New Video: Wiz Khalifa x Juicy J “Medication”
December 2, 2016 @ 3:49 PM EST

Medicinal Purposes
Still copping weed in nickel bags? Watch as Wiz Khalifa and Jucy get their medicine served on a silver platter. The track is located on the duo’s Rude Awakening available here.
Boy I tell you’ wiz khalifa and juicy j are like peanut butter and jelly they go together.
You know what else goes together like peanut butter and jelly? Your mom’s mouth and my dick!!!!
stfu!!!! that shit was corny.
Ya mama’s corny spic boy!
I bet you were lock up for 2 weeks on a five dollar bail….
And them cats at summer jam made bail 2 weeks after you snitched on em!!! One came back, punched your shit and robbed you again!!! We’re on the 11th day and you know what’s happening next week’!!! Faggot!!!
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Watch who u call spic boy! i’ll really kill you!
– Dick Guzzling Kristina
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One of the best lyricists in the game right now.
One yr have passed since I decided to leave my old work and that decision changed everything for me… I started freelancing from my house, over a site I discovered over internet, for several hours each day, and my income now is much bigger then it was on my last work… My last month payment was for $9k… Awesome thing about this is the more time i got with my family…