1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Album bout to be wack as fuck.

    1. Tec1Nyc says:

      The only comment I agree with your bitch ass.. Eminem should retire

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  2. Scromes1212 says:

    So what happened to Chainz verse? I know he went in cause it was Em. Chainz pick his spots. When he wants to out rap somebody he will go in. He did it with Kanye on Mercy and with Wayne on Yuck. I’m sure the verse will pop up somewhere.

  3. ... says:

    meth casses lillution they cant diffreeances from reallaty

  4. Birdnose boxden says:

    real hip hop fans don’t listen to eminem, they bump cardi b



  6. el jim chapo guzman says:

    This song isn’t made to sound good but to send a message.

    1. Dope says:

      He used to be able to make a good sounding song with a message (White America, Like Toy Soldier and dozens of others).

    2. kirk says:

      Get the fuck out of here! Nobody makes a song that isn’t meant to sound good. This song just sucks!

      1. el jim chapo guzman says:

        Can’t argue

  7. Kevin Banks says:

    what’s going on Eminem, check in with the good Doctor

  8. Yupp says:

    The first part of this song dragged a bit but the last part! There was no need for a chorus so if you’require not feeling this because it’s not catchy, it’s not meant to be. It’s all in the lyrics.
    All love for this.

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