Mystikal Indicted On Rape Charge


Mystikal is facing another sexual assault charge. Over the weekend, a warrant was issued for the rapper in connection of an alleged rape of a woman that took place at a Shreveport casino last October. Yesterday, Mystikal surrendered to authorities and plans to plead not guilty. He is being held on a $2 million bond and is facing first degree rape.

Mystikal has a long history with the law. He was released in 2012 after doing 3 months for violating his probation. Prior to that, he did 6 years for sexual battery, extortion, tax offenses and was released in 2010. Watch yourself!

UPDATE: A grand jury today indicted Mystikal with one count each of first-degree rape and second-degree kidnapping. He is being held on a $3 million bond.


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  1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Mystikal should’ve got cleaned up before he turned himself in, that nigga look like a booty bandit.

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  2. Scromes1212 says:

    “It’s gon be a man hunt before I go back to Elayn Hunt!” Mystical
    Sad this brother keep putting himself in these situations smh

  3. Da Truthhh says:

    Bogus charges , false. I’m not a fan of mystical either.

  4. el jim chapo guzman says:

    We used to marry our college sweetheart after graduation Or our high school honey after we finished military service. This is why niggas get indicted on rape charges.

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