New Music: Erykah Badu “Trill Friends”


Friends. How many of us have ’em? Erykah Badu answers that question with a fantastic remix of Kanye’s track. Feels like Mr. West has finally got one.

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  1. Sonic says:

    I have attempted to listen to this song several times and I just cannot get into it, the sound effects and what not are annoying and take away from the music. I don’t understand where she is coming from and I can’t relate. Very disappointing.

    1. marty mcfly says:

      Nobody cares, Sonic! Go away troll.

      1. Sonic says:

        Go away, Hobbit.

        1. Guest says:

          Lmfao! B. Dot finally called you’re trolling ass out yesterday. Cool profile pic Stangela. LOLOLOLOLOLOL you’re such a nutbag take your meds! #PillsAreGood

          1. Guest says:

            YAAAAWWWWWWWNNNNN! What is this, Lord of the Rings insult day? Super witty of you! LOLOLOLOLOL! Pick a personality, girl interrupted! LOLOLOL. Which is it? “Sonic” “Jumpman” “RTH” I mean the list goes on!!!!! Noticed that you’ve finally embraced your craziness and gone back to being Sonic the Delusional Hedgehog! LMFAOOOOO. #PillsAreGood

          2. Sonic says:

            It wasn’t meant to be an insult. You sound so excited. What happened?

          3. Guest says:

            #PillsAreGood #YouGotEnoughAttentionForOneDay

    2. The Haters Advocate says:



      1. Guest says:

        You can’t be that dumb? Never mind. This is probably another account of hers considering how crazy she is! Take your meds, Sonic! #PillsAreGood

      2. Sonic says:

        Summer school. Wassup?

        1. Guest says:

          aka Mental Institution! LOL! She juts got her wifi privileges back. LMFAOOOO! #PillsAreGood you crazy broad!!! LOLOLOLOLOL! What a donkey! #HEEEEHAAAAW

          1. Sonic says:

            I have no wish to offend you, but you seem a bit… slow. What’s wrong?

        2. Savimbi says:

          So summer school extended all the way through fall??? you must be real retarded lol

          1. maybe he’s from australia, isnt it summer there? Dec – Feb.

          2. Savimbi says:

            Lmaoo or South Africa as well..

          3. Sonic says:

            I was active during the fall. And it’s winter, it was a joke. You seem beyond retarded.

        3. The Haters Advocate says:



  2. Clark Johnson says:

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    1. bro thanks for sharing, my fat ass really needs to eat healthier and get in the gym. now gtfo please 🙂

      1. Guest says:

        They’re flooding these sites with this bullshit now?

        1. i havent seen this specific one a lot, but others – Yeah :/

          1. Guest says:

            It’s all the same to me!

  3. Kris Kompute says:

    Love that she’s remixing hip hop tracks

  4. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Erykah Badu is jealous of Iggy Azalea. simply because iggys music is selling and erykah music is justing sitting and collecting dust, yes I said it dust. there are a very few that would listen to the music that she puts out. I would rather bite off my own ears then listen to her music. and then for her to give a half ass apology to iggy and then criticize her kids because they like iggys music. this is unflattering for a mother. erykah needs to leave Iggy alone and mind her own business you never know what kind of skeletons are buried in her closet.

    1. Guest says:

      News Flash Weirdo: That’s how your crazy ass feels, not Erykah? You just made all of that up unless you left Badu’s house and got the 411? Lmfao! TMZ ass nigga!

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        erykah is a female dog.

        1. Guest says:

          Huh? Duh! You’re going on about how she’s jealous of Iggy like you know her personally? The fuck you talking about?

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            She is jealous….you heard them comments and cheap shots she thrown a iggy????

          2. THE ALMIGHTY MIKEY ESCO!!! says:


    2. uʍop ǝpısdn says:

      Vladimir, you are taking this shit too far man! I’m in your moms room right now and I can’t find the box of rubbers I left in the dresser. She said it must have been you that threw them away. WHAT THE FUCK???

      Listen Vladimir, me and at least 10 of the RR community have sexy time with your moms every Tuesday, stop calling yourself El Jim Chapo if you can’t even deal with the fact of us sexin your moms! Stop being immature and put the fuckin rubbers back you nitwit!!!!!!!

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        rap radar number one fuck boi….clown ass nigga get my dick.

        1. uʍop ǝpısdn says:

          Look Vladimir, I ain’t the enemy. And I’m not gonna lie to you, I like your mom. I like her a whole lot. You ever find yourself in a jam, come see me, I’ll front you. Now I left some money on the counter, but don’t ever, in your fucking life, bite the hand that feeds you. See you Santa Claus

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            you barely can feed yourself so you’re irrelevant…

          2. uʍop ǝpısdn says:

            You caught that reference? If you did, I may award you OG status for 24hrs!

          3. el jim chapo guzman says:

            eat shit nigga.

          4. uʍop ǝpısdn says:

            I always try to be nice to you Vladimir and you always use profanity in return.

            Look it up my brother, it is nigh impossible to continuously have sex with someone without feelings growing. Even if it was a prostitute, a person would start having feelings of possessiveness. So when I tell you that I have feelings for your moms, maybe love even, please believe that I am being sincere.

            It was just sex at first, like everyone else here on RR, we would bang her repeatedly, but I either was reckless emotionally, or plain in need of comfort, and your moms gave that to me Vladimir.

            Now I find myself calling her all the time and not even for sex talk anymore. Yesterday I had a problem at work and I almost walked out, then I called your moms and she spoke to me for half an hour and calmed me down. She told me that her and I have found something special but I shouldn’t let my anger at work get the better of me because it will seep into the bedroom. She said the exact same thing happened with B. Dot after he had an argument with Ebro at the Breakfast Club. She said he was angry and he banged your moms so hard she hit her head on the dresser and she almost got knocked out!

            I would never do her like that Vladimir. So just be cool with me. With us. Me and your mom are fast becoming an item and I don’t want anything to come between us.

            She still keeps Tuesday evenings and Thursday afternoons open for the rest of the Rap Radar brethren to have sex with her, because she needs, as 50 Cent would put it, “that aggressive content” in her vagina, but her and I are going steady, and no amount of abuse from you Vladimir is going to change that.

            I hope I’ve made my point clear. Peace.

          5. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Nigger really….I’m liking your own comments…can you more lame.

    3. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      nice troll



      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        fuck mikey.

    5. Savimbi says:

      Still drunk off that cum drinking binge!!!! Vladimir Depardieu!!!!! You ought to be ashamed of yourself!!!! What they feeding you in them refugee camps…?

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        same thing you’re mom fed you dinner everyday.

  5. IKEEPIT100 says:

    Idk what the the fuck yall are talking about but if kanye couldve put this so g out with atleast a badu hook or jus vocals alone wouldve made this song doper but regardless i fuck with both versions



    1. the art of deception says:

      i dont think you’re her type michael, she likes black dudes who rap, not white internet thugs who pretend to be producers

  7. SaniAbacha says:

    Dot, now you will find I’m usually fair and keep it 100 with my comments. With that said, this ain’t it. Starts being good at around 1:50 but it’s a bit of a mess really. That “home boys… homegirls…” hook sounds amateurish af. And I love me some Badu.

    1. Kris Kompute says:

      No one knows you nor do they check for your comments.

      1. yeah, who does he think he is?!

        he aint no mike esco, el jim chapo, or sonic!!!! LOL

    2. Iamstillmusic says:

      Sani Abacha? Haha dude do you even know who you are implicating? Calm down

  8. Captain Jack says:

    I like badu but it was too much goin on for me.

  9. sounds like an oompa loompa track off charlie and the chocolate factory…

    1. muchapata says:

      I don’t know what a oompa loompa is but the name sounds funny as hell.

  10. Sina Mailer Daemon Djavadkhani says:

    Everyone does love the Ye track! He finally does have the springboard to SWISH 😉 I’m loving Erykah’s ‘mixtape’ type cover run leading to her next project- great look for relevancy in this generation.

  11. GetReal says:

    this is not fantastic, badu is the most overrated artist ever

  12. @ThinkThatAmKobe says:

    ill never understand how a filthy slutty ratchet hippie is so godly to you hip hop purists…like which rapper didnt she have a kid with. smfh

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