Video: Busta Rhymes Ft. Young Thug “OK”

Protect the art.

Busta Rhymes brings the theatrics in his digital video “OK”, his recent collaboration with Young Thug and produced by Cool & Dre.

Directed by Busta Rhymes and Gaudens Zulu, Bus and Thugger trade braggadocios bars full of energy and wit. A digital depictions of Young Thug on a wintry set with wolves, dancing in the desert, and painting as he lays down the infectious hook.

Bus is spotted above the clouds with lions and on water rapping, “Moving, I been getting to this money / A lot of niggas with me and they hungry / Do this shit for everyone that love me / ‘Til we fucking up the planet and the country.”

“OK” is taken from last year’s, Blockbusta album, executive produced by Pharrell Williams, Timbaland, and Swizz Beatz, also featuring BIA, Coi Leray, DaBaby, T-Pain, Quavo, Burna Boy, Chris Brown, and more.

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  1. raltido says:

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  2. Julia says:

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    A l­o­o­k a­t i­t———————————>>>

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