New Music: Joe Budden “Freedom”

Power Up

Joe Budden takes a break from Drake and focuses his energy on the ongoing police brutality cases with his latest freestyle. Powerful stuff. His new album Rage & the Machine, is penciled in for the near future. Says Joe:

“Let this act as an unfortunate reminder that times change and they don’t. #BlackLivesMatter #YallLivesMatter #OurLivesMatter … I’m afraid to wonder what happens when we as a people decide to stop saying it. Some deem us threatening now by sheer design. We are not,” Budden said. “We are loving, passionate, cultured and proud, even during unrest. However, with every life viciously and maliciously taken by costumed evil, we grow more and more afraid. What will occur when too many of us are afraid?” #IfYouDontValueMyLifeEYEWill #GodHelpUsAll #TheMissionIsGreat.”

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  1. Mr.PUTDOWN2PICKUP6 says:


    1. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      Joe can rap

      1. bizi says:

        Yes he can. Budden has been and continues to be underrated. Did you ever notice that Drake is real black when he’s rapping. It’s Nigga this Nigga that, My niggas blah blah blah.. When brothers are getting gunned down in the streets and it’s time for a protest song… Where is he? Now would be a good time for him to ‘rep for his niggas’

        1. Vurbz Fenomeno says:

          You’re fishing for nonsense. Did Rick Ross? Did meek? Did Wale? Did anybody else on slaughterhouse release a music about the shootings? Did diddy even release a statement let alone a song?. Stop fishing for stupid shit.

          1. bizi says:

            1. Ross,Diddy,and Wale did a song with Game after the Mike Brown shooting called don’t shoot in 2014. 2. Crooked I did I can’t breathe a tribute to Eric Gardner 3. Joell Ortiz – talks about police brutality on his track Hip Hop from Bodega Chronicles. I’m not fishing for anything. I’m pointing out a fact that Drake one of the biggest voices in the rap game is SILENT when it comes to this subject.

          2. BlackCrown216 says:


            U just shut him up the o.g way…straight facts. That don’t shoot song had me heated for a good month…especially with the kids on it


    This is amazing. I feel like the revolution is being televised, just from the wrong perspective… Lately Joe Budden has been emphasizing perspective in rap and this is a huge example of that.

    1. Rhonda Ratliff says:

      <<o. ✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤✤:::::::!gq482p:….,…..

  3. THE PLUTONIAN says:

    My jaw is literally on the floor.

  4. Da Business says:


  5. @tr_414 says:

    Joey is on a run right now… #Leggo #JoeIsBack #Slaughterhouse

    1. SDJ says:

      That been Joe. You don’t know? Were Slaughterhouse? Were the support? Once he went @Drake they been quiet

      1. @tr_414 says:

        No need to involve them. It’s just Drake. Don’t get it twisted though. Nobody in OVO wants them involved. It would get ugly. Them niggas are called Slaughterhouse for a reason… #BarsOnDeck

        1. LAUGHTER HOUSE says:

          who did those bums ever slaughter?

          1. BlackCrown216 says:

            You buggin.

            Joe and Royce.

  6. SDJ says:

    Yo Joe not playing @all. He’s bring back the real meaning of what Hip
    Hop was founded on. That was to use the platform as a artistic platform
    to reach the people. it wasn’t about cars and material solely. Once it
    got in corporate hands the direction was steered in a different
    direction purposely. He’ going against the status quo. Even what coming
    @Drake he’s not caring about the politics of the game. He doing what
    supposed to do. I see he’s says his album is the mission. proud of you
    Joe. They cant deny you. Go for the Jugular

  7. el jim chapo guzman says:

    None of us know what Castile did prior to the video starting. Was the gun in plain sight? Was his hand moving toward it? Was it next to a compartment containing his license and registration? Who knows? But everyone believes the girl that’s recording and what she’s saying while doing so but what the officer yells on the video is somehow disregarded. How about letting the investigation sort out all of the facts before everyone gets swept away by a video taken AFTER the incident.

    1. Savimbi says:

      Pitiful but we know you for taking sides with authorities!!! Hint hint!!! Summer Jam!!!!!

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        I am not taking sides asshole.

        1. phame says:

          Ever occurred to you that the reason people believe the passenger is because maybe she’s not lying? Did you hear the dispatch call that the officer made before he killed Castille? its available. There is no way that the guy wasn’t profiling the victim. That officer went looking for something to get into. Unfortunately, he ended up taking a life that day.

          1. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Did you see the video before the driver started recording? Absolutely not.

          2. phame says:

            No, I didn’t but i did hear his racial profiling dispatch call. I cant assume that a cop is telling the truth because hes just a guy with a badge. The same way you can’t seem to remotely give the benefit of a doubt that the passenger may not be lying.

  8. Vurbz Fenomeno says:

    Dope. Definitely Royce influenced but still a solid display of bars

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