Fetty Wap Joins Taylor Swift In Seattle

Country Trappin’

Fetty Wap’s finally found his Trap Queen. Last night at CenturyLink Field in Seattle, Taylor Swift brought out the pride of Nu Jeru for a duet of his hit. Can you say: official remix?

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  1. Nick says:

    culture vulture yo

    1. Davide Leroy says:

      shut the fuck up

      1. freakyboul says:

        boooooo first two times i ever disliked a comment

        1. freakyboul says:

          downvotes for the home thugs from now on

    2. Jonez says:

      how? by introducing his music to a bigger n better demographic?

      1. The Gary Group says:

        Don’t fall for the okie doke. This is to benefit her. Not him

        1. Dope says:

          Yeah, she’s really struggling to get fans, hopefully Fetty Wap can help her so she can finally blow up.

          1. The Gary Group says:

            No,a hip hop fan base. Do you listen to Taylor Swift?

          2. so much ignorance says:

            Taylor swift has been out long enough that most people on earth have heard of her. If you didn’t listen to her when you heard of her what makes you think fetty wap is going to sway your opinion by playing HIS song with her? Smfh

          3. Dope says:

            Not really, and a ”rapper” feature won’t make me either. But I know she is currently the biggest star out there, going platinum in no time and selling out arena’s like cookies. On the other side Fappy has no significant fanbase into which she would tap by having him around, it’s just for a bit of diversity as an obligatory rapper feature these days.

        2. ImKing says:

          I see clearly what you are saying. Niggas is so easily blindsided by the (white) devil.

  2. Davide Leroy says:

    Fetty, Drake and Future are having the best Year.

    1. $ says:

      of course they make music for emotional females duhhh.

      1. freakyboul says:

        taylor swift tryna win the black vote lesbihonest

      2. G code says:

        You a lame for sure.

  3. uʍop ǝpısdn says:

    Soon as the song finish she like;
    “Now somebody get this one eyed nigger as far away from my whiteness as possible.”

    1. Jonez says:

      she prolly gave em some of that white pussy nstead!

  4. Guest says:

    Dear Fetty Wap,

    Please moan your way right off of a cliff! You sound like a Yak giving birth.

    Anybody with Ears

    1. Deezel Washington says:

      it still sounds better than future..i cant lie

  5. Deezel Washington says:

    i swear sometimes you just have to wonder what runs through these labels agents or managers heads…in what way does this benefit fetty wap? no one who listens to swift enough to attend a concert is gonna say g i really like fetty wap’s 679 i must look into him…dude gotta release a tape too btw, something..

    1. Kris Kompute says:

      He has had a top 10 song in America for the past 4 months. Trap queen got up to #2. White people love his shit. Taylor is the billboard chart queen. This is a brilliant move. It literally costs fetty’s team nothing and it’s free publicity all over the Internet. Go google “Taylor swift” right now and see what pops up. White people buy singles/records, not niggas.

      You dumb mfs know jackshit about the music business.

      1. Deezel Washington says:

        if you were right about this one id give it to you, taylor swift though? cmon son

        1. Kris Kompute says:

          Name a hotter artist in the music business right now? She’s a needle mover. Bitch’s album went platinum in 4 days. No one is fuckin with Taylor in 2015.

          1. Deezel Washington says:

            he should have been at ovo fest and never ent up going to this sht, this cross marketing strategy shit is corny as fuck it shows that hip hop has to resort to that in order to make waves, like you never see other artists really go to other rappers and ask them to work with them its extremely rare like wiz and fall out boy…all im saying is shit like that makes hip hop look bad.

          2. Kris Kompute says:

            How? By reaching the masses?

            He’s not a hip-hop artist. He’s a melodic nursery rhyme rapper. This is his demographic. He has a finite time to put out as much music as he can while his sound is accepted.

            And since when is crossing over bad for hip-hop? Ever since Run-DMC linked up with Aerosmith it did nothing but help the genre. It exposes to a larger audience which means more sales which means a higher honorarium when you perform on tour. The more money that comes into hip-hop, the better it is for everyone. Everybody can eat. You act like fetty is taking away attention from real lyricists like Cole or Kendrick.

            There’s over 30 different types of rap/hip-hop music now. Everyone can eat without getting in someone else’s lane. Linking up with Taylor helps everyone in Fetty’s lane.

            Like I said, you don’t know shit.

          3. Deezel Washington says:

            i dont know shit? but hes better than future, you must not realize how he took his style and pumps out hit after hit, its not trash but its not your classic formula of hippity hop..its acceptable for southern rappers tho and chi town somehow though right…

          4. Kris Kompute says:

            Better than future? Taking styles? What the fuck are you talking about? I’m talking about the music business and Taylor swift. You switching shit.

            I’m done. Go to world star. Dumbfuck.

          5. Deezel Washington says:

            u mad bruh, dont cwy its ok

          6. Deezel Washington says:

            like if someone like beyonce brought him out it would make sense bruh, this shit is like being an uncle tom to your culture

          7. Kris Kompute says:

            So Kendrick is an Uncle Tom? And Jay-z? And Cole? And Drake? And Kanye? And every other great rapper who’s made a song with a huge pop artists? You sound ignorant.

            Taylor is bigger than Beyoncé btw. This is a great move.

          8. The Gary Group says:

            Yes. All uncle Tom’s

          9. The Gary Group says:

            Right. It makes us look like we need acceptance from pop culture. I understand it’s a business, but if we don’t stand up for our own genre, it’s pointless

  6. L Train says:

    What’s up wit this ninjas and these tight ass pants. I guess that what your handlers want to c u wearing. #mustbeagaything

  7. Kris Kompute says:

    Taylor keep showing love to all these rappers. Somebody better be hitting that shit! Katy too!

  8. ImKing says:

    This don’t even look right. LoL She is either infatuated with niggas or just playing a role like she really like niggas.



  10. IM730 says:

    You all must not remember when she invited nicki to do superbass and even NICKI acknowledged that this did numbers for her and she gained fans.. this is the same shit.. stop lookiing into it.. she aint getting D and aint culturue vullturing.. she is a FAN of music.. If this is culture vulture then Jays made in america festival is culture pillaging inviting all those indie bands and hispsters around.. just stoppp it man.. GOOD MUSIC vs BAD MUSIC should be the battle not black vs white or people outside of hiphop supporting hiphop culture vulturing

  11. thedeamkid19 says:

    look!, i like trap too , im cool like yall

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