1. Dusty Taylor - I Love Men says:

    God. Awful.


  2. Savimbi says:

    This shit is worse than Guzman’S mother’S pussy!!!!

    1. el jim chapo guzman says:

      But you eat everyday though… nasty MF.

  3. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Wyclef called me and ask me to be in this video…. fortunately I couldn’t make it cause I had bigger fish fry.

    1. Room 222 says:

      I remember when you used to say “I have bigger fish to COOK”. 😀

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Lol silly rabbit

    2. Savimbi says:

      Nah nigga you couldn’t make it because you was at the precinct, cops had you picking the niggas that took your wallet out of a line up!!! Punk ass nigga!!!! I’ma smack your shit so hard, Wyclef is gonna stop droppin this garbage!!!

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Nigga that was dope

    3. Kimberlycstaudt says:

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  4. Room 222 says:

    Wyclef Jean thinks Young Thug is the modern day 2pac. Smh.

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