1. dontstopthewave says:

    Ye killed that

    Song still trash tho

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  2. Kevin Banks says:

    that coke is frying Kanye’s brain

  3. Frank Yoster says:

    This dudeis a joke…but so is future…!

  4. CRAP RADAR says:

    Rap radar fell the fuck off. Even that culture vulture vlad site is more popping than this shit. Pushing the culture forward? Don’t make me laugh

    1. SMH says:

      VladTV ain’t popping whatsoever. He’s a race-baiting POS. Just look at every one the posts on there. Every single one of them is to create racial tension. Nothing more, nothing less. Such a worthless site.

      1. CRAP RADAR says:

        Look at the number of comments in each post and lets compare it to rap radar. You cant compare. Vlad kills this site in sheer volume of comments. You lucky to get one comment from the el chapo guy lol

        1. Megamind says:

          Y’all both have valid point! It’s just that Vlad post more content than RR..and content is king!!!

          But a lot of it is race-baiting bullshit…Vlad is like TMZ style.


          1. CRAP RADAR says:

            I’m not saying i fuck with vlad either. My point is that rap radar FELL THE FUCK OFF

          2. Megamind says:

            Kinda…they need to post more VARYING content. That’s how HipHopDX and other sites beat them because they ONLY cater to the popular. The only way for a post from an unknown artist on RR is to have a known feature.

            So I def see your point! I prefer Vlad bc people are more engaged…right/wrong…comments are an indication of popularity and RR definitely don’t get the same amount.


        2. Lka says:

          So when did quantity become > quality

  5. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Kanye’s verse was lit.

  6. jizzle says:

    Mike Dean killed it on the beat…..only reason to listen to the song.

  7. Sina Mailer Daemon Djavadkhani says:

    Ye flipped it real nice!

  8. DoughBoyToad says:

    Desiigner > Future

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