New Video: A Tribe Called Quest “The Space Program”

For Malik

A Tribe Called Quest takes it out of this world in the group’s final video. In the 8 minute short-film, Q-Tip, Jarobi White and Ali Shaheed Muhammad escape today’s racial world in a spaceship as they watch various iconic American History clips. Throughout the clip, you can expect brief cameos from the likes of Consequence, Common, Erykah Badu, Questlove, Black Thought, Pharrell and a lot more. The full video can be viewed at Apple Music.

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  1. el jim chapo guzman says:

    There will never be another Tribe album. I would get used to that statement..

  2. DialTone says:

    Fuck they mean last video…Ahhhhhhhhh come on ATCQ….SALUTE!!!!


    Unquestionably, the most important song on that fye album. alth not my favorite jawn. TRibe Called Quest are the Sidney portier of the Native collection and even dare say of all rap groups all time. It hasn’t always been peachy between the members but my GOD, its been, a — magical ride. Sad to see it end. But what Goes up must comes down but I hear Pac saying, Energy Never Dies! LONG LIVE PHIFE AND THE MARAUDERS I guess I will see U Next LifeTIME! Rest In Power Champ and TIP can u hook a brother up? jk

  4. MassConglom says:

    I love the Tribe but this last album was weak to me, I would have cried if the album was anything like the classic tribe sound but that album sucked. I wish Dilla was here to give them that heat they needed.

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