Wale Talks To Students In Baltimore
April 29, 2015 @ 5:28 PM EDT

The Speech About Everything.
Now that the riots in Baltimore are quelling, peaceful rallies are taking place in Charm City. This morning, Wale traveled a few miles up I-95 to speak with students at Fredrick Douglas High School on police brutality and helping the community.
#Salute to Wale.
Great move sir
..while Ray Lewis is making videos from his safe haven couch.
Must suck not to have a job and gotta wait every Friday for that $20 from your parents smh
Of course he doesn’t…he also doesn’t have a high school diploma
Why do I have a feeling that you already have an idea of who this mac Diesel person is and you’re just letting him dig his own ditch.
We’ve been talking, marching and protesting for years… The one option we have never tried is fighting. No more million man marches, lets have a million man battle. #BLACK FIRST, WARRIOR UNIFICATION, Start the process of conditioning your mind and body for the idea of warfare because at some point the talking gotta stop. If you scared get a dog.
Nigga that would not end well for anybody smh
Of course it wouldn’t but how many more marches and protests you wanna have? Has that worked. You gonna continue to beg and ask for mercy, justice and equality? I aint talking about a war popping off tomorrow or next month or even next year… Im talking about the idea of it? And the process of it beginning way before it starts… Its needs to bbbuuuiiiiLLLLDDDD!!!! UP but either niggas can finally think about defending and fighting or niggas can continue to suffer under the supremacy that exists in america from the chambers of Congress on down. I just wanna know where is that warrior spirit that existed in the slaves that decided to rebel? Its like that spirit don’t even exist anymore. I know most of us would never fight back, we’ve been beaten down too much, niggas spirits are completely shattered and live in total fear of police but at some point niggas gotta get the fuck up man period.
You said it would not end well but then again, you never know because how do we know that we cant “take” “power” if we never even try? Sun Tzu (Art Of War) would say we could very well make that happen. Its millions of black men out there that feel like they don’t have much to lose anyway? All thats missing is the heart to fight and the unification and the follow through but it all starts in the mind first. It only sounds like fantasy because we have not seen it in our lifetime but historians would say this level of uprising could very well indeed happen. We don’t have to take over the country but the will to fight at some point has to be discussed during some generation of black people in america.
Just so were clear, Im asking people to THINK about the IDEA of fighting back. Instead of just marching, protesting and trying to reason with mothafuckas that don’t wish nothing on you but death and destruction.
Thinking doesn’t really require any luck fool. Thinking is necessary before any action every takes place so first I’m asking people to think… Why do they believe fighting back against a system that treats them unjustly is impossible? Is it? All I’m saying is think about it. You had a million plus black men show up to the steps of DC on Oct. 16 1995. You think if a million black men decided to storm the Capital that they would be able to stop that many people? The Million Man March was no movie, that was real but niggas was “asking” for justice and equality… What if next time niggas didn’t do no asking and just decided to beat the shit outta everybody in the Capital building? Stopping a million plus black men all applying pressure at once would not be easy to stop at all and again that march was no movie, it was just peaceful.
Ok and for most that seems crazy but there are more then enough people who know that the idea of fighting back in armed conflict is not really that crazy. Its actually happened a million times before in every major empire this earth has ever seen.
Ok cool because there are a bunch of different forms of attack, conflict and warfare. Some times militarized weapons aint enough because in a country as big as america sometimes its hard to fight against multiple targets being hit at once. I see what you saying and I use to think the same way but a million plus niggas fighting at once? I’m sorry but all that high tech shit aint gonna be enough. That an overwhelming amount of violence that I doubt the military would even wanna be a part of on their own soil. The majority of black people have never been to jail a day in their life fool. Thats only what the news wants you to believe.
We’ve had groups of two people show up and do some serious damage so I don’t think you realize how many people a million is. Look at the Capital Building or the Wall Street building. If a million people were to attack those buildings, they would fall, thats just all there is to it. The wave of violence that would come down on those buildings would be ridiculous but again, I aint talking about jumping off a war next week. All I said was when are black people gonna at least think about the idea of war or even have that conversation at all period. When are people gonna realize thats police bleed when their shit too? Thats all I’m saying.
Even bombs dropping wouldn’t be enough for a million people all coming at once.
Lmao…seriously? Rush the capital with a million plus? You see how everyone is saying you’re thinking is fuckin irrational as fuck?? You see how no one agrees with this stupid shit you say? Its because its not REALISTIC! rush the white house lol?? And get thousands upon thousands of men with families that depend on them killed because you wanna try to be nat turner? Are you seriously fuckin retarded or is this an elaborate hoax?
Read the comment again… my comment was a response to another comment about a hypothetical situation regarding a comment I made about the million man march. You know all this stems from my comments saying this is not about starting a war today, its about first thinking about even the idea of fighting back?
So you want people to think about war? You don’t think every black man in America hasn’t thought about the shit you’re talking about? They just know its far fetched bro, and in all honesty counterproductive. I understand you’re mad, I get that…but hypothetically rushing shit won’t fix our issues. We need to fix our own issues, stay in our kids lives, quit calling eacjh other nigga, stop killing each other all the time, stop calling our women our bitches, our women need to resoect themselves, our kids need to speak with intelligence and stop glorifying shit that’s our downfall. These aren’t white issues, these are black ones and until we can clean up whst we need to on our side there’s no time to worry about white folks. Im angry at police, not whitey. That’s a cop out and black folks been leaning on it too long. You wanna take over the countrt and we can’t even control ourselves and how we behave. Its fuckim irrational thinking man, you need to reevaluate exactly what it is you’re thinking.
Again these said issues are dodges in regards to me saying maybe black people need to think about fighting back. Is that far fetched? Yes to most but again my comments are for the few that would say no thats not far fetched at all. When you talk about how black people act and all the shit they need to do? Its millions upon millions of black people who already do that and have done that for their entire life. So when you bring that up its a deflection imo. I say black people need to really consider in the actually sense about fighting back and stop thinking thats so “irrational” because I said THINK first because after a while its not so irrational… Its happened in every major society and empire on earth and in every empire in history. You say black kids need to speak intelligently? Ok they do but you being so close to white people you take they opinion and they narrative about black kids not being able to speak intelligently. I don’t. You say black people need to clean up our act? How many of us have already? Did systematic oppression change? NO, white supremacy? No, Police brutality? No Economic in equality? No, etc… etc… So in regards to fighting back, those ‘we need to clean up our act” shit doesn’t apply to every black person because the majority of us already have. Now YOU see whitey as not being the enemy? I don’t. YOU said I wanna take over the country? I specifically said I did NOT wanna take over the country. You say stop killing each other? I never killed another black man and how many black people you now that are killers? The reality is most black men have never killed another black man so when you say stop doing it? Shit 98% never did it fool. Again, for all those saying white’s are not the enemy? Go look at every position of power in america where decisions are made that effect black people. How many are white? How many openly show distain for black people? How many speak for a larger group of white people that make up racist groups, militia groups and political groups that openly show distain for black people? Whitey aint the enemy to you but you the enemy to him for sure.
Yet you were at occupy wall street protesting in what is a majority white protest? You want to bring them down, yet you want to protest alongside them? There wasn’t a bunch of black folks at OWS, I was there…nothing but whites! Who were you talking to? surely not your own, because there wasn’t a huge black presence in the protest aspect of OWS. You keep telling me I think white lol, please…you think more white than me. You’re the one referencing back to ancient times where mostly white Europeans have overthrown societies and you want to do what they did…what makes you any better than them? Why because you are apart of a system thats not made for you and never will be? We have a better shot at a mass exodus and going and starting our own civilization than overtaking a society that won’t allow it. We’ll never be in control, because they have all the money fool. This shit goin on isn’t about race, its about POWER AND MONEY. Race is a diversion. Sure, white media portrays blacks in negative lights but when we have a chance to prove them wrong…we throw up gang signs and riot, our children cussing out the camera, not speaking intelligently, not showing them we are strong, thought provoking black MEN! You never saw Malcom acting like this, you never saw Rosa parks behave that way. there’s a reason older black folks get incredibly upset when you call them nigga…because they fought NOT to be called that. yea you are speaking to the “few” who feel you because any self respecting black man would much rather you
Who said I wanted to protest along with whites? Thats what you wanted to do. In regards to Occupy, I have my own opinions about economic inequality. I saw plenty of black people there so Idk what you talking about. Now I guess you’ll make my comments about me fighting against poor whites even knowing thats not what my comments were about. You love white people to death don’t you. You talking about I wanna join in with whites? Dont confuse my comments with yours dumbass. Again, you talk about me saying to take over for control? I specifically said thats NOT what I wanna do. See YOU brought up “revolution”, thats an overthrow of government. I brought up “fighting back” thats to send the message that we aint just gonna lay down when whites try to kill us. These are two different things. Now yes warfare etc.. was brought up but I repeatedly said this is about THINKING first way before any action ever takes place. You said its not about race and then talked about how the media negatively portrays us in the next sentence. Then proceeded to repeat a list of negative stereotypes whites say all the time as justification for why killing us should be ok. Yeah you definitely think white. So much so that you think I do to? No
Now I guess you’ll say I should unify with whites from OWS for the causes of black people? I don’t think so. I’m not stopping any whites from protesting your doing shit but I don’t gotta join in just because we agree on the economic inequality in america that is controlled by WHITE supremacy. Im talking to me people that know we have a common enemy and aint gonna bitch about me using the n word knowing damn well I’m black myself. My Negus
I’ve seen and heard countless intelligent black people speak properly fool. That aint worked against police brutality or an unjust system against my people.
Black people being killed live on camera in front of you on a regular now and you want us to stop calling each other nigga? Don’t bring up another issue as if its a remedy for getting murdered by the police nigga. Lemme guess you gon come back with the white people classic excuse “well black people kill black people so”…. Why cant they? Is the catch to those kinda statements.
That’s right marty. GET ANGRY! Just start blaming everyone and everything and destroy with violence. Once again, it is what the media wants.
So you want to unite and fight back just so the media can paint you as monsters the way they have been deceitfully doing with Baltimore and Ferguson?
I understand you’re angry on what is going on, and I’d probably say the same thing too, but drop the anger for one minute and see what is going on. There is a problem that stems much deeper than what is at the surface.
But don’t worry it will all unfold soon. We will see how much power the police and military have starting July 15th to September 15th of 2015.
No I don’t want black people to fight back because of anything the media thinks. The media was painting all black people like thugs anyway so thats nothing new. I didn’t say anything about anger cause again what I’m saying is gonna take time… I asked people to THINK about the IDEA of fighting back? Do police bleed just like you? Ok then so is fighting back a possibility that will have an effect? Thats what I’m saying. I said nothing about how I’m just so angry but of course I’m black so everything I do is considered angry and that too is nothing new.
Here’s an idea: why dont YOU go fight you bitch ass nigga and quit TYPING it out!! tired of seeing you try to stir up emotions and get people to get violent yet YOU don’t want to do it yourself! You literally have 40 post talking about what we should you do or be thinking about and you aint about shit. You’re a sucker, you fuckin bum.
Yes I said THINK about the IDEA of violence that is the beginnings of a PROCESS about a larger discussion among black people that will come about later down the line. THAT is what I said. I said it in detail multiple times so even a retard like you would get it. I did not say everybody get a gun right now and kill somebody. You a bitch ass nigga for saying we gotta join forces with white militia groups to go march and protest? LOL nigga eat a dick a die you pussy. YOU brought up that you were willing to die over the cause yesterday. I said well then go die. I’m talking about THINKING about the IDEA of warfare on a unified level BEFORE ever firing off the first shot. There’s a big difference you faggot ass bitch. I know alot of black people have never even thought about it and thats why I said THINK first. I repeatedly said Im NOT talking about starting a war tomorrow or next month or not even next year…. I said this is larger conversation thats gonna take TIME. You still think your own race is the enemy and thats why you sucking the white mans dick still. Go fight with him you stupidass nigga.
bruh you got 6000+ comments in over a year on this shit. SIX THOUSAND AND COUNTING!! this is your LIFE! you might as well have a head attactthed to hands because that’s fuckin ridiculous. You aren’t doing shit with your time but texting about shit that you’ll never do. aint nobody tryin to read all this shit, get a life nigga.
Six thousand comments about THIS? NO bitch no. My comment was about THINKING about the situation which everybody can do. Yesterday you brought up dying over the situation but at the same time you aint willing to kill. Now read each one of my comments about the issue again… You find I’m only asking people to THINK, I said nothing about going out right now a killing somebody. Now YOU think “revolution” is about mingling with white militia groups and doing some community outreach… No bitch boy “revolution” in about using FORCE to accomplish a goal. Now in order for there to ever be a “revolution”, people gotta at least THINK about the shit first. What I very specifically and repeatedly asked people is when is the actual process of even THINKING about “revolution” as a people gonna start? THATS what I said, some rational shit that makes sense if you could comprehend but you a white boy on the net claiming to be a black militant down to die for the cause but yet you don’t even know “revolution” involves life and death and violence you dumb bitch.
naw nigga, 6k period…in a year. Since you’re such an enlightened being go ahead and break those numbers down. You literally are on this thing a majority of your day, that’s like more than 100 post per day…that sounds like a man with A LOT of time on his hands. So that means you’re either a child or an unemployed ass broke nigga. either way, What the fuck can you tell anybody about anything with your head stuck in your phone all day? like i said, you’re a fuckin phoney ass wannabe bro and you need to quit posing hypothetical questions about shit you don’t intend on doing yourself. Now go fuck yourself.
Thanks for the update cracker. Maybe I comment while I’m at work in between doing other shit. Like I said your a white boy wannabe militant nigga that doesn’t even know what “revolution” is about. I see a bunch of police shootings this year and I ask people to just think about revolution and you act like a bitch. White boy STFU and go fuck your mother before I come do it. Bitch
you work 24 hours a day lol?? nigga you don’t have a job, and if you do you should be fired for wasting someones time and money. You call me white, but that doesn’t mean shit because it’s false. You aren’t gonna fuck anyones mom, let alone anything period…other than yourself of course. You don’t even wanna log off and go outside, what are YOU gonna do in a revolution? text about it on here while you look out the window lol? shut up weenie.
You think white so you white enough. I mean you study the hours I comment but not the hours I dont. Its cool though, your weak attempts to try and negate your stupidity by just talking about my thousands of comments doesn’t change any of the bullshit you said. At least when I talk about a revolution I at least know unifying with white militia groups aint what revolution is about dumbass. Again the context in which I spoke about revolution makes sense. Yesterday you was talking about how you willing to die? I wasn’t jumping from 0 to 100 in my comments, there was context to mine. You kept asking me why I wasn’t willing to die for you yesterday over and over and getting more upset each time. LOL
think white? lol why? because i’d rather have people get along than burn down their city? do you even think about the shit you type? You wear Levi’s? get gas at Chevron? pay your phone bill? drink bottled water? simple, everyday shit that you probably take for granted are all white owned companies and you rely it on daily yet you want to kill them? You’re whole life is comprised of paying them to live this luxurious internet fantasy life you’ve built for yourself. I don’t hate whites like you, i hate ignorant people LIKE YOU. Would i want to side with a racist militia? hell no. i said the ones who are down for everyone, not just their own skin. You’re on wssh trying to spark a revolution and i’m the stupid one? LMAO! you’ll literally reply to anything i say, you are incapable of not being on here, so knock yourself out….im done.
Yeah you think white but even your willingness to be a “revolutionary” don’t mean shit cause you still haven’t figured out that takes more then protest and unifying with white people. You talking about burning the city down? I never said burn it up in the first place but like you said you just wanna “get along” so before you call somebody else an “arm chair revolutionary”? Dont fit the exact description yourself. Now you on some shit like if I go to gas station or drink bottle water then that means I “depend” on white people? Another example of your fuckery. You talking about I wanted to spark a revolution online? No I asked when are black people gonna actually think about a revolution? Now you mad at me cause I dont wanna unify with white people or join white militia groups? No dumbass cause they shit aint about helping black people period. You said you wanna join a militia group that is? Then do that but you probably aint done that either. Im asking people to think and you talking about joining groups, dying over the struggle of black people but you still confused as to why you can’t die for the cause if you aint even willing to fight in the first place. You wanna join a non violent white militia group and die for the cause at the same time? Cracker nigga you retarded.
You’re so dumb, and you severely lack reading comprehension skills, not to mention you don’t know what armchair revolutionary means. it doesnt Mean Coexistence It Means when you just sit on your ass and talk about revolution….which by every post you’ve put up regarding this situation that definition fits you like a glove. And YES YOU DEPEND ON WHITE PEOPLE muthafucka. You can’t hunt, milk a cow, build a car, build a house, a plane, your iphone, you cant sew your clothes, you can’t do SHIT until white people make it for you and you go buy it and line their pockets. bet you wear nikes right? Phillip knight owns you. You ain’t shit but a racist and when other black folks don’t agree with you their on the white mans side. Truth be told I’d much rather be on a non racists militia than to kick it with ignorant niggas like you. you’d never even make it in any pro black faction because the number 1 rule is respect ALL your brother’s. you’ve been disrespectful towards me this whole time, they would kick you out. You’re yhe type to bring the whole movement down from the inside because your thoughts and are destructive towards everyone.
My comments were about the MIND not about going out and killing somebody as soon as you read the comment. I specifically said I’m NOT saying go start a war today or next month or even next year… I said FIRST you have to THINK about even the IDEA of warfare. You don’t even know the “revolution” means using FORCE even though you know the definition because you just wanna “get along” and you want non violence. Well then you don’t want no fucking revolution fool. EVERY SINGLE WORD of ALL my comments were clear that I was talking about the PROCESS of the beginning stages of a revolution which first starts in the MIND long before any fighting even starts. YOU assume black people can’t do anything without white people and this is why I said you think white and you suck white people’s dick to much so I know you have no intention on killing any of them cause you fucking love em. You don’t respect black people, you think we all must need this white man and must depend on him? Fuck no. Its millions of black people with skills on all fields around this country. Before a revolution starts, you start developing the mind and you start identifying people’s skills. The majority of black people will NEVER step foot on a battlefield in america not once but everybody has a skill or a talent. Not everybody can fight so therefore you identify who can grow food, who can build houses, who can bring in goods etc… ALL these things are put in place years before the first shot is even fired and this is why I said in ALL my comments its starts in the MIND first. Again, your willing to join with white people and fight other niggas and you got the nerve to call me racist because you think white, you are closer to white people then your own people period. I AM ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE period. I have absolutely zero interest in helping white people because that wouldn’t make sense. What period of time were whites ever interested in helping black people? NEVER White militia groups aint gonna fight against their own people fool. YOU are the arm chair revolutionary because you have no intention on ever fighting or being violent. You wanna get along and join in with whites. Listen to what I’m saying cause Im gonna say it for the hundredth time… What I was talking about starts in the mind years before anybody fights back. I am not talking about killing every white person in america or taking over america or even destroying america. I’m talking about fighting back against a system of white supremacy that has oppressed my people for 400 plus years. FIRST that has to start in the mind with people wrestling with the idea of fighting. Then you plan, you build, you set aside resources, you gather your forces, you train, you develop other branches and groups that have nothing to do with the actual fighting but their there to assist in other forms because outta tens of millions of black people of course not everyone will fight. I spoke about beginning a PROCESS that starts years before a push back even begins. THAT is rational, that is NOT arm chair revolution, its not even revolution, its the preparation for it. THATS what my comments were about. Let the fucking white man go nigga, he aint your fucking friend, he don’t give a fuck about your people and when them gums come out you gonna be the damn target nigga.
Bruh…honestly, I mean HONESTLY…do you think anyone here gives a flying fuck regarding your ideas on how to plan or start a
revolution? You’re not making a difference doing this. I dont care how much you type.
Like I said earlier, its not about people caring what I think, its about people caring what they think about themselves in regards to this issue. I said from the very beginning that most black people will NOT understand what I’m saying, will not care, will not have the ability, or will be afraid. I said from the very beginning that this isn’t for every black person, this is for the few among us that get what I’m saying. These comments from me aint MY plan on how to start a “revolution” (and just to be clear, my comments are about fighting back, you injected “revolution” so I broke down that meaning for you smh), history and the Art Of War tells you these plans, I just brought those principles back up. This aint about people standing up for me, its about people standing up for themselves. Again, I asked two core questions outta this entire shit. I said “when are people gonna THINK about the IDEA of fighting back and how many people can overcome FEAR and wont be afraid to do so? Then begins a larger PROCESS. I also stated clearly that this is NOT about planning for revolution or discussing any strategy. This is about people FIRST wrestling with the IDEA of even fighting for themselves. YOU misunderstood all my comments but they were ALL extremely clear and in detail down to every word.
Dude, you are so arrogant you miss EVERY point anyone tries to make. You just want everyone to shit like you…whatever. what im saying is you’re on wssh trying to kick shit NOBODY cares to hear…You’re not making anyone think, because nobody is listening to you . Period. You just keep talking, but no one cares about shit you say because this isn’t the place. Take that shit outside and get on the corner like malcom did and kick that shit THEN I might shut the fuck up and hear you out. You’re on the net man, this is not the place for what you’re trying to do. You’re just too scared to say this shit in public in front of everyone and we both know why.
You saying you might hear me out? You’ve replied now 50 times and clearly you feel some kinda way. You obviously have heard me. Now you said my comments had a bunch of intentions behind it that none of them did which is why I have had to explain to you ten times already what exactly my comments were about. You talking about people wouldn’t care about what I’m saying? I said that myself before I even said anything which is why I repeatedly said my comments are for the FEW that get it not the entire population of black people. Smh. You talking about me being scared to say it in public? I already have a number of times but the core of what I said to you is about THINKING… So no I would not be afraid to tell people in public to THINK about the IDEA of even “fighting” for themselves… You’ll bring up the fact I said it on the net right? But you read it so clearly you must be able to get why I said it on the net if you yourself read it.
like I said, you get out here and show proof OFF the net that you are in OUR communities, telling our people what you say on here, on a consistent, not “I told my homies” way, but speak to the PEOPLE and I MIGHT listen to you…right now al I hear is a nigga with a bunch of ideas, and no direction. There’s a million people like you and they don’t get shit done because they’re all talk. Quit telling us THINK and lead by example. if you want to see some action, make it happen cap’n. Thats all im sayin
YOU might listen to me? If you read my comments then what did you just do? You listened to what I said. Now you misunderstood the shit clearly but you already listened fool. You said get out here and say it in public? I said I did that and have done it multiple times already… Now you saying prove it? I’m not pressed to prove anything. I can stand on my word because ANYTHING I said about myself on the net is true but I am not pressed at all to prove shit to YOU because I know what I’ve said in the streets because I said it.
I also see why your post count is so high. You just can’t be wrong can you? You’re one of those my opinions are facts niggas. You’ve found a way to reignite this debate no matter how many Times I said im over it. You simply just talk way too fuckin much…a man who talks as much as you can never learn shit because they think they’ve already learned it. You are counterproductive to black upward mobility.
Your over it but you keep commenting? Yeah ok. You talking about all my comments but you know they replies to your comments right?
You entertain me, what can I say lol?
You are but a pauper to a king…
So are you but I’m willing to open call the enemy what he is, you’ll live the rest of your life bowing to your white king and thats because you think more highly of him then you do your own people. When the king comes to kill your brothas and sistas you’ll continue to tell your people just lay and die and never think about fighting back because you think white and identify with an uncle Tom. What you just called me is exactly how “the king” feels about you. He know I don’t think nothing about him is royal at all. He’s a devil and the most destructive person on earth that this planet as ever seen. MY people are the kings and queens as far as I’m concerned.
No dumb ass…see I told you that you lack comprehension skills. King = Me, entertaining clown ass pauper nigga = you. Got it?
The reason you don’t want black people to even think about fighting whitey back is because you’ll die to defend him. That level of defeatism you never wanna see black people get passed is because you “need” white people so much that even the notion of fighting him back is not even to be thought about. Take the white mans dick out your mouth bitch.
You’re whole argument towards me has been about us vs white people. And i disagree, pure and simple. There’s bigger issues than engaging in race wars.
The biggest issue is that white supremacy controls the entire country and every decision that everybody in the country is forced to live under. The closing of schools, the prison system, the poverty of black people is deliberately control by WHITE people engaging in white supremacy from majority control of Capital Hill. THAT is thee biggest issue black people have ever been subject to under white supremacy oppression. Black people have never formed in large groups, political or otherwise to force whites into position with violence. ALL of that has come from whites so blacks wouldn’t be the ones starting a race war when history clearly shows that black people did not start the race issues.
You got more love for white people then a half breed. LOL
Huey P was a half breed, as was Malcom X. Shit so was w.e.b dubois while we’re at it, correta scott king, langston hughes, george washington carver, all had white blood or native anerican blood…and they are greater than you’ll ever be. You picked a white mans movie character as your screen name, but I think its time we change it..you are hereby forever known as NET turner jr, the greatest online revolt leader in the history of Wssh. Congrats.
Yeah black men that fought for black people and knew that white supremacy was the enemy. You are a wannbe cracker, thats wants to non violently die for the cause as member a white militia group because you feel black people need white people like you do… The most confused air chair revolutionary in history. In comparison, calling me NET Turner is a compliment. Thanks cracker nigga nit get
Um you’re the arm chair nigga, you the one that wants to start a race war from your COUCH lol! Huey P never EVER Tried to hurt white people you fuckin dummy. There was white members IN the peoples party that helped with breakfast programs and afterschool tutoring. I LIVE in the bay. Still attend black panther meetings that fred hampton jr speaks at til this day. These people weren’t talking about killing whitey, they hated fascists and imperialism black OR white! Malcom came back from Mecca looking at whites as brothers, and who did he still hate? Fascism and white imperialism, not WHITES IN GENERAL like you because you are a fuckin racist. You’ve constantly said I said we NEED whites…please show me where I said that? I said race wars are dumb especially when it aint ALL whites doin us bad when we kill our own. 20 kids died in chicago in one weekend…did you try to rally up the thugs, militants, noi’s, and zulu warriors to kill the murderers of those kids?? Its statistical fact we as black men murdrr each other than whites, cops and the otherwise murder us COMBINED! YET you seem to always glaze right over any of that. you don’t think we need to take accountability for our shit as well? if you’re gonna go kil for freddie gray, kill ALL the enemies of our people. Not just the ones you have PERSONAL beefs with. You scared to go to chicago abd fight some GD’S? they killin niggas like flys out there. Be consistent.
No, I told people to think, you said you would die and then got mad at me cause I wouldn’t die for “YOU”. Thats an arm chair revolutionary right there. Huey never tried to hurt white people but he said plenty of times black people should FIGHT back against white people and that means hurting them. The white people in the Black Panthers also agreed that black people should FIGHT against whitey. Malcolm said black people should FIGHT against whitey before and after Mecca, I said black people need to think about the idea of a FIGHT against whitey in 2015… Now you wanna throw a curve ball that is beneath anybody with common sense. Your saying I think black people should fight against “white people in general”? Now if I have to explain the difference between a fight with say a white skateboarder with no power whatsoever vs a fight against a cop thats trying to beat the shit outta you? Thats because your introducing further stupidity on your part into what you assume I mean. When I say white supremacy is the enemy and white people are the enemy? You can assume I’m talking about every single white person alive. Huey, Malcolm and the Panthers kno what I mean and they all agree with me that black people should FIGHT against “whitey”. You said race wars are dumb? My comments were about black people collectively THINKING about the matter. Again another classic white man argument “well blacks kill blacks”? The stats you get come from the police department, and the media, read the fine print and you’ll find some areas are reported, others are not. Some police shootings are reported, others are not but that whole “look at Chicago” argument is the card every cop and white racists pull when they can’t defend police brutality. Lastly you don’t know what a racist is, especially since you defend “whitey” so much. Racists are the participants in a culture of established collective racism. Blacks never established racism in america.
Blah blah…you don’t even know what arm chair means. It means people who sit while speaking on issues that require action. Arm chair (insert title) can be used in any context regarding to what you are using it for. Good day.
Huey, Malcolm and the Panthers all agree that sometimes aggression and violence needs to be met with aggression and violence and black people should FIGHT against “whitey”
You convinced yourself so much that my comments were about ‘revolution” that you arguing what wasn’t even there vs what you know my comments were about. Not only are you a white boy with identity issues cause you wanna be a black/white militia mothafucka that non violently fights and dies… You also delusional cause you have convinced yourself my comments were about something they were not. My comments were about two things and neither even involved anything other then black people collectively thinking about an idea… The whole premise of your bullshit is an L and the levels to your ignorance is ridiculous and the double agent mentality of yours is exactly why black people should not let crackers into their groups. You don’t know what said you on. You wanna straddle the fence like some kinda cracker nigga hybrid. Foh white man
You want us black folks to war against WHITES…those are your words, not mines. I’m simply saying its the DUMBEST shit to THINK about becsuse we have issues to address in our own communities and I don’t think black/white civil wars are it. you want to see blood spilled, I think its counterproductive and that makes me White? Because I’d rather see my people defeat the beast with out mind and not our sword? are you fuckin serious?? YOOOOOOU seem to have a huge chip on your shoulder and a death wish. Thousands of black men dead and in jail because you wanna see us fight? like we’re too stupid to out think these muthafuckas. YOU are the one with the identity crisis. You’d rather see your people perish in war than prosper in life, you’re no better than the crackers you detest. Fuckin coon ass sellout. You’d have all your people die to prove a point…we shouldn’t let niggas like YOU in. You just wanna see shit burn.
I want black people to THINK collectively first though… Those are my words and if that leads to a war against “white supremacy”? I’m all for it. Black people have tried to out think the beast for centuries and how has that worked? Not well, why? he has a four hundred year head start in terms of power and control and he defends his power and control with violence while black people still try and out think that power and control. Now you’ll continue to make ALOT of assumptions about what I say and what I mean but I havn’t even gotten to the war part yet because first black people have to at least think about warfare first. Until then there will be none and black people will suffer under this beast like they have for centuries. YOU believe black people are stupid because tey don’t know how to act, can’t talk intelligent and the killers among us seem to represent ALL of us… Chicago seems to be the picture of every black neighborhood in your mind. You taking about id rather see my people fight against “whitey” while you wanna fight along side “whitey”. You the ultimate sellout.
You think black people should never even think about the idea of fighting “whitey” because to you he has already won before any battle even gets fought and black people have NEVER collectively stood up to FIGHT. Its always been about marching, protesting and asking this beast to give us a little bit more justice every 50 years or so… How you know you can’t win a fight if you NEVER try? You on the other side with ‘whitey” though so I get it.
I get it, you would NEVER fight back against “whitey”… I’m not asking you to either. I said from jump, anybody who’s not willing to fight back? My comments aint for you. I understand why you wont fight. For all those that wanna THINK about the IDEA of fighting back for real? Thats who my comments are for. Those with the will to start the PROCESS of fighting back in the future. It starts in the mind first. Those that believe they can fight and win? Are those that will when shit hits the fan. Those who are not willing to even consider fighting their oppressor? Have already lost truly being free.
Alot of them goods you talking about are developed and built by minorities. White only put their name on those products after they’ve already been made available for sale. YOU cant survive with white people cause you too attached to them. ME? I don’t need a white person to do a mothafucking thing for me in no aspect whatsoever period. If a cracker does do some shit for me, its cause I paid him to do the job, not cause I “needed” him and honestly almost every time a product or good is sold or a service is done, its a minority doing it anyway.
YOU depend on white people, not me so speak for yourself.
The land you live on and the house you live in are both owned by white bankers. You don’t pay, you can’t stay. Sounds like you need them more than they need you buddy.
No fool, when you OWN property then you OWN the entire shit including the land its sitting on. There are many black people that OWN their land and property. Even in regards to what your saying there are blacks all across america who specialize in building homes and who specialize in the development of land and owning it. You just too stupid to realize that. Again YOU need white people, but you can’t speak for everybody else. When you deal with banks, you have to produce the money for the land, property or business you want. If and when you produce the money, its YOURS. There are many black people who have done that. Who have paid in full for their property.
this is how I know you’re young, bro…if you don’t pay your property tax (which you must pay forever) they (the government) can seize your fully paid for house, car, and whatever else they want until your debt is settled. Now if you owned that shit, how come they can take It from you if you dont pay your tax? That’s because you don’t own it. Most of the countries land is owned by the 1% and that’s fact. black folks don’t own any land, no one does here when it can be taken and sold at an auction if you dont pay your tax. Look at all these rappers and celebs who dont pay the irs like Fat Joe. He owned his mansion, paid for! but he owed the irs more and they took it against his will…that’s not ownership bitch. This country is not built to have blacks own shit. Why do you think they shut down the black owned bank idea diddy and j prince were trying to start?
Contrary to your beliefs I haven’t had a white man help me with shit. I own my own business and have not punched in on a white mans clock in years! im active in my community and unlike you I’ve actually been invloved and detained for fighting for OUR people. you fight from your phone, which is why no one here takes you seriously.
The property tax and the things your talking about is just to dodge and get away from the subject at hand. This conversation involved the idea of people fighting back against their oppressor. What your saying about taxes is definitely true but its a complete left turn in regards to people having to fight for their damn life, justice and equality etc… You want products like Nike’s and clothes and you talking about paying your property tax… Thats great and all but you know that was not the topic of discussion here. Niggas is dying fool, people want they LIFE first before their material things. It aint gonna matter how much you got if your damn LIFE is on the line because everything you do is being aggressively intercepted by the police and other governmental factions. YOU need the white man because in your mind you can’t let him go but you can’t speak for everybody. I have never worked for the “white man”, my working is because of my own self interest and there’s a difference but I don’t work for any white people either and no I don’t need them
Uh…I was just refuting your claim that you own land once you purchase it. I’m simply just proving you wrong once again. Also once again…I depend on no man, I started my biz outta my garage with no help.
NIGGAS are dying? NIGGAS? you can’t even refer to your own with any respect, YET you want to help them? no, BLACK MEN are dying. Niggas (you) are typing…
You know damn well that a discussion about the idea of fighting back is not no damn discussion about real estate. Even when I said niggas is dying, any black men know what I mean. You thinking with a white mans mind associate me saying nigga to me own brothas as a sign of disrespect. NO, when you say it, its disrespect but not when I say it, NIGGA
YOU’RE the one who brought up ownership you wishy washy fuck boy! I just shut your shit down. Now you wanna go back to revolution talk and I told you (as well as every person that’s replied to you) that your way if thinking (while I understand the anger) is IRRATIONAL!! We aren’t gonna rush no capital or any government buildings! people have families to take care of, we just want justice not war!
I brought up ownership because you said people don’t own their land? I said yes they do. In your fuckery about “needing white people” you said but they gotta pay property tax? Yeah no shit fool, even white people gotta pay taxes but that whole shit is a complete left turn discussion that none of this was even about. I asked people to think and you said thats irrational? Well no actually thinking isnt irrational. The Capital Building comments came about from me mentioning the Million Man March in 1995 that was peaceful. I said if a million black men can come together in DC and be peaceful? Then they can also come with the intent to not be peaceful. The other guy said well they would kill the whole million people? I just said killing a million people all coming down on one building would not be an easy task at all and would most likely fail. Why? Thats way too many people all at one location with the same intent. Now that was a hypothetical argument but the core of what I have said from the begining was about THINKING… You said you were willing to die but then talk about me saying I’m willing to think first being irrational? No
There is not ONE law that states we MUST pay taxes…look that up. You pay taxes because you are told to…period. Go read a book and quit kickin false knowledge man. You don’t pay what they tell you, you’re homeless aka you don’t realky own shit.
Yes people pay taxes in america but you know none of this was about taxes. Thats some side argument bullshit you brought up in a discussion about black people thinking about having to fight back when aggression is used against them.
Again even in regards of what you saying, its many black people who specialize in those areas. Its whole neighborhoods like in the south and various other places where black people specialize in buying property fool. So even with all that you said it still don’t make a difference. You know why people pay their property taxes? So they don’t lose they house, thats just common sense so you saying that people have to pay property taxes is not a new concept fool. The property taxes on my house just came up a few weeks ago and you damn right it got paid because taxes is just part of america, there is nothing new or unusual about that. People don’t pay taxes cause they need white people, the pay taxes because thats the law fool. White people gotta pay taxes too. You said the 1% own the land here” Well really the land here is owned by banks that are international. Are those people white? Yeah but they concerned with money… What we were discussing is people being actually concerned with fighting for the damn life in terms of when violence is at hand or when violence is necessary. These are two different subjects that you trying to include property taxes in now.
Now I see why you wanna join their groups and get along and be non violent with them. Its cause you need them, your still a slave in your mind and have yet to figure out the everything white people can do for you, you can do your damn self. Even when you deal with white people, you still gotta produce money so therefore they only did what you paid them to do. You don’t “need” them. Well YOU do but not everybody else.
Bitch I tried to tell you why “revolution” is gonna have to involve violence and you said “revolution” means forcible overthrow? Of course bitch FORCE-ABLE OVER-THROW… That means applying force you dumb white boy. FOH
The media has you thinking the exact way they want you too.
Police brutality is nothing new, it happens to all races, the media seems to only document the ones which is white on black.
To make it look like the issue is about racism in the united states. While that is indeed a real and serious issue, the larger problem is the militarization of police and how they could blast ANYONE of ANY RACE and get away with it.
Look up Operation Jade Helm. This is not a conspiracy anymore.
Nothing I said came from me seeing any media. Its something particular about black people when you look at history and see where that police brutality stems from in terms of black people getting it.
Can you show us an unarmed white child innocent white child killed by a black police officer and nothing happened to that black police officer?
So why is that black police officers have all this restraint and never kill unarmed innocent white children and yet white supremacist cops are executing black people and getting sent on paid vacation?
Do I agree with how these white supremacist cops do? No man, they are shitty people and should cease to exist.
What I am saying is look how the media is portraying everything. YES, there is an issue with using too much unjustified force, especially when it comes to young black men. But that is all the media is showing and telling you.
Everyone at home watching what is going on in Baltimore is just thinking the only issue going on is police brutality. The real problem is that law enforcement is now using these riots as a way to expand and flex their power.
I just highly encourage you to look at Jade Helm and take it from there. Racism and police brutality is an issue, but there is something bigger at hand.
So whats your solution since theres a bigger issue here.
aye marty Blacks need to realize that this kind of shit sets you back 20 to 30 years, it shows your pride and sense of justice and your upbringing . You are never going to force anyone to like you and accept you. You have to be likable and acceptable. In other words you have to be likable you have to be acceptable you have to dependable. Take a little pride in where you are from what you do and how you treat other people. You might just be sup prized at the reaction you get. Quit running in herds like wild animal .
Black people don’t have to be “likable” or “acceptable” to people that hate them any damn way fool. You talk about wild animals? There is no animal ever on this planet that has done more damage and brought more violence then white people.
Sir why are you angry? The majority of people collecting welfare are white. In fact, Owsely County Kentucy is 99% white and 100% of the people living there are on food stamps. Why arent you doing something about all the white people on welfare since thats an issue for you?
Shit black people will never catch up to whites as far as welfare is concerned cause most if it has always gone to poor white people. Shit why not let them destroy it. The system the cops an firemen work for has done way more destruction to those parts of the city then black people have done. I mean the country is overflowing with drugs and guns and you still believe the poorest of people is funding a multi billion dollar operation in the hood? Show me one nigga that owns a gun manufacturing company and grows his own fields of coca leaves and opium? Foh.
Having 6 kids and no father in a household equals poverty most of the time. However, being poor does not mean being uneducated, violent and criminally inclined.
Most immigrants come to this country dirt poor, with no English and without formal education. The absolute majority of those immigrants succeed in life.
There are no valid excuses for members of black community for their problems. They should look into changing their rap infested culture and adjust accordingly their behavior and demeanor towards authorities and members of other racial groups.
The majority of people who purchase rap are white. So shouldnt the music be affecting their behavior and demeanor as well towards authorities?
Was Cliven Bundy listening to rap music when he was point semi-automatic rifles at federal agents while standing illegally on private government land, using small children and women as shields?
Was Elliott Rogers listening to rap music before he shot a bunch of people of color in California?
Was the Sandy Hook shooter playing 2Chainz before he shot up an elementary school?
We’re just looking for simple answers here Jim.
Still waiting for you to post a link to your organization thats supporting Freddie Gray’s family.
Fool STFU cause what the media wont say is there are tens of millions of black people who aint thugs but if the public was ever made aware of that it would destroy there whole thug narrative. There is no immigrant group that has ever come to america and have not involved themselves in crime and making money in the underworld and there is no other group in america who has faced deliberate oppression at the same level as black people for as long as black people. The majority of black people have live their entire life adjusting their behavior to authority and they still get brutalized and oppressed. Again EVERY other racial group in america also has involvement in crime in america.
Black people are being killed with impunity and the killers arent even getting indicted. This is Jim Crow 2.0. If this set black people back, please show me when we moved forward
respect each other.. stop looting and Throwing cinder blocks at firefighters is NOT ridiculous, it is CRIMINAL!
Sir. You have a tough time answering simple questions. And you’re deflecting into white supremacist talking points.
You have yet to call out the police who killed a man.
You have yet to show us your organization that’s helping the family of Freddie Gray.
You have yet to show us how you’re cleaning up the crime, poverty and welfare in your white community.
Your rants are ringing hollow sir.
Again please, show me where, in the last 50 years, black people have been able to “move forward” in this society.
Where do yall get all of this free time to have these paragraph arguments?
Because writing a paragraph takes literally only about 30 seconds.
These people do not care about Gray or any other black American. It is just an opportunity for their true colors to come out. If the black American community wants to earn respect this is not the example to set. unfortunately the people that are rioting and setting the fires realize that this is their opportunity to do want ever they want and get away with it. They are the criminals that one day will be in the back of a patrol car complaining that their rights we’re violated because of their race and not because of what they did. I guess no lesson was learned from Ferguson. People of Baltimore did you ever come to think that the cars you are burning and the property that you are destroying have nothing to do with what happen to Gray.
Not a car
Not a building
Not a single piece of property would be destroyed had the police not killed a man.
Freddie Gray’s death is the spark that ignited an uprising in a community that was already on fire.
I haven’t seen one statement from you on the Baltimore redlining practices starting from the 60’s until now that stratified an entire community of blue color black American families in Baltimore, virtually stripping their community of resources and economically disenfranchising them for generations.
I haven’t seen one statement from you when Kentucky fans were rioting a destroying property after a college game.
I havent seen one statement from you after Rand Paul’s son was arrested for being violent in an airport.
I havent seen one statement from you when a police officer shot an unarmed Walter Scott and then tried to plant a taser on him.
So why are you commenting now? Wheres the link to the organization you run thats working to rebuild the buildings that were burned in Baltimore?
Its easy to complain and not doing anything, says more when you’re man enough to take action.
None of these rioters even care about Freddie Gray.
Sir what are you havent answer any of my questions. Ok cool they dont care, but you see to. SO, Where is YOUR organization helping to rebuild this community?
Still waiting for you to post the link for the organization you started for Freddie Gray. Your concern for his life is greatly appreciated.
Don’t waste your time.
Oh this is fun for me, dont worry.
WHITES will NEVER respect Black people. If ALL of us became angel like it would make no difference. There is a hatred level that exists in the hearts of white people that go beyond how black people act. There was NEVER a time where whites respected ANY race on the planet that wasn’t white.
I understand these popularized words: Black Lives Matter.
But my perception has come to be this: All Lives Matter marty
But black lives are the only ones being taken by cops with no repercussions. So why is that?
If all lives mattered you’d be as outraged about the police killing another unarmed person as you are about a building. So why arent you speaking about the police killing this man since all lives matter sir?
i’m not agreeing with anything that has been said here, but TLT, what you said was moronic.
Hispanics & Latinos are killed all the time, without a voice to back it. You can find the videos of countless Hispanics being killed by police, unarmed, in states like Nevada, New Mexico, California & Texas…
& even White people. Cops have almost killed double the white dudes then they have blacks. Obviously the population is 60% white, 23% hispanic and 13% black, so that explains that, but to say only blacks are being killed without repercussions is moronic, NO COP NO MATTER WHO THEY KILL, WHITE BLACK BROWN YELLOW DOG CAT GRANDMA BABY MOTHER IS EVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE. Ever. Period. Its rare.
The media drives this whole thing. The news only shows the CVS, why? cuz they really don’t care about whats going on.
Ok cool. Prove it then.
Show me a case where an unarmed innocent white person was killed by a black cop and nothing happened to the black cop.
I’ll wait right here for you.
Whites are killed by the police 2 times more than blacks, quit your crying about police brutality
So what are you doing about all the white on white violence taking place in your community sir?
Yes because there a couple hundred more white people in america
My comments weren’t about the latest slogan of protest fool.
feel sorry for the many Black citizens who will not have a job when this mess is over. Most of the violence,looting,burning and destruction has been in a mostly Black area. So who suffers the most? Many businesses will never reopen and some will close because of fear or skyrocketing insurance. There are no winners and it will take years if ever to to just get back to where they were. Just sad anyway you look at it!
I don’t give a fuck. Black people were suffering anyway before any buildings burned. I feel sorry for the family of Freddie Gray more then any property damage.
I wouldn’t ever thank drug cartels like the black guerilla gang,crips and bloods
from Indiana and Chicago for pre planning this terrorist attack…and
I will never again honor black history month either.
First off those gangs aint Drug Cartels, the BGF had nothing to do with what happened in Baltimore and a riot is not a terrorist attack. Your too stupid to realize your comments are bullshit. Take the medias dick out your mouth.
Sir, the unemployment rate in Freddie Gray’s community is 50%. One CVS on fire isnt changing that stat.
Why weren’t you concerned about this neighborhood before this week? Why weren’t you doing something about all the suffering when city officials turned their back on West Baltimore.
NOW you wanna roll one. lol Stop with the fake care.
#NIGGAS Calling the prostesers chimpanzees would be doing a disservice to chimpanzees.
Good on ya Wale!!!!!!
I’m sorry, but fuck talking. You rap about bands/money but 50% of black males in Baltimore are unemployed. You rap about smoking and doing drugs but don’t have the will or know how to open drug counseling and treatment centers in the very neighborhoods you rep on the daily. This isn’t necessarily Wale, but where are all the artists that claim to represent the streets, the struggle and the “real” “loyal” ones?
WAKE UP!!!! Just like every other corporation that has abused our capital and financially raped us, THESE ARTISTS JUST WANT MONEY AND TO BE SEEN. They couldn’t honestly give a fuck about real people and real issues.
There we go Wale
Wale speaks very well and if you like poetry rap he’s the album to buy….good stuff