New Music: G-Unit “Dead Bodies (Catch A Body)”

Wanna See A Dead Body?

G-Unit’s returning to the mixtape game with their next tape, Power, which will be executive produced by 50 Cent and hosted by DJ Whoo Kid. Premiered on Shade 45, Yayo, Buck and Uncle Murda are killing shit on their new release.

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  1. Officer Ricky says:

    Rick Ross take this L

    1. Rick Ross says:

      I have too many already

  2. Infinite80's says:

    I fix with it


    Officer Ricky and the bum fraud squad hold this L!! When are they going to get Gunplay’s MMG chain back? It’s almost like his team got no heart.



    1. el jim chapo guzman says:

      You listened to g unit new song you fucking cornball. Guess you listened to my advice dumbass.


      You are the biggest 50 and G Unit hater on this website…you got them on your mind every day of your life.. Evan if you thought it “banged” I doubt you would admit it being the MMG fangirl you are

      Besides you don’t fuck with real niggas music, you bump fake cornballs like Lil Mama, Officer Ricky, Troy Average and Your Old Droog. No way you are from NY.

      1. Room 222 says:

        You’re the biggest Rick Ross and MMG hater on this blog.

        Filthy Scent, Phoney Yayo, Lloyd, Crybaby Young Buck all had a nice little run in 2003 but in 2017 it’s wrap.

    3. Officer Ricky says:

      You so blind with hate that you dont realize that it was the dj bringing it back. Oh and that shit bang.

  5. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Where the g unit haters at????? That’s what I thought.

  6. Room 222 says:

    Tony Yayo is underrated and kind of sexy.

  7. Epul says:

    Uncle Murda with the unit?

    1. Aunt Murda says:

      Yeah he signed with G UNIT earlier this year.

  8. Room 222 says:

    You’ve gotta be super desperate to sign to g unit in 2017.

    Garbage anyway.

    1. MMG = BUM SQUAD says:

      Since signing with the Unit Uncle Murda has been exploring the world rocking sold out shows and festivals for tens of thousands of fans. 50 also got him acting in a movie with Bruce fucking Willis.

      What has Ross and MMG done for Gunplay, Rockies Fresh and Fat Trel this year?

      1. Room 222 says:

        Since signing with MMG, Meek Mill and Wale have had number 1 albums, success careers, sold out shows, and become millionaires.

        What has The Donkey done for 40 Glock, R&B singer Governor, that D.J from The Jersey Shore, M.O.P, and broke-ass Young Buck

        What’s your point, genius!?

        1. waley dough? says:

          Whale and Meek had careers and were famous before Ross picked them up and Meek career been doing a nose dive since Drake and Game ended him. Whale will forever be butthurt that he doesnt get any respect because he signed to a fraud instead of a legend like Dre, Jay, Weezy, etc.. like all his peers did

          1. Room 222 says:

            I used to think all 50 cent fans were dumb but no I know they’re really dumb.

          2. The Real Room 222 says:

            “Now I know they’re really dumb”

          3. Alleyhaze says:

            I got haters ready to run they mouth….

  9. Antonio Cesaro says:

    hardest part was “WHOOOOOO…KIDDDDDD”

    1. Teresadrobbs says:


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  10. Jorge Hinojosa says:

    These guys are in their late 30s, and Tony Yayo must be 48 now, yet they’re still rapping about shooting and killing people. This is not 2003. Smh.
    No growth whatsoever. No evolution. Redundant. Totally uninspired.

    1. Alleyhaze says:

      Like rap today is any better. Fidget spinner rappers. In Skinny jeans and rainbow hair. Skirrt!. All my friends are dead… LMFAO. I’m just sayin…

  11. Lucky says:

    This shit go in!!!

    1. Ritajdurr says:


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  12. Room 222 says:

    These g unit stanleys have got to be the dumbest fans a rapper can wish for.

    1. pot meet kettle says:

      – guy who named himself after a wack ass fairy tale line in a rick ross song from like 12 years ago that only posts to defend Officer Ricky and correct chapo guzmans grammar and spelling #weirdo #TIATOLDUS

      1. Room 222 says:

        I’m sorry if I offended you, mister.

  13. Alleyhaze says:

    Say what u want but none of these rappers today will be around 10 years from now. Like FIF

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