Rap Radar Podcast: A$AP Rocky & A$AP Ferg

Written By: @BdotTM January 14, 2017 @ 9:26 AM EST

Long Live A$AP

Although it’s been two years since the passing of A$AP Yams, his presence is still felt. A$AP Rocky and A$AP Ferg are ensuring it remains that way with their annual Yams Day concert at Madison Square Garden. In this candid conversation, the Harlem duo speak on Yams’ legacy, new music, fashion, cougars, run-ins with the law and more! Subscribe on iTunes.

photos: thedonlikecheadle

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  1. inquiring minds says:

    is the money from the show actually going to Yams family?

    1. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      I believe so

      1. bk to nj to md says:

        race traitor

  2. Highly entertaining episode. I hope they keep their eyes on the prize. Can they make a classic on the Sly, Coltrane, Prince level?

    1. Lmfao! says:

      Your question is hilarious

  3. el jim chapo guzman says:

    Good interview

    1. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:


  4. DaOne Radio says:

    I was late on this one. A$AP is a true artist. Nice to see you guys leading the hip-hop journalism game with this one.💯

    1. Brian B.Dot™ Miller says:

      Wait until the video drops

      1. DaOne Radio says:

        I will post a clip for fair use on my IG when it does. I used to hate you guys but now that i’m getting more involved on the business side of music I have the upmost respect for what you do. Sorry.

  5. bk to nj to md says:

    fuck all these integrationist…………fuck boy tried to clean it up in the end.

    Wish we can go back to the 80s with winnie mandela, when she was putting tires around race traitors neck and setting them on fire.

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  6. 3rd Coast Playaz says:

    Its 2017 where’s the video dawg?

  7. Taylor Diamond says:

    this is the way yall compete with drink champs … with the YOUTH and with guest that are hot NOW….Hes killin yall rn tbh

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