Future Performs “March Madness” At Streamy Awards

Make It Real Good.

Future was in Hollywood last night as a performer for the annual Streamy Awards. The ceremony recognizes the best personalities on the Internets. Anyhow, here’s footage of Hendrix performing “March Madness”, for the stiffest crowd we’ve seen thus far.

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  1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Wack performance

  2. RTH says:

    love future but he really needs to be a better performer for longevity

  3. Sonic says:

    Future is the hottest thing on the streets right now. Real rap music at its best.

  4. jaja420 says:

    Future Hendrix never disappointing

  5. Sean Power says:

    that intro doesn’t fit future music if was cole or Kendrick it would be more fitting, there talking about Ferguson and show footage and future is rapping about dirty sprite …..yes one line cops killing people but rest is about drugs lol

    1. Kelly Reach says:

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  6. Megamind says:

    Future is RIGHT there on the precipice of pop stardom…what he needs to do is work on his stage show. You can tell he’s used to performing in clubs, etc. And before someone says “he’s been on tour with Drake…yadda yadda”…I’m aware.
    But the people are there to see Drake and hear Future turn up songs.

    He basically performed with a backing track because he hasn’t mastered the performance and the CLARITY of what he’s saying. Once he gets the stage show tight…he might be the next big urban pop star…because he has the records.


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