New Music: Trinidad James Ft. Mystikal x Lil Dicky “Just A Lil Thick (She Juicy)”

Thicka Than A

Trinidad James like his girls BBW too. Over DJ Mustard’s hand claps, Trinidad and friends celebrate women with curves. Skinny, women step to the rear.

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  1. el jim chapo guzman says:


  2. Kris Kompute says:

    Fuck Lil Dicky’s cultural appropriating ass! He’s a rap version of the Duke lacrosse team.

    1. Anon says:

      You mean the duke team where the DA admitting to lying and creating fake evidence and even the prostitute admitted she was lying…

      1. Kris Kompute says:

        White boys with money got off. Typical story that your cracker ass can relate to.

        1. Anon says:

          Who said I’m white? Typical ignorance, keep ignoring the facts

          1. Kris Kompute says:

            Your white privilege seeps through your condescension. It’s so deep you don’t even notice it. The same reason y’all don’t understand Trayvon or Mike Brown.

            Stop the games whitey.

      2. Ashleybwachter3 says:

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    2. Shock says:

      Not a good analogy considering what actually happened in the Duke case

  3. Belize says:

    cant even hate. this gonna be in the clubs

  4. mike h says:

    Mystikal made me lol. Jammin.

  5. mac DIESEL says:


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