1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    president Obama was chosen not elected!!!!!!!! wake up blacks this is a white mans world, regardless if you obey all the rules or not, they still see you as niggers.

    1. BlackAnastasia says:

      The word Hatian mean”Hell”so in reality, they see you no different.

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        I’m not Haitian I’m a human.

    2. Troll Patrol says:

      The fuck is wrong with you? Seriously? Trolling all day, everyday.

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Wake up my nigga or go back to Africa my brother

        1. Troll Patrol says:

          Wake up how exactly? You definitely appear to have some type of mental disorder or something. The way you troll on here 24/7 is unheard of.

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  2. SickOfTheNet says:

    dope and relevant.

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