New Video: B.o.B “War Witch”

Eye For An Eye

Que pasa. Filled with conspiracy images, a little receives the key in a bodega in B.o.B.’s haunting visual. The track is found on his latest mixtape, A.I.R. which you can grab here. Only in America.

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  1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Garbage ass nigga

      1. lololol Bruh can’t help himself. He’s got a cross between OCD and Tourette’s.

        1. BlackCrown216 says:

          I don’t know what his problem is, but it’s obvious he doesn’t know hip hop. B.o.b is within a whole other frequency than him and because of this differentiation, it makes his music trash?

          I beg to differ. Listening to this entire mixtape series, I have concluded that he’s caring more about this messege he wants to get out, rather than making catchy music.

          These mixtapes are right on time. This is the age of information, the revolution will not be televised…it might even be disguised…but what this man is sharing, is necessary.

          “That’s the sound of nation with no patience….with 4 proclamations/ warlocks in churches, in secret locations….The sheriff’s a klansmans, the judge is a mason…..not to be bias or not let your faith is…. but how do I trust my own country and state, that’s more loyal to satan than their own occupation?”

          “The system is rigged, if I vote will I change it? Greed will consume us with no moderation/ I’m blamed for a beast I’m not sure I created/….I’m not sure I’m created….. like I’m inside a game I’m not sure that I’m playing”….

          Come on man……These are conscious bars. Fuk the dummies and the Jordan love and hip hop poot butt lovers

          1. I swear B.O.B is a beast. His last 3 mixtapes have been lyrical and subject matter fire. I feel some of the beat choices could improve to make it more listenable. As far as the content and bars I’m in love with what he’s doing.

  2. Always comes with substance. Beautiful track.

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