1. Officer Ricky says:

    Esco’s I mean Elliott Wilson’s pussy real wet right now from all the praise he getting cause of his newly released Jay-z interview.

    1. el jim chapo guzman says:

      bout time

  2. Black Igloo says:

    Hell yeah! das what up Lupe!! not his typical flow but still ill

  3. el jim chapo guzman says:

    garbage!!!! fuck lupe

    1. Jessicajnelson says:

      my neighbor’s mom makes $71 each hour on the laptop. she has been out of work for six months but last month her payment was $20430 only working at home 3 hours per day. ➤check ➤this page

  4. MadShot says:

    Sellout dude. Always changes his flow and gimmicks to match the latest trends. And gives lessons he’ll ignore himself.

    1. Oba Kamau says:

      but he can rap and eye don’t know why no one gives him any credit?

      1. Kathleenjenglert says:


        Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !al199d:
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  5. PREMERE says:

    I’m fearless, now hear this, I’m earless
    And I’m peerless, that means I’m eyeless
    Which means I’m tearless, which means my iris
    Resides where my ears is, which means I’m blinded
    But I’mma find it, I can feel its nearness
    But I’mma veer so I don’t come near
    Like a chicken or a deer, but I remember
    I’m not a listener or a seer so my windshield smear…….

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