Nicki Minaj Covers ‘Cosmopolitan’


Nicki Minaj strikes a pose and is demanding orgasms on the front cover of the July issue of Cosmopolitan magazine. Peep a couple of excerpts below.

On being high-maintenance in bed:

“I demand that I climax. I think women should demand that. I have a friend who’s never had an orgasm in her life. In her life! That hurts my heart. It’s cuckoo to me. We always have orgasm interventions where we, like, show her how to do stuff. We’ll straddle each other, saying, ‘You gotta get on him like that and do it like this.’ She says she’s a pleaser. I’m a pleaser, but it’s fifty-fifty.”

On where she sees herself in 10 years:

“Ten years from now, I will have two children, unless my husband wants three. I will be into my fitness a lot more, I will stop yo-yo dieting, and I’ll be a housewife with careers that I can run from home. I want to be able to cook for my children, bake cookies for them, and watch them grow up. I just want to be Mommy. Take them to school, go to the parent-teacher conference, help them with their homework, and put their work on the refrigerator.”





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  1. Derek Addison says:

    Meek milly!

  2. So Icy Boi! ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ ᵃᶜᶜᵒᵘᶰᵗ says:

    she is ugly. swag

    1. yeah says:

      Not as bad as you you kawaka leeki looking horse faced fuck

  3. Ced says:

    I remember when magazines were relevant..

    1. maria7547 says:

      I fre­el­ance on­l­ine, b­y d­oi­ng va­ri­ou­s si­mple jo­bs th­at on­ly re­qui­red a P­C an­d inter­ne­t co­nnec­tion a­nd I a­m hap­pier th­an e­ver… Af­ter 6 m­on­th­s on t­his jo­b and i m­ade s­o far in to­tal $36,0­00… Basi­cly i get pa­id close to 80 buck­s each hour a­nd work fo­r th­re­e to f­our h a da­y.An­d gr­eat th­i­ng abo­ut this is th­at y­ou c­a­n ma­n­age ti­me wh­en y­ou wor­k a­n­d f­o­r ho­w lo­n­g as you li­ke a­n­d yo­u ge­t pa­id we­ekl­y.

  4. Upheaval says:

    ‘I demand that I climax’

    Who died & made you queen?

    1. lostprodigy says:

      One day when you start liking girls you’ll take pleasure in making her have an orgasm Jr.

      1. Upheaval says:

        Completely irrelevant to what I said.

      2. Dame Dash Son Cookies says:

        Lost prodigy with that weekend glass of warm ether. XD

  5. el jim chapo guzman says:

    fuck you meek.

  6. Dame Dash Son Cookies says:

    I hate Meek so much right now. Hate given.

    Why can’t I have a hot black woman in my life instead of living with my moms whilst continuously finding small pockets of time to go on RedTube and masturbate?

    1. Dash Motor Oil says:

      meek must be very secure to be the rebound guy of an older woman who is more successful, famous and richer than he will ever be

      1. Dame Dash Son Cookies says:

        meek must be very secure to be the rebound guy of an older woman who is more successful, famous and richer than YOU will ever be.


        1. Dash Motor Oil says:

          just admit nicki wears the pants and picks up the checks

          1. Dame Dash Son Cookies says:

            Nah, you’ll be surprised. A chick is still a chick man. She’s probably mad subservient to Meek

  7. Rocko Soprano says:

    I’d eat NIcki’s ass for 100 nights!

  8. twindmv says:

    I tried to no look at this post but this is one bad bitch

  9. NYComicBookGuy says:

    Who the hell wants to see FRONT photos of Nicki Minaj!!??

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