Kendrick Lamar ‘DAMN.’ Cover & Tracklist


As fans patiently wait for the arrive of Kendrick Lamar’s album on Friday (April 14), K.Dot has unveiled the title of his fourth album, DAMN. At 14 tracks, the project features Rihanna and U2. Pre-order the album on iTunes here.

In related news, his latest single, “HUMBLE.“, has debuted at number 2 this week on the Billboard 100, making it the highest debut of a rap song since Eminem’s “Not Afraid” in 2010.


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  1. Chronic says:

    That cover is tough

  2. Cartune says:

    Niggas don’t even try anymore when it comes to cover art, oh well, looking forward to the content that’s on it!

    Wasn’t really feeling TPaB or UU so K. Dot got some make up work to do for me, but his recent releases has been litty, but I can’t get too hype, overhype forever kills everything for me.

    1. Joseph says:

      Nobody gives a shit about what you like. Millions of other people fuck with it. He doesnt have to “make it up” for a nigga in the comment who wouldnt buy his album anyway. Foh dude.

        1. Joseph says:

          Go back to your cave you have no rebuttal

    2. Michael Ib bett says:

      Just saying….the album title and every song is 1 word. The Simplicity of the cover is probably intentional.

  3. rapgenius says:

    That cover is deep af

  4. 8Galaxy5 says:

    The cover is meh
    The features are wack but im a check it out when it drops.

  5. Savimbi says:

    Back cover got a late 80s early 90s style to it!!!

    1. el jim chapo guzman says:

      Kendrick white T is tucked in stfu nigga.

      1. Savimbi says:

        I’ll tuck your face in bum nigga!!!

  6. Peekay says:

    *rolls eyes* at U2

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    2. Real says:

      *rolls eyes* at Rihanna

  7. Frank Yoster says:

    Hope its not another racial stories again…

  8. el jim chapo guzman says:

    What’s so tough about the cover???? Niggas on this site is gay, lol they see Kendrick on the cover and they that’s tough!!!!!

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  9. BK James says:

    Damn. I feel like this is going to be the first big disappointment from Kendrick. TPAB has a cover that feels classic, and even seeing it before the album came out made me have faith in the project more. This is the opposite. Untitled Unmastered was a sloppy mess but that is exactly what it was supposed to be and there were no high expectations from it. But this is a different story. It just looks so corny.

    1. The Ripper says:

      Just wait until Friday!!!

    2. Real says:

      Untitled Unmastered was a dope extended play in my book, especially in the era of mumble rappers. Don’t judge a book by its cover, tho.

      1. BK James says:

        Untitled was not an EP. It was released as a proper album, and is the official followup to TPAB. If he had just released it as a freebie or a mixtape or something I wound have understood, but putting out the shit you left on the cutting room floor as your fourth album is just a bad call on my part.

  10. DWEEB says:

    Kendrick out here keeping Kinkos in business with that artwork.

  11. Dark Knight says:

    This cover is dope, I wonder how this album is going to turn out. All the tracks are only one word, also interesting.

  12. LchapoGuzman hasalittle thingy says:

    Judging or listening to this album is going to be completely irrelevant. Every blog and critic will call this album a classic with 12 seconds of it being released. People ride Kendrick so hard. He also has a song on hear with U2? Like, that seems to be trying a little too hard. But nevertheless, Complex, Rap Radar, People Magazine, and their brothers will call this album a classic. Damn.

  13. Strong Enough says:

    wack cover

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