G-Eazy & Logic ‘The Endless Summer Tour’ Dates

Heatin’ Up

With summer quickly approaching G-Eazy and Logic are getting the jump on things with their co-headlining ‘The Endless Summer Tour’. The concert also features supporting acts YG and Yo Gotti. Tickets go on sale April 15 on LiveNation. Check out the dates below.geazy-logic-dates

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  1. Kris Kompute says:

    Bad business decision by Yo Gotti and YG. Opening up on the honkie all-star tour? I know they want mainstream exposure but at least get a co-headline.

    1. Strong Enough says:

      Logic is black.

      1. Kris Kompute says:

        Logic is white. J. Cole and Drake are black. Ask the police.

        1. Strong Enough says:

          Bruh he’s black lmao.

        2. William James says:

          Definitely black bro

          1. Kris Kompute says:

            Like I said, show pictures of all 3 to your neighborhood trooper and see what he says.

      2. WhiteBlack says:

        bro, hes white. and lying just like rachel dolozal…hes in fact a jew…many jews live in the burbs of baltimore..

        1. William James says:

          So the father that’s been interviewed is a Black Jew? MFOH

          1. WhiteBlack says:

            That’s not actually his real father, if anything thats his step pops that started dicking down his mama and stayed with once the father found out about it and left..I promise you, dude is not half anything, he’s half whte and half more white…until a birth certificate is provided its just a fantasy made up and manufactured by the industry folk

        2. Strong Enough says:

          your mom is a jew. Logic is black retard. why not lie and say your white? he would have sold twice the amount

          1. WhiteBlack says:

            If any of that was true action Bronson would be doing Eminem numbers, his manager is Paul Rosenberg

          2. Strong Enough says:

            all of this convo is stupid anyway. the mf said he was black. this isnt something up for debate bruh. lol he probably says nigga in his songs.

          3. WhiteBlack says:

            wow that has to make him black if he prob says nigga in all his songs…which he doesnt

          4. Strong Enough says:

            That’s great. One less black guy screaming nigga in his songs.

    2. Sonic says:

      Logic is half black, dummy. Who spells it “Kris” besides females? Lol.

      1. Brittany Maier says:

        “my Aunnty Maria Is getting. pay hourly on the laptop 98$.”….!n214ctwo days ago black.. MkLaren P3 bought after. earning. 18,512 DoIIars,,,it was my. previous month’s check. just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month.3-5 hours job a day.and get weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars… Learn. More right Here !n214c:➽:➽:➽➽➽➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsAfterGetPayHourly98$…. .❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦::::::!n214……………

      2. Kris Kompute says:

        Nigga, you named yourself after a hedgehog.

    3. Captain Jack says:

      I think it’s a good look for them. I think it will be a smooth and safe tour for all of them

      1. Kris Kompute says:

        Definitely will be safe. But coming off the biggest single of his career, Gotti should’ve did a solo joint. Or co-headline with a white artist.

  2. yaaaaa says:

    LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Man. I bet the audience at these shows is in high school and female. THis is probably one of the lamest things a male in the 21st century could every attend. Wow.

    1. T says:

      Not if you’re hollerin at the hoes.

      If I was in high school/early 20s and liked whjte girls, I would be all up in that bitch

    2. WhiteBlack says:

      u better get used to logic, fake madeup background just like eminem, except nowadays its harder to dispute given fake pictures can be doctored etc etc etc, put it this way, dude is hyped up like he super dope, but not one song from him is actually something ud catch me bumping..the kids in the suburbs who need someone corny like this guy to grasp on to love him and all the other corny white rappers..but this guy they played shit smart , there can never be another eminem technically, so this white jew , is being called a half black white boy..shit is not only not true, but is just an awful lie that cant even hold up…dude is never actually considered black, except by white boys in the blog comments who listen to him n need for it to be true..i need to see a birth certificate on some obama type shit..foh, both these dudes have mad hype around them but yet no one i know actually fucks with them…so its real confusing..but the simple fact that they are so seemingly popular opening up for two guys who are more major commercially successful should prove that these are MANUFACTURED RAPPERS..

  3. el jim chapo guzman says:

    yo gotti fucked up opening up for these suckers.

  4. yessssss says:

    Don’t worry man! Its all about the money! Guys like DJ Khaled are made to be social pariahs on this site because they can make money. See they take the rap lane.. Rip all of the soul out of it. Market the shit out of it.. Trying to kill the originality in the process. Get money! Thats how you determine if you are successful rapper! Good at rapping? Pshh That means nothing nowadays. Good at producing? Who needs that?!! Look at Khaled. Making so much money. What a god.

    Yo Gotti is just following the goats plan and he is just worrying about money. He doesn’t care that he is selling out opening for two cheesy white boy rappers who is only taken serious by high school girls and guys into high school girls. This is some serious fuck boy shit for everyone involved.

    Hope these guys dont waste all this money. Otherwise they will have nothing to show for completely selling themselves out.

  5. DJ Game says:

    This is super dope. Black people, We’re better than you. Fuck your cultural appropriation. It is not real.

  6. WhiteBlack says:

    these dudes are both manufactured rappers..i know yall dont know bout that yet..but im tryna put u on….lets be real here before radio hosts and other people started talking bout them noone knew who these two corny white boys were..legit no one…and then one day out of nowhere this dude geazy is like one of the biggest rappers in white terms, like macklemore who is another manufactured artist..pay attention black folk, whites are bout to steal hip hop, they got it in their hands they waiting for the cops across the street to get a call on the radio…yall should nip this shit in the butt by not supporting these fake artists..the thing that really gets me is that logic swears he half black when the chinese guy around the block from me look more black than him, that dude is not only being disrespectful by lying, but hes a fucking industry execs son most likely who came up with his background story for him and wallah you have a JEW pretending to be half black acting like he really grew up around crack n shit..i need to see some form of id sir..keep supporting the same people who gonna steal this shit from right under ya noses….smh the fact that yo gotti n yg(WHEN THEY HAVE MORE COMMERCIAL SUCCESS) are opening for these dudes should say it all..




  8. BK says:

    supporting acts YG and Yo Gotti. WTF

  9. Vurbz Fenomeno says:

    lol the optics just doesn’t look right

  10. polopolo1 says:

    damnn we get it hes light skin, yall want logic to be black so bad,

    i wish i had this much of a hard time convincing the police i was black

  11. Bighustle says:

    If I had an inner Azealia Banks, she’d be crying now.

  12. Captain Jack says:

    Just saw the trailer. YG is a straight Coon. You niggaz still saggin your pants like a damn buffoon. The coonery in America is unreal man.

  13. Sgt. Pepper says:

    I don’t get why everyone is hating on Logic, he’s half black like Drake but no one gives Drake a hard time. I’m gonna go see them at the Ak-Chin Pavilion http://www.thephoenixpavilion.com over here in AZ and I really hope I don’t have to hear a bunch of people booing him like the last concert I went to.

  14. davier fairrow says:

    Who was the dread head that was rapping before YG in the Indianapolis tour

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