The Game Disses Meek Mill In Miami

Block Wars

Well, this was unexpected. Game was at Club Story in Miami last night and dissed former collaborator, Meek Mill. He challenged him to a fight before calling him a snitch. This morning, he released a full diss track called, “92 Bars”.

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  1. 476231 says:

    He’s only going to apologize in the next day or so.

  2. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Game picking on Meek mill is about the softest beef I’ve ever seen in Hip Hop.

  3. Mec-One says:

    2016 beef …… no bars …… no hands …… just tough talk from the stage ….. smh

    1. MMG PLEATHER says:

      actually he got 92 bars for that snitch ass bitch

      1. Room 222 says:

        Don’t forget the gas can.

        1. MMG PLEATHER says:

          Don’t forget the handcuff and badge

          1. Room 222 says:


            Rick Ross

            No Filthy Scent Allowed

            Don’t forget the gas can.

  4. realish says:

    daaam. the game vehicles got shot up after that performance. must be real beef

  5. Lucky says:

    If Drake soft ass destroyed Weak Will, Game will resurrect and castrate this pussy!

  6. DRAG says:

    no post of the song thooooooooo ?

  7. SMH says:

    Like clockwork every time that he has a new album on the horizon. Such a clown.

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  9. Lowery Drake says:

    Yuri jones same dude

  10. Zorino says:

    How old is this guy again???

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