New Music: Fabolous x Lil Uzi Vert “Goyard Bag”

Baggage Claim

Here’s an unlikely collaboration. Over an Outkast sample, Fab and Lil Uzi dig in their bag flaunt for a lyrical exchange. Goyard, go hard.

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  1. Apontay says:

    Label doubled back | smart move this was the single they should have been ran with

  2. Boujee says:

    Fabolous fell off hard, his flow is dated, he’s like 47 years old….. FAIL…. S/o to my nigga Lil Uzi Vert!!

    1. Got Em! says:

      He’s 39, Rainbow Ramon.

    2. greg kruxx says:

      bro fabs in his 30s and even if he was 47 what you aint ever gona be 47 or u gona kill yourself when you hit 30.. ignorant ass muphukn coments and lack of train of thought

  3. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Fabulous should stay away from niggas like uzi vert because the lil niggas is on their own lane.

    1. Savimbi says:

      And you should stay away from niggas at summer jam lol get your wallet took fuck boy

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Don’t play with me savimbi play with your bitch.

        1. Savimbi says:

          I’m playing with your mom as we speak!

  4. Scromes1212 says:

    Loving that outkast sample! Vert starting to get in his bag. Salute

  5. 476231 says:

    so no one is going to point out how fab yet again used someone else’s flow?

  6. El Negreo says:

    so no1 is going to point out this shit been out for months now?

  7. Infinite80's says:

    It’s disappointing when an established dope rapper collaborates with a mumble rapping goofy for 2017 cool points.
    Skirts not dope. Mumble raps sucks.
    Hip hops evolution in this generation has been more of a devolution.
    Sad state of affairs.

    1. Skrrt Russell says:

      Cosign. Rest In Peace to the Fabolous that we once knew. Can’t make any more excuses for this nonsense. He’s lost. Auto-Tuning and mumble rapping with the worst of them now and it’s mad depressing to say the least.

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    2. LēTeck says:

      Go listen to old rap then lol its all there bro!

  8. Savimbi says:

    Fab & Lloyd banks are two of the biggest tragedies in terms of never reaching their full potential career wise! Fab is a lazy muthafucka always hoping on flow of the moment when his ass is supposed to b a trend setter, he was supposed to carry the torch after hov, now Young Ma bout to take that lol

  9. SlickSick says:

    Yo B.Dot. this shit was out 6 months ago on (summertime shoutout 2)! how the fuck don’t you know bruh?! smh

  10. greg kruxx says:

    could have made this beat in abt 10-15 mins

  11. greg kruxx says:

    thanks for ruining outkast greatness. disappointed in fab for this

  12. greg kruxx says:


  13. RoctheKight says:

    did this not come out with summer shootout 2 ?

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