JasonMartin, DJ Quick Ft. Childish Gambino “More Dollars More Sense 1994”

JasonMartin, formerly known as Problem, and DJ Quik revisit a classic with “More Dollars More Sense 1994” featuring Childish Gambino.

Over a revamped version of Quik’s 1995 “Dolla + Sense“, Martin and Gambino trade witty raps over Quik’s vintage and funky West Coast production.

“More Dollars More Sense 1994” is off the soundtrack to JasonMartin’s film A Compton Story on Tubi. The movie, directed by and starring Martin himself is based on his day to day in Compton. It also stars Snoop Dogg, Mike Epps, Deray Davis, Xzibit and more. The soundtrack drops Friday (Nov. 3).

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