Game ‘Documentary 2’ Cover & Date

Back For The First Time.

10 years after his landmark debut, Game’s ready to take it back where it all started on the cover of his ninth album, The Documentary 2. On his Instagram account, Chuck explains the project’s art direction and reveals the date.

To my true fans: it’s been really dope to have you ridin’ with me the last 10 years from the 1st Documentary til now…. I appreciate your loyalty & the patience you have displayed while waiting for me to finish #TheDocumentary2 & I am proud to give you my album cover shot by legend photographer & director @JonathanMannion (who also shot my 1st album cover) & graphic designer @CeoSelfmade for collaborating with Jonathan to bring such a classic image of me on the bridge in my hood….Cedar Block Piru in westside Compton, California… Everything about the photo shoot made me feel the exact same way I did when we were there 10 years ago & trust me when I say…. This album is better than my 1st for more than a few reasons….

But you don’t have to take my word for it because you will see for yourself when it drops SEPTEMBER 25TH 2015 !!!! After Kendrick dropped his album, then Dr. Dre dropped #Compton then the movie doing 100 million after just 2 weeks….. This album will add to my cities continuous legacy !!!! I’m proud to be from #COMPTON & I wish #EazyE was alive to see us flourish yet again…… We on !!! This album cover represents the struggle to stay alive in a city where CRIPS & BLOODS have been at war since 1972 & it’s because of you “THE FANS” I will again get to give you my documented accounts of life here in Los Angeles …. SEPTEMBER 25TH history will be made again #TheDocumentary2

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  1. thedeamkid19 says:

    Quote: After Kendrick dropped his album, then Dr. Dre dropped #Compton then the movie doing 100 million after just 2 weeks….. This album will add to my cities continuous legacy !!!!

    he gonna do the follow up to kendrick and dre just cause he from compton? fuck out a here with your boring ass

    1. TheTruthHurts says:

      This album has been announced. If anything working on Compton with Dre and it’s success probably has him motivated to get it out. You’re a consistent hater. Get the fuck outta here.

      1. thedeamkid19 says:

        so he is good by association? fuck you the game is ass

        1. marty mcfly says:

          The Game is from Compton and he been out for ten years already, and he been working on The Doc 2 before them other albums came out this year. You reaching too hard to hate…

          1. thedeamkid19 says:

            he name dropping kendrick, dre, and even the movie as his own accomplishment. the game carrer died years ago, only suckas dig this fake shit

          2. marty mcfly says:

            Again, the Game is from Compton.

          3. Mylo says:

            Why you coming at me with different accounts bruh? I know you one of like 5 game fans on here and always trying to defend his street cred…

            He a good rapper but he start claiming Cedars after college… That’s a mark move bruh. He was a stripper, he use to claim crip, he grew up in Carson Ca… He more of an athlete than a street dude… And honestly you should be able to tell. Must dudes that claim what he claim is solid… He flip flops waaay to much… Listen to how he talks bruh. He’s the West Coast Plies…

          4. marty mcfly says:

            No fool, I got one account, and nothing I said on here was about any street cred, my comments were about his music. Last time I said anything about Game in the streets, I said Game beat 40 Glocks ass and I didn’t see no gun in his hand or anybody else jumping in to help… Which is all true. I don’t care when he claimed Cedar fool, I’m a fan of Hip Hop music, I’m only concerned with what his rhymes and beats sounds like. I give zero fucks about what he does in the streets. I know 99% of the people talking shit though, would never box Game in the streets in person. You would either fan out and give props or keep it moving without saying anything.

        2. TheTruthHurts says:

          You’re good at making assumptions like an idiot would. No i’m saying he already had his own wave with the Documentary 2 way before Compton was announced or released. You’re on a Game article but you think he’s ass? So not only do you have bad taste but you’re also just a pure hater? EVERYONE LOOK AT THIS CLOWN AND KNOW WHAT HE SAYS IS INVALID AS AN INTERNET BITCH!

          1. thedeamkid19 says:

            you have good taste cause you like the game? ha
            he fake as fuck and boring, now go back to suck the game dick

          2. TheTruthHurts says:

            “he fake as fuck and boring, now go back to suck the game dick” You can’t even write a full sentence but i’m supposed to care that you think Game is wack and my taste is bad? YOU’RE THE CLOWN TALKING SHIT AND GIVING HIM VIEWS! LOOK AT THIS BITCH HERE!

        3. Faceless Hustlers says:

          You avi is ass……Young thugs ass to be exact

          1. thedeamkid19 says:

            makes a lot of sense

  2. Kaybee says:

    9th studio album? When did his 8th studio album dropped Rapradar? I need answers.

  3. TimeChange says:

    lol, he’s trying to ride the #compton wave huh

    1. GetReal says:

      bitch he’s from compton you sound fuckin dumb

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Shut up bitch time change is right..he’s trying to ride the compton wave.

        1. Faceless Hustlers says:

          Shut the fuck up Greencard Guzman. You stay hating on West Coast shit you dirty bum bitch you think i dont peep game! Donald Trump should have your ass deported. Game from Compton you dumb bitch!

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Fuck game if it wasn’t for fif it wouldn’t be no game.

          2. Faceless Hustlers says:

            Id agree with you wetback theres only one problem….Game is still relevant

          3. el jim chapo guzman says:

            So what are you saying fif not?

          4. Faceless Hustlers says:

            Trolling Puffy yes.

          5. el jim chapo guzman says:


        2. Kris Kompute says:

          You’re racist. You called me a nigger in the Diggy Simmons “All Day” post. Get out of our culture bitch.

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            get out of my country go back to Africa.

    2. TheTruthHurts says:

      He’s been yelling Compton for 10 years now and was the only one that had his own song on the Compton album… You need to learn a few things.

    3. el jim chapo guzman says:

      I agree.

      1. Kris Kompute says:

        You’re racist. You called me a nigger in the Diggy Simmons “All Day” post. Get out of our culture.

        1. el jim chapo guzman says:

          get out of my country you’re a great NO good.

        2. el jim chapo guzman says:

          faggot get out of my country.

    4. Music says:

      Game was the first modern artist that got the world back on the West Coast sound. He actually paved the way!

      1. Luther says:

        Facts tho *troy ave voice”

  4. marty mcfly says:

    Game’s album will be better then Dre and Kendrick’s album. #Bars

    1. Iamstillmusic says:

      I don’t Kendrick but Dre possibly

      1. marty mcfly says:

        I definitely think It’ll be better then both.

    2. ImKing says:

      Nope, Kendrick still got the best album (musically & conceptually) this year.

      1. marty mcfly says:

        Yeah, the Documentary 2 aint out yet. I didn’t think them beats on TPAB were dope. Game picks way better beats then Kendrick.

        1. ImKing says:

          I respectfully disagree, Kendrick picks beats like a musician and not like a rapper. We know there is nothing new under the sun. I’m rooting for Game to win and have a great album.

          1. marty mcfly says:

            Whether you call him a musician or a rapper, he still picks beats and Game picks better beats then Kendrick Lamar no matter how you label the process of picking beats. Game aint rapping in acapella so he is a musician as well.

          2. ImKing says:

            You right… Game is a musician. Make sure you pre order or buy the album when it drop.

      2. SweetToadJones says:

        TPAB is dope but you have to get yourself in a certain mood to listen to that album.

        1. ImKing says:

          The same way I have to be in a mood to look at and decipher a fine piece of art work. (It’s a musical piece of art in the highest order for rap/hip hop)

          1. marty mcfly says:

            The same claims people make about a Kendrick album can be said about alot of other rappers projects. You have to get yourself in a mood to listen to Kendrick, its rappers that just pull you into their world with their album no matter what kinda mood you was in beforehand. Game being one of them.

          2. ImKing says:

            Well with all this good conversation, I really hope people go out and support Game and good hip hop as a whole.

      3. TheTruthHurts says:

        I think I like Compton more this year. As far as beats and flow it sounds better in my ears more often than TPAB.

        1. ImKing says:

          I like “Compton” as well but “TPAB” to me told a complete story . I felt like I was watching a movie.

          1. TheTruthHurts says:

            That’s fair, for me there are just songs that I don’t mind skipping but on Compton I rarely do and when I do I hesitate.

  5. MadShot says:

    Great picture. Too bad for the font, it’s kind of amateur. Breaking “Documentary” in 2 pieces + making it quite unreadable, c’mon.

    1. Black says:

      Agreed. The font feels out of place.

    2. YABOI says:

      Sooo!!! It’s about the music mofucka

    3. Deezel Washington says:

      basic ass cover for a basic ass rapper..

      1. dawnrfields says:

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      2. @WorldFamous_Kev says:

        Believe It or Not, Game’s Albums Are Usually Pretty Tough

        1. Deezel Washington says:

          nigga acting like games albums are exclusive to only certain niggas n shit……….

  6. TheTruthHurts says:

    Looking forward to this album, I was actually re-listening to Ryda with Dej Loaf and 100 with Drake yesterday for the first time since they came out and they are both dope, hopefully those are the radio singles he keeps for the album.

    1. thedeamkid19 says:

      thats some pussy selection of music right there

      1. TheTruthHurts says:

        Clearly you’ve listened to them once at most. In which case I doubt you even remember the content since it was over 2 weeks ago which is hard for stupid minds to recall. If you think The Game is a pussy and makes pussy music then you know nothing about him hahaha.

    2. Hussle says:

      nahhh those songs were weak. Game can do way better

      1. TheTruthHurts says:

        I’m not saying he can’t, I’m saying I liked them as singles. Way more than like Pot of Gold and most of the singles for The R.E.D. Album and Jesus Piece.

  7. WTF says:

    this is gonna be album of the year right next to Compton.

    1. The Gary Group says:

      -Jayceon Taylor

  8. el jim chapo guzman says:

    I remember game airplane landed in fox hills mall when rosemo 700 knocked game out.. shirt all up Louis belt out red bottom up game was laid out.

    1. Dat Nigga Future says:

      and what happened to rosemo? Oh that’s right

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:


        1. Kris Kompute says:

          You’re racist. You called me a nigger in the Diggy Simmons “All Day” post. Get out of our culture.

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            get out of my country.

      2. Mylo says:

        Killed by Diablo from QSB who was smoked 2 weeks later… All unrelated had more to do with Bosco getting marked out…

    2. Mrknowitall says:

      You’s a goddamn lie smh… please, anybody tell me how a local celebrity can get KO’D in the middle of a busy ass mall without one mothafucka having camera phone footage? That’s just sum dumb shit you wanna believe lmao

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        My home boy there he seen the whole thing.

        1. Kris Kompute says:

          You’re racist. You called me a nigger in the Diggy Simmons “All Day” post. Get out of our culture.

      2. Mylo says:

        It happens and it’s well known in LA…

        1. Mrknowitall says:

          Yeah, a well known myth lol

          1. Mylo says:

            Believe whatever you want… Game ain’t shit out here… You can see him at Men’s Land/Secret Sunday’s etc… that ain’t first reputable Piru to mark Game out… Young Hootie had Game scared to come to Cpt…

            It was on TMZ…

          2. Mrknowitall says:

            I dnt know about all that other shit… I Just know ain’t now nigga gettin KO’d in tha middle of a mall (especially in L.A.) without endin up on worldstar or sumthin. So yeah, I am gonna believe what I want and it ain’t that horse shit lol

          3. Faceless Hustlers says:

            Young Hootie got punked by some BGz from Atlantic Drive all facts! I didnt about the Game shit tho!

    3. Faceless Hustlers says:

      I heard you got knocked out by an immigration officer for tryin to sneak you bastard kids across the border

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Fuck you.

        1. Faceless Hustlers says:

          Fuck ya mama which I did stop hating on the West Coast dirty bitch

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            By the way I’ll be out there in Tuesday to pick up my daughter..

          2. Kris Kompute says:

            You’re racist. You called me a nigger in the Diggy Simmons “All Day” post. Get out of our culture bitch.

          3. el jim chapo guzman says:

            get out of my country nigga.

        2. Kris Kompute says:

          You’re racist. You called me a nigger in the Diggy Simmons “All Day” post. Get out of our culture bitch.

    4. Kris Kompute says:

      You’re racist. You called me a nigger in the Diggy Simmons “All Day” post. Get out of our culture bitch

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        get out of my country bitch

  9. Accounts says:

    Game is a bi polar male stripping name dropping no lyric having faggot fuck any one who rock with this fuck nigga

    1. Faceless Hustlers says:

      Tell Game to his face keyboard killer!

      1. Accounts says:

        I would if I could this nigga is a fairy he ain’t scary

        1. Faceless Hustlers says:

          Until you do it shut the fuck up

          1. Accounts says:

            So instead of telling game to shut his male stripping change of heart name dropping ass up you want me to? Is that what you are saying?

          2. Faceless Hustlers says:

            Yea cause youz a bitch hatin on niggas from a distance

          3. Accounts says:

            So you rocking with the male stripping Cali fag rapper…lmao I didn’t make the nigga gay I’m just making sure you don’t forget who you are listening to…Compton 2nd most famous homo rapper

          4. Faceless Hustlers says:

            Your obsessed with him being a male stripper. That lapdance from magic mike must have changed your life..sexually. Hatin ass cumdrinker

          5. Accounts says:

            Lmao what….you’ll think about it one day and understand lol nigga just think about it

          6. Eric Davis says:

            Magic mike? You typed that with swiftness lol. You exposed

    2. YABOI says:


      1. Accounts says:

        Aight but only because you put it in all caps

  10. Faceless Hustlers says:

    Cant wait Game been killing features lately: The Compton Album, Shooters on the 10 summers, The Glasses Malone song!

  11. blackholesurfer says:

    well the documentary which was going to be 50 cents 3rd album he gave that to the game and wrote most of the lyrics for him. im sure this album is not going to be spectacular.



      1. blackholesurfer says:

        LOL typing in caps. it wouldnt of been nothing with out 50 Cent period.

  12. Eric Davis says:

    After some lack luster tracks. I’ve stopped checking with jayceon years ago. Good luck to him.

  13. Dope says:

    Good picture, but needs a bit different font placement and design to make it a good cover.

  14. zachary mckee says:

    Game is a real virgo brother we got all the elements working with us

  15. @WorldFamous_Kev says:

    Looking Forward To This, Game’s Albums Are Always DOPEEEEEEEEE

  16. SweetToadJones says:

    I like Game but the features will kill it for me let me guess 17 tracks with only 2 songs that he is by himself.

  17. Ketchup sandwiches says:

    that font was done in windows word clipart

  18. Mack says:

    Fake ass MSNBC Lock UP looking moo

  19. bfears says:

    Not feeling the cover but I’m ready for the album

  20. Tom Mao says:

    I don’t think it will be as dope as the Documentary 1

  21. yorapper says:

    That font is really bad.

  22. Santigo says:

    Too bad this album will be a disappointment. Game is talented, he just can’t pick beats anymore. If you’re gonna do “Documentary 2” you need producers like Dre, Just Blaze, Hi Tek, Buckwild, etc.. legendary producers that know how to make classic records, not these flavor of the month new school beatmakers who charge cheap rates & are just happy to get a credit on your album. Every song I’ve heard him put out over the last few months sounds like garbage throwaways for the new era.

  23. Kai Tzu says:

    But the nigga on a song with Drake who’s dissin Kendrick, a Compton nigga.

    “I would have all of your fans if I didn’t go pop and stayed on some conscious shit.”

    Aint none of these niggaz 100.

  24. MJeezy says:

    yo this graphic designer sucks major!

  25. MBz says:

    Am I the only one that thinks the Vocal mix sounds terrible?

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