The Weeknd ‘Starboy’ Tops The Charts

You’re A Shining Star

The Weeknd’s star power keeps getting brighter. This week, his junior set Starboy, reached the highest spot on the Billboard 200. The album clocked in at 348,000 in first-week sales with 209,000 in traditional sales. This marks his second number one debut and the third-largest debut of the year (Views, Lemonade). Congrats!

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  1. Scromes1212 says:

    He officially mainstream. Salute to him for making it.

  2. el jim chapo guzman says:

    The fruits win again.

    1. Room 222 says:

      Why are you so heterophobic?

  3. Dusty Sonic Taylor - I Eat Ass says:

    Got some of those super WORLD FAMOUS FRESH beats on deck! Holla atcha boy! #DonkeyBoyDustinTaylor #SonicDeezNuts #DonkeyInterrupted #HeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaw

    1. Lmfao! says:

      Ur beats wack doe

      1. Dusty Sonic Taylor - I Eat Ass says:

        My SON!!!! Damn, Dustin, In high school you was a trans, Dustin! How’s trolling as 8 different people treating you, Dusty? LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO! Thanks for the support, Sling Blade!!! I feel sorry for your mother!!! LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO #InternetPredator #DonkeyBoyTaylor #DustinTaylorTheWorldFamousFailure

        #HeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw #DustinTaylorHasLadyParts

        1. SMH says:

          All them words for nothing. I aint even read. Pussy like your boy elliott or u forgot?

          1. Dusty Sonic Taylor - I Eat Ass says:


            Damn, Dustin, In high school you was a trans, Dustin! WHY AIN’T YOU USING THIS SCREEN NAME, DUSTY? You unoriginal cocksucker. #HEEEEEEHAAAAW

      2. Dusty Sonic Taylor - I Eat Ass says:

        Why ain’t you copying this screen name? You’ve already went FULL RETARD!!!! “Lmfao!” “FKA Lmfao!” “Troll Patrol” “SMH” Which is it, weirdo? You can have this one too. Bring back WORLD FAMOUS DRUG MULE!! LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO!! #DonkeyBoyDustinTaylor #HeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaw

          1. Dusty Sonic Taylor - I Eat Ass says:

            There’s your other personality. Fucking weirdo, we know it’s you! LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO!

            Dustin DONKEY BOY Taylor, everybody!!!!!


            Use this screen name, Dusty!

            Damn, Dustin, In high school you was a trans, Dustin!

          2. Dusty Sonic Taylor - I Eat Ass says:

            Damn, Dustin, In high school you was a trans, Dustin!


          3. Dusty Sonic Taylor - I Eat Ass says:

            – Lil Uzi Dusty



          4. Dusty Sonic Taylor - I Eat Ass says:

            I will never use this screen name!

          5. Dusty Sonic Taylor - I Eat Ass says:

            Because it’s YOU. Get used to seeing it, shithead. What’s the link to your WORLD FAMOUS FRESH beats or your studio in NYC? I’ll help you promote. LMFAO LMFAO #DonkeyExposed #Can’tCopyThisONeDonkeyBoy #HEEEEEEEHAAAAAAW

          6. Dusty Sonic Taylor - I Eat Ass says:

            Are you talking to yourself?

          7. PREMERE says:

            Didnt i smash you calling you troll patrol when you tried trolling me? Dam how many times i told you to get off my dick……

  4. No Doubt Aboot It says:

    Canadians are running the game right now eh

  5. PhilLee8 says:

    Great album.

  6. DoughBoyToad says:

    Great album

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  7. Room 222 says:

    Justin Bieber, Drake, The Weeknd. These Canadians got the game on lock.

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