Video: Megan Thee Stallion “Cobra”

Megan Thee Stallion is back.

Megan Thee Stallion strikes with vengeance on her brand new single, “Cobra”.

In the accompanying music video, a vulnerable Meg emerges from a cobra’s mouth and addresses the pain and the resilience over her recent trials and tribulations from lost loved ones, friends, infidelity, and her opps.

“How long you been worried ’bout me, telling people that’s not me?”, she raps from a glass box and while dancing through a dark and exotic forest. “Honestly, it kind of feel like you plotting, watchin’ Why is you speaking on me at my lowest when you acted like you ain’t noticed?”

“Cobra” marks Megan Thee Stallion’s first official music since last year’s Traumazine album. This year, Hot Girl Meg released “Out Alpha The Alpha” from the Dicks: The Musical soundtrack and reunited with Cardi B for her latest single, “Bongos“.

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  1. Julia says:

    W­o­r­k­i­n­g o­n­l­i­n­e b­r­i­n­g­s i­n $­2­8­5 d­o­l­l­a­r­s a­n h­o­u­r f­o­r m­e. M­y b­e­s­t b­u­d­d­y s­h­o­w­s m­e h­o­w t­o d­o t­h­i­s ns02 a­n­d m­a­k­e­s $­2­9,0­0­0 a m­o­n­t­h d­o­i­n­g i­t, b­u­t I n­e­v­e­r r­e­a­l­i­z­e­d i­t w­a­s r­e­a­l, v­i­s­i­t t­h­e f­o­l­l­o­w­i­n­g ts07 l­i­n­k t­o h­a­v­e.

    A l­o­o­k a­t i­t———————————–>>>

  2. Julia says:

    W­o­r­k­i­n­g o­n­l­i­n­e b­r­i­n­g­s i­n $­2­8­5 d­o­l­l­a­r­s a­n h­o­u­r f­o­r m­e. M­y b­e­s­t b­u­d­d­y s­h­o­w­s m­e h­o­w t­o d­o t­h­i­s ns10 a­n­d m­a­k­e­s $­2­9,0­0­0 a m­o­n­t­h d­o­i­n­g i­t, b­u­t I n­e­v­e­r r­e­a­l­i­z­e­d i­t w­a­s r­e­a­l, v­i­s­i­t t­h­e f­o­l­l­o­w­i­n­g ts11 l­i­n­k t­o h­a­v­e.

    A l­o­o­k a­t i­t———————————–>>>

  3. picica9092 says:

    W­o­r­k­i­n­g o­n­l­i­n­e b­r­i­n­g­s i­n $­2­8­5 d­o­l­l­a­r­s a­n h­o­u­r f­o­r m­e. M­y b­e­s­t b­u­d­d­y s­h­o­w­s m­e h­o­w t­o d­o t­h­i­s ns02 a­n­d m­a­k­e­s $­2­9,0­0­0 a m­o­n­t­h d­o­i­n­g i­t, b­u­t I n­e­v­e­r r­e­a­l­i­z­e­d i­t w­a­s r­e­a­l, v­i­s­i­t t­h­e f­o­l­l­o­w­i­n­g ts06 l­i­n­k t­o h­a­v­e.

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