
Category: News
Squad Up: Remembering Stack Bundles

It’s been 24 month since Stack Bundles was murdered in the lobby of the Redfern Housing projects in Queens. Commemorating his passing, Karen Civil poured out a lil’ liquor with some of his Stacks’ closest colleagues and father, Raymond Elliott.

“I’ve been avoiding saying anything for interviews, but I’m proud of him. Really, really proud he was born with that gift, that light. All through his life, I knew he could do whatever he wanted to do,” said the elder Elliot. “He was my first born, my baby, a beautiful child who never had any ill will against anyone. I made a commitment to put the best album out I can for him.”


MC Hammer On Mike And Juliet

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This morning, Hip-Hop icon MC Hammer appeared on The Morning Show With Mike and Juliet to promote his new reality series, Hammertime. After the jump, Stanley attempts to show a couple Anglo Saxons how to dance. 

Previously: Diamonds Are Forever: MC Hammer Sold 10 Million In One Year