Lil Wayne On ‘Nightline’

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Following the release of his memoir, Lil Wayne appeared on ABC’s ‘Nightline’ last night. He spoke on his smoking, performing and his views on Black Lives Matter. Needless to say, the conversation didn’t end well. He since then has apologized for his remarks. Sorry 4 the wait.

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  1. AnOtherdeadCokehead says:

    Who is Lil Wayne???

  2. Starlion says:

    I like weezy as a rapper but to think his point of view has any global relevancy is foolish.
    He really sounded super ignorant and dumb on this.
    He needs to stick to rhyming.

  3. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Lol That nigga said my life matter.

  4. Kris Kompute says:

    Quit asking niggas with face tattoos their stance on social issues.

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  5. CashlessClay says:

    Weezy not the right voice man!

  6. Marvelous says:

    People expect someone like Lil Wayne to have an educated stance on social issues? How is the idiot who decided to ask these questions to Wayne? Not taking anyone’s side here, but WHY would you think Wayne’s opinion matters when you damn sure as hell know his lifestyle?

  7. Greazy says:

    Gangbanger who joined a gang at 30 years old. Yeah, real gangster.

  8. KingNelson says:

    He gotta be full of the drugs!! Gotta be 🤔😂

    1. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:



  9. THE REAL mac DIESEL says:




  10. yaaaaaaa says:

    Preach wayne, Preach. Fight for all of us instead of just black lives. It aint 60-70 years ago we all feel the brunt of lifes shitty circumstances. The public side of BLM the one that gets all of the attention just alienates black people in a time when we need to come together.

    Also fuck those stooge BLM that ruined Senator Sanders rally. Paid by fucking Clinton campaign to say I will use our group BLM for monetary gain. THat was the idea from the start right?!!

  11. jizzle says:

    That’s the definition of “Ignorance Is Bliss”……sad.

  12. Campaign should read: Inner City Lives Matter lol the thing is that it’s the people in the inner cities that are caught up in this type of life style which involves the drugs, guns and violence on a daily basis. Its a fcked up cycle with no real way out in sight. Majority of people from these inner cities have been simply bred differently that the rest of the population. Dont matter the color, its location. The shits aggressive, and human nature forces people to adapt to their surroundings. People need to stop being ignorant to police tho. If a cop is pointing a fckn gun at you telling you to stop wtf your doing.. maybe you should stop. Shits sad tho. I see what Wayne is saying, he definitely sounds ignorant lol. All lives matter. inner cities need a miracle man.

  13. Anthony says:

    This man gave you his point of view , now let’s set his ass on fire because we don’t agree with it!! That’s the only way we can understand each other.

    1. Lil B says:

      You sound like a lil bitch. He even apologized the next day too cause he knew he fucked up.

      1. Anthony says:

        You sound like you should get out of the house with all that built up anger

        1. Lil b says:

          Not only sounding like a bitch but an idiot too

  14. Carlito Brigante says:

    That nigga fake as shit he sold out OJ without the Murder charge ass nigga

  15. L Train says:

    Lil tweeky! He had to ping a ball game @ least

    1. Bks Finest says:

      This is the same cac that was talking that all lives matter bullshit on the coli forums lol

  16. Hipp Hop Korner says:

    Wayne is clueless… follow us on
    Instagram @hiphopkorner
    Twitter @thehiphopkorner
    Facebook @hiphopkorner

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