New Mixtape: French Montana ‘Mac & Cheese 4’


After suffering a few delays only for it to be scrapped, French Montana drops the fourth installment of his Mac & Cheese. Features include Drake, A$AP Rocky, Nas, Miguel and more. Stream and download below.

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  1. The original "..." says:

    This fool heard Meek and Jeezy did about 90,000 a piece and wanted to jump on that gravy train… not realizing we would rather hear a verse from the capuchin monkey on his shoulder…. Bozo… maybe he will finally go away after this flop…. please god….


      French got more hits than Meek

    2. 476231 says:

      You have no idea what you’re talking about.

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  2. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Diddy finna DROP this fool From THE LABEL!!!

  3. DoughBoyToad says:

    Should have drop it as an album

  4. polopolo1 says:

    Weak, all the good songs were released before the tape

  5. PhilLee8 says:

    First a mixtape, then an Album, now they finally decided to make this Garbage a mixtape again. Smh Should’ve scrapped it like planned.

  6. Effen says:

    a waste of good beats

    1. Sesame St O Block Munna 300 says:

      Word somebody like Joey Badass can murder that Heated beat

  7. quetzalstar says:

    You mfkz know you need to post that fkn max b joint but you hugs nutz so tight you cant show love to the best rapper incarcerated. I’ll wait till yall sweating him for interviews and acting like the bandwagon ccksuckers you are.

  8. Frank Yoster says:

    No buzz for ur album= mixtape…french ur done..only the wave god can save u! Fake ass

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