New Music: Dr. Dre “Gunfiyah”
July 10, 2017 @ 8:34 AM EDT

Music from the doc is pretty rare these days, but he pops up and pops off on his new solo recording. The track was featured in last night’s premier of The Defiant Ones, a four-part HBO documentary series, covering the successful careers of Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine.
Andre needs to retire
Why? Music has NO AGE LIMIT! Only in the Black/African American community do Legends get disrespected by their own. Do you see White people telling the Rolling Stones who are in their 70’s to retire??!?!!?
Kendrick wrote this verse? Just retire old man.
…….Stupid Ass Idiots these day’s! Ignorance & Jealousy is killing the Black Community! Do you see White people telling the Rolling Stones who are in their 70’s to retire??!?!!?
2 Retards..go listen to trap bullShit and your skinny black untalented jokes ! this shit is insane…fking 10 years jokes donT now nothing about music ! YoungThug retard generation
I wonder how many takes it took Dre to complete his verse.
Not Dope.
shit sound hotter than anything on compton
Beat is so boring. Gimme those huge orchestras, pianos,and hard crackin snares Dre used to bang out classics with over this shit.
yeah niggas in the comments, want a codeine infused beat and some mummbles on top to be like “” We lit and we chill “”
futere me lill soft do jew agree ??