New EP: SHIRT ‘Rap Money’

Picasso Baby.

Nearly a week after his last release, Queens MC, Shirt, is back with a new six track player. Stream it below or cop it with your money on iTunes.

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  1. Max Cherry says:

    Shirt? Really? Your name is Shirt? Lmfao the names that these “rappers” come up with nowadays are hilarious to say the least! How about “Cardigan” or “Down Comforter”?

    1. el jim chapo guzman says:

      He should’ve named himself young shirt.

    1. Max Cherry says:

      Who are you asking? Does RR have a Q&A section that we’re not aware of? Listen and find out for yourself bruh (or brah if you prefer the female version)

  2. Zorino says:

    “Shirt” is a very googleable rap name. Dude’s a marketing genius… Smh.

    1. Max Cherry says:

      Negative Ghost Rider! Just checked and that is a no-go. Back to the drawing board

  3. Maurice ReBe' Bass says:

    That album cover speaks volume about his character, tho. That’s epic

  4. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Can someone let me know if this mixtape listenable before I download it.

  5. Brokeback Cowboy says:

    Just had a quick listen… sounding pretty decent! And the cover is genius

  6. Strong Enough says:

    thats not picassco lol

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