Nipsey Hussle & Lauren London Welcome Baby

Baby Blue

Months after T.I. let the cat out the bag, Nipsey Hussle and actress Lauren London welcomed their son, Kross. The baby was actually born last month, August 31. This is the couple’s first child. While Nipsey has a daughter, Lauren has a 7-year-old son with Lil Wayne. Congrats!

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  1. Bruh? says:

    What set does it claim?

    1. El Negreo says:

      it claims crib an you claim bitch …

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  2. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Lauren London is more famous than nipsey.


      …Who gives a fuck you Dumb Ass Hating Haitian Homo!!!!

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        How much money you made today mogul?

        1. MR. UNDI$PUTED THE MOGUL says:

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            we dont believe you

          2. MR. UNDI$PUTED THE MOGUL says:

            ….Who gives a fuck about what you believe?!?!? My Broker’s believes me!!! Didn’t I piss you out last night?!?!?

          3. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Good for you but I make more than you mogul.

          4. MR. UNDI$PUTED THE MOGUL says:

            You must smoke meth & heroin combined which makes sense with the way you have delusional thoughts & obsess over bullshit!!!!

          5. el jim chapo guzman says:

            Get pay motherfucka get pay.

  3. BORAT says:

    congrats to them

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