New Music: Chance The Rapper x Noname Gypsy “Israel (Sparring)”

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Chance The Rapper and Noname Gypsy puts up their dukes against external forces on this mellow dramatic cut.

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  1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Fuck the song the shit corny..but the cover is dope.

    1. Reggie Bo says:

      fuck up hatin ass nigga

  2. thedeamkid19 says:

    pretentious sucker

  3. BK James says:

    “Mellow dramatic”??? No surprise B. Dot wrote this.

  4. Upheaval says:

    They both rap really well on this.

    Mellow and meaningful.

  5. jaja420 says:

    Idk what the fuck happened too chance after Acid Rap but I’m good on him

    1. Kris Kompute says:

      I like him better now. I couldn’t do all that squeaky voice shit

  6. Kris Kompute says:

    This shit legit

    1. ENERGETIC says:

      yo momma head game legit too

  7. Michael Ib bett says:

    I never knew, and just read a lot about: The entire existence of Israel is fucked up. They should not be where they are, and they threatened and bribed nations in the UN to ok and the only reason Truman okay’d it was because it was an election year and didn’t wanna lose the zionist/jew vote. To this day they still havent claimed official borders so they can just keep taking more and more land thay was once 95% non jewish.

      1. Michael Ib bett says:

        Well I was gonna continue….what I wrote is over…soooo, you win? ..good job

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