Rap Radar Podcast: YoungBoy Never Broke Again

Written By: @ February 16, 2023 @ 8:54 AM EST

Photos: Kenya Frank

In person, YoungBoy Never Broke Again is a man of a few words. On wax however, the Baton Rouge native pulls no punches. And after dropping eight albums last year, YoungBoy set the returned this January with, I Rest My Case. From his snowy home in Utah, YoungBoy gives a rare conversation about life in the Beehive State, music, family, imaginary players and much more.

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  1. wacef says:

    I’m glad she acknowledged the monstrous premise of this otherwise good comedy. A couple breaks up, so they decide to divide up their infant twins — so each girl will never see the other parent, her sister, or any of her other relatives again? Or even know she has a sister? Just as in the original version of this movie, the real villains are clearly both parents……… —>>>—>>> GOOGLE WORK

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  3. julia robtert says:

    I’m glad she acknowledged the monstrous premise of this otherwise good comedy. A couple breaks up, so they decide to divide up their infant twins — so each girl will never see the other parent, her sister, or any of her other relatives again? Or even know she has a sister? Just as in the original version of this movie, the real villains are clearly both parents……… —>>>—>>> facebook work

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