New Video: Isaiah Rashad “Park”
September 15, 2016 @ 5:36 PM EDT

Riding Dirty
Isaiah Rashad may be clean these days. But while cruising with friends, plenty of booze and smoke tag along in this hazy clip. Someone crack a window. The Sun’s Tirade is available here.
I enjoy when videos are simple but engaging and effective somehow. Not an easy balance
Definitely not. Who directed this?
“APlus,” pretty sure I’ve seen the moniker attached to other vids but I can’t recall whose
Corniest nigga on top dog.
Puts out way better feeling music than ab soul. But on the real you need to find a day job fam. Every post I click on you have a fucking comment. Like what do you do for a living to have all this free time on your hands?
I’m arguing to disagree I think ab soul is better than this clown.
Caught the vibe
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Album was ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzz . . . So fucking boring. It’s a wrap for this kid.