear Kanye west gulp in HD format. Smh vamoose you son of a bitch. Spotify is kang

  22. Jay says:

    I think this is a good thing for the artist 75% now that’s making money

    1. Dame Damn says:

      Especially if you’re an independent artist. If you’re on a label with a 360 deal, that might not be the case.

  23. Dame Damn says:

    “When the hate don’t work, they start telling lies”


  24. Young Lord says:

    We seem to be OK with purchasing goods that make someone rich –the public consumes daily. People don’t care about starving artists anymore than they do uber-wealthy ones. It’s hypocritical to be snide about the intentions of superstars when so much of the general public has adopted the idea that it is somehow entitled to free music.

    Deep down, I think the Tidal backlash stems from people being fed up with the stranglehold these bigger corporations have on the public’s pockets. Jay Z, the Tidal owners, and celebrities in general, are seen as low hanging fruit. It’s an easy issue to stand against after feeling defeat buy so many others.

  25. L Train says:

    He’s just trying to capitalize on music streaming this shit is not for the artist or dans its for Gay z bottomline. Stop lying to the people it’s just one of his many shady business deals that he’s trying to pull off.

  26. TheTruthHurts says:

    I don’t care about or plan to use Tidal as I don’t use Spotify or even Pandora really, but people need to look at all the FACTS. I don’t wish Tidal or Jay anything bad but Tidal is a renamed company or a service already in use that had just over 500,000 subscribers so Jay shouting out 700,000+ doesn’t mean much. Rap Radar needs to stay off Jay’s nuts though, it’s terrible “journalism” if you could even call it that. Basically it tarnishes RR’s brand to ride so hard for artists that don’t care about you at the end of the day.

  27. alex says:

    That equity fact doesn’t really mean dick when you are talking about the “rich getting richer” because the whole point is artist getting richer not TIDAL the company.
    Yes I understand that then would include lets call the “little guy artist” but the fact that you try to stray me away from your point against “the rich getting richer” is pretty much bullshit.
    I like TIDAL because I like Jay-z and nothing more from me as a consumer and I would certainly never buy a product just because Jay-z’s name is on it (besides a CD). I think Jay-z is really launching his first business that is going to take more than his name and friends help, it’s going to take an education that isn’t necessarily taught in the streets or a Def Jam meeting. He’s actually working with this new generation of computer science and design grads. A field that is known for its quirky and genius leaders. I won’t pretend like I know anything about it but can he adjust to that?
    If he fails he fails, this is the reality of entrepreneurism. But this is like going from using the stock market with fake money to real money. 9/10 people enter the Stock Market to soon and I worry that you can equate this to his TIDAL situation. 56 million isn’t chump change to Jay-z.
    But if there is ANYBODY and I mean ANYBODY who is not afraid of failure its Jay. And with this move he tells us that if TIDAL fails or not, he’s more than just a street hustler he is an entrepreneur.

  28. Truth Or Die says:

    Not one single post talking about how great the service is. I see a bunch of Jay Z supporters but zero Tidal supporters which is why Jay-Z is out there on the defensive looking desperate

    1. tututhebadboy says:

      There is no defensive & the same thing goes for what you’re saying. There are no facts about the service being bad, slow, lacking of anything just haters.. or not even Tidal ‘haters’ just non-supporters of Jay-z. There’s nothing defensive about correcting people who spew out anything. He’s explaining his companies potential services to the people whats so desperate about that??

  29. Dc says:

    Let’s give it a chance!

  30. GetReal says:

    only reason i dont use tidal is because you could literally get a beats music app account and continuously use the 7 day free trial with fake made up emails, had the app since last year and havent paid a dime, the layout is way better, and the curated playlists are actually good

    1. Abe6772 says:

      You’re nothing but a phony ass fan. How are you defending tidal and using beats for free. What’s the point? Stop trying to justify that tidal is trash Bc your favorite rapper endorsed it. JayZ is going to be alright even if tidal fails. Relax

  31. Bootney Lee Farnsworth says:

    75% royalty rate?! That’s what Apple is scared of. They can’t afford to pay that. Neither can spotify.

    The should have never jerked Cold Crush!


  33. Daniel says:

    They preach about artist intellectual property and rights but they still copied SPOTIFY’s user interface!! They couldn’t even develop a new UI. Ridiculous and stupid.

  34. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:



  35. Music says:

    I keep telling people that Jay, love him or hate him, is extremely calculated and knows what he is doing. Period. I used to hate on Jay, but guess what? The dude is a winner and you have to respect it.

    Jay Z still has albums on Spotify, Pandora, Beats Music, etc. Tidal brought awareness to streaming in general, Spotify & Pandora specifically got more popular and more premium subscribers cause of it. He is still making money on the competition. If Spotify gets more users, he gets more money still. He wins regardless!

    Even if Tidal fails completely, Jay Z will still win. Tidal’s outcome can play tons of ways, and once again, no one knows what his true intentions are with the service. Let’s be real, do you think a man with half a billie truly cares about what indie artists make?

    Apple has Beats Music.
    Jay Z not too long ago teamed up with Samsung to release MCHG.
    Do I have to spell the rest out for you?
    Samsung could easily pick up Tidal and it will be a wrap.

    There are rumors that Sprint is looking into the service but who knows.

    And to the people who are yelling “its a flop” on every single article is serving as Jay’s free promo. You motherfuckers did it! There has been so much shit talk about Tidal that I actually downloaded it just so I can see where all this hostility is coming from.

    Truth of the matter is, a man that spends $56 million on a service has a concrete plan period. Jay Z knows the game, and to say he plays the game exceptionally well is a understatement.

    1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:

      IS THAT YOU B.DOT??? HA!!!!


      1. Music says:

        now I need to make another account -_-

        1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:


          DON’T HATE ON MY OPINION!!!!

  36. Extra Domus says:

    YouTube is not worth 390 Billi, google is…YT is around 40.

  37. tipp0183 says:

    not even HATERS cant argue with this… i’ll take that back, they’ll find a way. No-vision having ass niggas.

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