“You got the power to let power go?” Guess who’s bizack. Good mornian! Shots fired at SNL. Produced by S1 and Mr. West. hhp x kwp Sidebar: Beewirks IDs break. UPDATE: CDQ and art courtesy of George Condo.
Author: YN
They locked his CEO up, but Mr. Graham finally gets a chance to see him manana. Someone’s gonna be smilin’ on Rikers Island. ctv
Get the Eiffel Tower in the back! Looks who’s on his international promo tour. Recovery June 22.
Looks likes Barbie got company. Badu graces the other cover of the June/July issue. Guess it’s ladies first, ladies first. vibe
Ah shit, is it Uncle Bun day? Here’s another dirty heatrock from H-Town with Da Snowman on the help out. Off that Trill OG which I can personally confirm is a big problem. Bun B and Friends show in NY coming soon. illy
Been waiting for this all day. This feels and sounds so right. Gangsta Gibbs and the Trill OG? Shit, it had to happen. Produced by Beatnik and K-Salaam. Take a listen and smoke something, bitch. Str8 Killa No Filla on sked for mid July.
Looks like Curtis doesn’t look as bad as yesterday’s photos appeared. Let’s remember in the movie, he’s supposed to be stricken with cancer so of course make-up is added to make him look at his worst. Two days ago, Fif was with his aunt in South Carolina filmin’ his 50’s Roots special for VH1 where he attempts to trace his family genealogy. Do remember: Tomorrow his Invitation Tour kicks off in Cleveland. That’s right, Boo Boo stays busy. ybf via […]
His mama must be proud. So proud. sfta
It’s headphone hawkin’ time in the NYC. B.Dot’s in the building. See what he do with it. cappa
Now this looks interesting. Support print here, young’n. And don’t forget your music.
"Fabolous is a versatile artist who has carved out a place for himself in the music scene. His career is studded with hits and major collaborations. While musical tastes are subjective, there is no denying his talent, skill, and influence on the hip-hop scene."