New Video: Missy Elliott x Lamb “I’m Better”

Deep Water

Missy’s back once again. Directed by herself an Dave Meyers, Missy lets us know all is well in her heavy choreographic video for her new single. Pick up the track on iTunes and peep a preview of her upcoming documentary below.

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  1. Skrrt Russell says:

    Another vet falling victim to the mumble rap wave. Losing all faith in this genre with the exception of a few artists. Keep this garbage, Missy.

    1. eastpointvet says:

      lol but how is this much different than stuff missy did in the past? and she clearly enunciating during the whole song its a nice song and visual

      1. Skrrt Russell says:

        Migos flow while claiming innovation was my point. Nothing new.

        1. eastpointvet says:

          lol if you think missy got migos flow you missed missy albums 1-4 she been rapping like that since the first album

  2. Mec-One says:

    Missy just snatched down video of the year for 2017 …… and it’s only January!

    Could’ve left dude off the track

    1. Rhodawmax says:

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  3. el jim chapo guzman says:

    that video was dope.

  4. onenutned says:

    love missy as usual but this hook and concept is the epitome off ass…graphics stunning,performance over the top and creative but the song itself …lackluster.

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