OG T.Rodgers Talks Game vs. Young Thug
May 8, 2015 @ 3:38 PM EDT

Two Twelve.
Before Game and Young squashed their “beef”, Thug gave a shout-out on his Instagram handle to Bloods founder T.Rodgers. The OG recently sat with Revolt to explain how he helped resolve their issues.
as a close friend of Young Thug, I can personally confirm he is a real blood nigga. I told yall. swag
Nigga please, stfu. Lol. Where did u disappear for almost 2 years? Haven’t seen ur usual troll posts…
im fresh outta jail, its time to hustle hard. swag
hahahaha. quality. I did miss your posts.
Gtfoh nigga you and young butt plug mad gay…
I respect the Knowledge and Wisdom from the OG T.Rodgers…
Or at least the over projection of it….
☞☞☞start freelancing at Home with Google Tech@nq14:::
Young thugs the type of nigga that gets excited when Victoria secret sells panties 7 for 25$
Failed miserably.
Lol he said thug was crying for help so he sent out the bat signal lol calling his name in the video was the bat signal damn lol
Game gonna catch young thug slipping in L.A. sooner or later.
Bruh hush I’m starting to think yo are Marty Mcfly gay ass….
nah my nigga i’m the original el jim chapo
lmao @ this, was it that serious?
Why do we keep giving these low lifes attention. Let ’em help us all and get rid of each other. If having loved ones doesn’t convince people to show some decorum, them fawk ’em. Bunch of corny mu’fuggas.
Who the fuck cares mannnnn all these rappers are actors….both fake bloods
Blood founder? He just an original blood from the jungles…. I don’t even think he started Bps, just knew some cats from the chi that moved to la and took it to another level….
he really thinks he stopped WW3 or some shit
Nigga opening up a fucking Fat Burger IS NOT “planting seeds” in your community that will “grow forever”.. That’s giving your community IBS, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc… Like opening up a shitty fast food burger joint is somehow saving anybody.. Only person that profits from that shit is whoever is selling the burgers.. In this case, the “OG” T Rogers.. And what’s with all the cheesy New Age shit about “asking the universe” for shit.. Or “the universe” will bring things back to you ten fold.. This shit is just part of the lame attempt to gain attention for some releases on Birdman’s label.. And who the hell is running “Revolt” for Diddy?!?! The player functions like shit.. And that over the top dramatic music?! Fuck this fake beef shit.. Rap is the new wrestling…
this joint hella dramatic for no reason
Some of these nigga need to stop it ,like they down by law the closest some of these nigga ever been to the
streets is Walken to the end of there drive way With Pink color”s on talk bout they red are blue