Chris Brown Arrested For Assault; Released

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The grass ain’t greener on the other side—of the law. Following a stand-off with police at his California home this morning, Chris Brown was taken into custody on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon.

According to TMZ, the victim claims the R&B singer pointed a gun at her and demanded that she leave his home following an argument. Police responded to her call with a search warrant. Breezy then was allegedly seen throwing a duffle bag out his home which contained two guns and drugs. Prior to his arrest, Chris took to his IG to respond to the allegations.

UPDATE: Chris has been released after posting $250,000 bail.

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  1. KILLA says:

    THEY really trying to finish Chris Brown shame.

    1. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      Sad smh

    2. fuck outta here says:

      sounds like he trying to finish himself

  2. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Rememer after the Rihanna incident we all said it was just a matter of time until Christ Brown would be in trouble with the law again

    1. fuck outta here says:

      yeah… and that shit happened like a dozen times between then and now. you been under a rock or something? wasnt he locked up?

      how hard can it be to just not break the law?

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:


      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Lil bitch



    1. Mikey Markidis Moms Hold Dis L says:

      spoken like a true snitch/ cop supporter!

      1. Real talk says:

        U are a fuckin idiot b

  4. Kris Kompute says:

    White she devil bitch is lying! Bitch wanna get paid! Need to keep your circle tighter CB! Shit happens too often!

    1. Janemwright4 says:

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      1. Kris Kompute says:

        Fuck you she devil bitch!

  5. cain455 says:

    chris brown needs a new circle

  6. AYERRRR says:

    Forreal.. Fuck Rapradar for giving this article a sarcastic ass title… “welcome back” THIS IS HOW YOU SHOW LOVE??? I bet you’d love to get Chris on your podcast and I bet you’ll be kissing his ass when he gets there but in the meantime go make more sarcastic titles about his arrest.

    1. Savimbi says:

      I doubt chris breezy would stoop as low as coming to a rap radar podcast

  7. windycityg72 says:

    Illuminati will have CB kilt within the next 5-7years maybe sooner….yall sympathetic for a dude that put hands on RiRi twice smdh

  8. Real talk says:

    When u invite strangers to ur house, u never know what type of person u bringing into ur sanctuary. U can be inviting madness into ur life. Chris brought this all on himself. He should’ve know better.

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