Ice Cube Makes Hollywood Walk Of Fame

Yay Yay

Today was certainly a good day for Ice Cube. On Monday afternoon, the rapper, actor and screen writer received his Hollywood Star on the Walk Of Fame in his hometown of Los Angeles. Those in attendance included his fellow N.W.A. members, family, friends, John Singleton, WC and his son, O’Shea Jackson, Jr. Congrats!

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  1. Peter Kushing says:

    Congrats to Don Mega for giving me classic music and films to play for the rest of my life. Keep it comin Cube. Dont leave the game to these sissy ass, weak,mumble mouthed, bitchmade niggas.

  2. ... says:

    know show teh teath means you are hosytail

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  3. el jim chapo guzman says:

    anyone who ponies up the cash can have a star this isn’t something given for free and maintained for free. Not taking anything away from ICE Cube but let’s not act like this is a Medal of Honor.

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