Kanye West “Stream Of Consciousness” On ‘Ellen’

Ain’t No Joke

Kanye West was back on Ellen’s show yesterday. After speaking on his kids and Twitter usage, he delivered a Stream of Consciousness rant which focused on wanting to improve mankind. He even shouted out Rakim and Phife Dawg. Afterward he played question and answer game with Ellen. Balls!

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  1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    I saw the cops bothering a vet for panhandling on the street; but Kanye’s doing it on The Degenerate Show? Yeah right. That’s like Starbucks fighting NC for Trans bathroom rights, while closing their bathrooms to homeless vets.

    1. Kris Kompute says:

      It’s poetic how your comments always stay at the bottom. A very accurate assessment of your existence.

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        It’s pathetic how you always on my dick.

        1. Kris Kompute says:

          Summer jam is coming up. You should probably leave your wallet at home this year.

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            I’ll be there

    2. Associated Press says:

      “homeless vets” are homeless because they don’t do for self. It’s ploy for empathy when in actuality most of them just become drug addicts who really don’t want actual “help” just more money for drugs and alcohol. Just because you’re a vet doesn’t mean that you’re owed the world. We appreciate your service but you have to do for self when you get out and not just depend on the government and random people to support your habits! walk into any ER (they are prohibited to turn any patient away) and seek help or stop huffing paint and get a job like the rest of us. Being a “homeless vet” is a cop out. 99.9% of homeless people carry signs that read: “Homeless Vet Blah Blah Blah” Be a sign spinner then and make money while holding a fucking sign! Problem solved.

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        homeless vet suffers Severe emotional problems associated with always being in a certified combat zone, has reduced their ability to effectively assimilate with the rest of society, once they are civilians, again. These emotional problems are so severe, many Vets are unable to find employment, housing, or even form close relationships. Far too many of our returning Veterans are clearly in serious need of professional help. They suffer from PTSD, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, drug abuse, alcoholism, my dad was a close friend to a returning Viet Nam Vet, named gilbert Four years after he returned to the States, while walking down a sidewalk, a car happened to backfire. I took a few extra steps before I noticed gilbert was no longer walking by my side. Looking back, I found gilbert sheepishly getting up from the gutter, and brushing his clothes. Instinctively, the gutter provided the lowest point in the ground, offering the most protection from incoming enemy fire. He had been a civilian for four years. The effects have lasted a life time. War is Hell.

        1. Associated Press says:

          That is sad. S/O to Gilbert. We have many war vets in our ER on a daily basis. Some seeking psychological help but a majority just narc seeking with no intention of seeking real help (we have way too many frequent flyer post war vets seeking morphine or dilaudid on a regular basis with the sole purpose of just getting high). Grant it most of them are put on a “No Narc List” or Treatment Plan as we refer to it, we still give them the same attention as any other patient with an option for inpatient psych treatment but most decline because they have no desire of getting clean. My point is that you have to want help in order to receive it. Not just looking for hands out to get high and repeat.

  2. The Haters Advocate says:



  3. Donn says:

    Love this guy. They won’t understand till he’s gone

    1. Associated Press says:

      We understand! We’re just two different people with two different outlooks. Have a nice day!

    2. Chronic says:

      What is that when you’re finally gonna realize he’s a crazy bi-polar manic dumbass? His one gift was his producing music…and he doesnt even do it anymore, just has a stable of producers and slaps his name on beats.

  4. fullyautomatic says:

    Ye 4 President

  5. jhfvgbds says:

    Ye is just Ye man. You gotta love it.

  6. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:

    @ B.Dot







    1. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      speaking of local, did you and your abuela apply for your VISAs yet?

      1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:




  7. Kris Kompute says:

    If you didn’t laugh at that, you’re a bitch.

  8. ilexx says:

    Kanye’s heart is really in the right place but I can’t help but think that when you “want to make the world a better place” and then your suggesting to do that through fashion, it’s extremely hard for ppl to wrap their minds around that much less get emotionally invested.

    The problem lies in the fact that Kanye really really cares about fashion and dressing fly but if enough ppl don’t see the justification for why this is important (for the world), then it’s extremely challenging and next to impossible to create a movement around it.

    Kanye is literally trying to convince us that giving him the resources to create better quality clothes is going to change the world. Firstly, I don’t agree with that notion and secondly I really wish he was using his platform to fight for something more important, just not something so shallow. If this was about clothing ppl around the world who can’t afford clothing or footwear, then maybe you could convince me but this is nothing like that.

    And even worse, you ranted, got Adidas to give you a much better deal than you had with Nike and you made expensive, absolutely tasteless, ‘homeless ppl’ looking clothes. Like bruh…

    1. Kris Kompute says:

      He talked about working with Payless. He literally addressed the criticism you are making.

      Did you watch the video?

      1. Associated Press says:

        Talking or doing? He’s been “talking” for years! Implementation or it didn’t happen. See what I did there?

        1. Kris Kompute says:

          People don’t see his vision. Which is why can’t do. Which is why he rants.

          Mf wants to make clothes for cheap. Brands want him to maximize profits at a higher price point. He wants to do it on his own but doesn’t have the startup capital to make quality clothes to distribute to he masses. And the people with the capital just view him as a rapping nigger.

          Buddy has been ranting for 2 years now. How hard is this shit for y’all to understand?

          1. ilexx says:

            I think a lot of people get it. I know I get where he is coming from. I see the struggle he seems to be going through.

            Where he loses me is when he releases clothes that aren’t even fashionable and prices them outrageously, after he just told us he wanted to make affordable clothing on some H&M shit but yet he takes the equivalent of a $7 Walmart sweater, bores holes in it and then sells it for $2500. How am I still supposed to continue believing in your vision.

            You just served me shit, called it food and I should trust you?

          2. Kris Kompute says:

            LOL! Those clothes suck. Supposedly, he wasn’t in on the pricing. “Supposedly”…we’ll see in the future. Someone will eventually back him.

          3. ilexx says:

            Yeh. We’ll have to see. I do hope he can achieve what he is setting out to do, whatever that is.

          4. Associated Press says:

            Not everybody sees eye to eye. If we disagree with each others’ opinion we are immediately disregarded as “not getting it” but for me, there is absolutely nothing to get. He’s an entertainer and a conflicted one at best. We’re talking about the “I OWN YOUR CHILD!” Twitter rant Kanye, right? Or the “If I f**k this model and she just bleached her a**hole” Kanye, right? Yeah, he changing the world alright. Take Akon for example, he’s doing charity work in Africa that IS making a difference. Maybe Kanye could set his ego aside and take notes. High “Post Apocalyptic” fashion isn’t saving shit! Nor are $200+ Yeezy sneakers. He’s had more than enough time to make a difference, but it’s the same song and dance when asked about price points etc. He always redirects the blame. Ideas are worthless without implementation. Kanye has ONE ultimate goal, solidifying himself as a God! Nothing more, nothing less. Good luck with your Kanye Crusade. I’m not drinking the Kool-Aid.

          5. Associated Press says:

            And that “I OWN YOUR CHILD!” Twitter rant Kanye is exactly who he is! That’s how he really feels. He can double back or backtrack all he wants but that is exactly what kind of person he is. It seems as though you’re letting your fandom get the best of you.

          6. Cowboys Nation says:

            Are you female? You seem emotionally invested with this man

          7. Associated Press says:

            Smh? Giving my two cents is being a female? Whelp, might as well copy and paste this comment to everybody else on here with an opinion. Keep it moving!

          8. Cowboys Nation says:

            No, it’s because you’re leaving multiple comments to someone that’s not even responding to you about someone you claim not to like.

          9. Associated Press says:

            Keep it moving then! Those comments were immediately following his and were typed seconds apart. Wasn’t talking to you anyway. Bye, Felicia!

          10. Kris Kompute says:

            You’re comparing civic work to what he wants to do in the fashion industry. So you one of them ” Entertainer/Athlete X does nothing for the community” bastards.

            Go to Google and literally type in “Kanye community service”. It’s that easy. Look at what he does for Chicago. You stupid mfs don’t believe shit unless it’s being forced down your throat. Jackasses like you are the exact reason people gotta have cameras when they do good deeds because you say dumb shit like ‘Yeah, he’s changing the world alright”.

            Just look at what he did with Chief Keef’s ass. He had no reason to extend his hand. And he did. Multiple times. Even when Chief cooled down.

            Run a Google search before you run your fuckin mouth.

          11. Associated Press says:

            Classic case of an individual (YOU) assuming that they have an insider tip in the industry and we’re just some clueless Fox News zombies. Once again you’re letting your Kanye fandom get the best of you! And why are you so mad? Lmfao! I have my opinion about Kanye West and you have yours. Calm down. Breathe. I am sure that Kanye appreciates your support

          12. Kris Kompute says:

            It ain’t fandom. It’s black man accomplishments being degraded by bigot honkies like you who just want a free pass to say “nigga” in songs.

            TLOP sucks. But Kanye has given to the culture and to the black community. Only white people cant see past his delivery.

          13. Associated Press says:

            “It’s black man accomplishments being degraded by bigot honkies like you who just want a free pass to say “nigga” in songs.”

            Oh. Well allow me to retort! THIS right here is THE epitome of a RR comment! Was only a matter before you ran out of intelligence and began with that bullshit! When all else fails. Am I right? Lmfao! What an idiot. #DonkeyOfTheDecade #HEEEEEHAAAAAW

          14. Chronic says:

            Doesn’t have enough capital? Do you know how easy it is to start a business with the internet now? And if he wants to make cheap clothing for everyone, you’d think it’d be pretty cheap. Maybe instead of trying to change people from wearing a brand, which is in his view bad, to wearing his brand he should focus on letting people know it doesn’t matter what the fuck you’re wearing, it matters what you do in life.

          15. Kris Kompute says:

            Mass distribution for high quality clothing at a cheap price point is easy? Go read a business book. Clothing companies and restaurants have the highest entry point of any business. It’s easier to build an app (usually a game) and get that downloads on itunes than clothes or food.

            You know jack shit. Stop embarrassing yourself.

          16. Chronic says:

            First off high quality and low prices is basically an oxymoron. You can have one or the other. Kanyes entire business idea makes zero sense and he just says it to try to look like a man of the people so hopefully people will support his overpriced bullshit.

            And it’d be pretty easy for him to do it because he has what other people don’t, his name attached to it and free publicity through his internet presence. And who says it has to start off as a mass produced thing. He could start off small, sell things for a bit more then they’d be and then change his model down the road….but he has zero confidence in his “designing” and that’s why he keeps trying to get big brands to support him.

          17. Kris Kompute says:

            “Kanye” and “Zero confidence” is the epitome of an oxymoron.

            You’re an imbecile who is going to work for someone their entire life because you don’t understand free enterprise.

            Have fun at work tomorrow. It’ll be Friday. You prob get to wear jeans.

          18. Nathaniel Pro Wheeler III says:


          19. Associated Press says:


          20. Associated Press says:

            Somebody get this diva a Snickers! #DIVA

      2. ilexx says:

        I watched the video in its entirety, yes I heard him talking about Payless but how exactly is Kanye working with Payless going to improve the world in anyway like the ppl he named? I’m absolutely open to discussion but let’s talk about it. One the surface, I don’t see the direct correlation between the two.

        What I was referring to in my comment is simply the challenge of convincing people that fashion is important enough in the grand scheme of things. I’m not telling Kanye what to fight for, I’m just saying I believe ppl will have a hard time seeing it as being important. Thus, the need for convincing.

        1. Black Jesus says:

          Yea I totally agree. I get exactly what he’s trying to do & say, but he needs to explain it better. When he says, I want to get rid of bullying. He should explain, thru fashion he feels like if everyone could rock dope adorable clothes then that would prevent kids from picking on someone for wearing some fake Jordans. He needs to break shit down better. like when he says shit like, last time I checked it was illegal to be naked. And he just stops and doesn’t explain nothing after that. Most ppl gonna be like wtf? But what he’s trying to say is EVERYBODY has to wear clothes so yes clothes are important and it’s a MUST in life. Why can’t he break shit down? Lol

          1. Kris Kompute says:

            Break down for what?

            Make cheap clothes cool stops teasing which means less fights and higher self-esteem.

            Why does everything gotta be broken down to an elementary level for a mf to understand? Shit is simple.

          2. Nathaniel Pro Wheeler III says:


        2. The Ripper says:

          Kanye is all about Kanye!!! The video showed how stupid this guy really is. All this guy do is rant. If he really wanted to better the world, it’s other things besides exposing the viewers with desire to bring fashion to new plateau or asking Zuckerberg for $1 billie for a donation to Kanye West. How about open up some schools for the kids across the nation??? Build some school resources such as libraries, after school programs, computer classes, etc. Kanye, start going to your hometown and tell the young brothers to put the fucking guns downs and go and get a trade or education. Bring positivity instead of saying stupid shit like “You and Taylor Swift might have sex…” Kanye, you sold you soul and forgot that your moms instilled in you!!! Kanye is all about fashion and drama!!! Kanye has rubbed too many people the wrong way. His time is ticking….


  10. Black Jesus says:

    Kanye scares me! Lol

  11. heez says:

    Man this dude don’t be saying shit all of that talk to get folks to buy merch fuck outta here

    1. Everybody says:

      Nailed it!

  12. I’m not an internet troll but I got to say im fucking tired of Kanye and
    his crying. This shit is sad b; Note to self: Stay away from fame.

    1. Kris Kompute says:

      Shitting on another entrepreneur who’s trying to make things easier for you.

      Great branding for Paper Plates Clothing Company. FOH.

  13. thedeamkid19 says:

    fuck this guy and all of his bullshit

  14. John Bzo says:

    Kanye’s a show by himself.. entertaining edutainment

  15. VAMP SODA says:

    yeezus is most comfortable around gays and white people

  16. LOUDpack718 says:

    ellen was being a bitch on the low. i think they got some type of subliminal beef

  17. hostage says:

    Genius or not, he’s a fool 😀

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