1. midgetBOBARONmolley says:

    2017 is rozay’s year


      2017 is the year it finally ends…. fat boy going to jail but this time he gon be the nigga gettin his cavities searched. He better borrow 6 million from Noriega cause the IRS is on this frauds ass too.

    2. el jim chapo guzman says:

      Nigga stop dreaming. Rick ross music career is done.

      1. Rhodawmax says:

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    I need the version without the fake fat fuck

  3. Public Hairs says:

    It’s “Tranquilo”. One “L”, not two.

  4. Public Hairs says:

    *Presses play* *hears same trap drum kit that every rapper is using* *stops listening*

  5. Skrrt Russell says:

    Lupe can keep this new album. What happened? Doing records with William Roberts III? Say it isn’t so? None of these new singles are listenable. Officially not looking forward to new music from him any longer.

    1. iLexx says:

      So you don’t like this song? U don’t like Jump either?

      1. Skrrt Russell says:

        Really tried, just can’t connect with any of these new singles. Take Roberts III off of this and it’s got my vote. “Jump” sounds like “A Milli 2.0”, “Pick Up the Phone” and “Wild Child” were silly attempts at radio play and “Made In the USA” sounds like another generic Trap record. I always appreciate his message, but can’t get past his beat selection and choice of features (aside from K.R.I.T.) I guess my expectations were a bit too high? Time will tell how the album pans out.

        1. iLexx says:

          I hear you. I think I get excited when I hear Lupe on a trap beat because I know he is gonna flip in a completely different direction. Which is what he did with Made In The USA.

          Even Jump for me, it’s the story that’s really interesting and then because it’s on the beat it’s on, it’s just different.

          I get it though, I can tell you got respect for Lupe but you kinda have a preference for certain soundscapes (and you hate Ricky Rozay lol). Which I completely understand, I think I just trust the creativeness that Lupe is gonna bring to it and I just let him do what he does.

          1. Skrrt Russell says:

            Exactly. One of my favorite artists. Let the emotions get the best of me sometimes when I see him working with somebody Roberts III, really throws me off. I look to Lupe for the complete opposite of what’s going on in today’s music. Hopefully, he doesn’t steer too far, but then again, he’s the artist for a reason. Stay up.

  6. iLexx says:

    I fuck wid this song. Lupe actually been killing it on these new songs. ‘Jump’ definitely goes too….


    Didn’t this guy retire? More than once? Probably should have.

  8. el jim chapo guzman says:

    $5.7 million in the hole!!!! Fuck nigga.

  9. enneedof mafuccn says:


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