New Video: Isaiah Rashad “Park”

Riding Dirty

Isaiah Rashad may be clean these days. But while cruising with friends, plenty of booze and smoke tag along in this hazy clip. Someone crack a window. The Sun’s Tirade is available here.

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  1. veesky says:

    I enjoy when videos are simple but engaging and effective somehow. Not an easy balance

    1. Kris Kompute says:

      Definitely not. Who directed this?

      1. veesky says:

        “APlus,” pretty sure I’ve seen the moniker attached to other vids but I can’t recall whose

  2. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Corniest nigga on top dog.

    1. SD #ash Tag says:

      Puts out way better feeling music than ab soul. But on the real you need to find a day job fam. Every post I click on you have a fucking comment. Like what do you do for a living to have all this free time on your hands?

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        I’m arguing to disagree I think ab soul is better than this clown.

  3. Kevin Banks says:

    Caught the vibe

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  4. SMH says:

    Album was ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzz . . . So fucking boring. It’s a wrap for this kid.

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