1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    You can greatly extend your life expectancy by not attacking cops.

    1. marty mcfly says:

      Your daughter greatly extends her throat when attacking niggas dicks giving head.

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Says wannabe whitey. #martymcfly

        1. marty mcfly says:

          Fuck whitey. Marty Mcfly never existed. That was called a movie dumbass.

    2. Savimbi says:

      And you can extend yours by leaving your wallet home next time you attend a rap concert!!!!! El “it was him officer” Guzman!!!!!

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        And you can extend your life by being a sucker for rest of your life.

  2. Vic Mensa Is a Joke says:

    Hopefully, the proceeds are going to McDonald’s family? If not, fuck off.

  3. rahrahrah71 says:

    Great video. But the poster clearly didn’t watch it. There is no ‘bucking back’ and there is no ‘role reversal’. He wears a jacket that says resist. He’s immune to the beat down and the bullets of the police. He approaches the officer and turns the barrel of the officer’s gun down. He recounts the murder of the subject from 2 years ago with video showing how senseless the killing was. A man in jogging down the highway with a knife in his hand, not attacking anyone, shot 16 times at close range.

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