Uncle Murda ‘LA Leakers’ Freestyle
March 28, 2017 @ 5:32 PM EDT

The Block Is Hot
From Soulja Boy jokes to Suge threats, Uncle Murda’s dipped in red like a blood for his exclusive for Power 106’s LA Leakers. Whooa!
murda killed that shit GGGGGGGGGUNIT!!!!
You always got a dudes name in your mouth like dick bitch…..
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guarantee Banks got more money than your whole family… and an Officer Ricky groupie calling someone phony is priceless. Yayo is certified unlike anyone on MMG.
A washed up Lloyd still bringing in more in a bad year than your bitch ass will make in 20+ years. Banks also got more pussy in 1 month than your wigger ass could get in 5 lifetimes. Even ugly midget Kidd Kidd gets more girls than Mikey Esco.
Where this nigga live at? whats his address? this nigga is mad gay
look him up on facebook his name is Michael Markidis, you can easily find him and his family
Murdah murdered that
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yeaah boy!